~Therapy with Lija~

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Hi, my name is Lija, I used to be a moving statue. Now I'm just a statue.

The mist thought that the entity is gone, but part of it is still inside me. I can still see what's infront of me and hear stuff, and it would've driven me insane if I hear nothing all day. But luckily, killers had been talking to me.

Not that they're aware about how I still have a mind, they vent their problem to me.  But they do come for like therapy, they just drop by randomly.

Some people never come to me for 'help'. Alexis never do, Aiden don't remember any life before this, Alexei think he's too godly for help. And Jules never come to me for help before ever, but she was there in front of me now, looking...annoyed? Sad? I'm not sure. Whatever, first client of the day, let's do this.

"Hey there ex-Lija," She said, forcing herself to smile a bit. I would say hi back but I can't move.

"So my life is going better than your." I'm sure it is, you can still move.

"But you won't believe what happened today!" What happened now hon?

She threw her arm up in frustration. "ALL OF THE SURVIVORS WERE STUNNERS AND THEY RUINED MY DRESS." She hugged her huge gigantic dress. That sounded like a you problem.

"AND ONE OF THEM HAD FIRE ON THEIR SIDE!" Wooowie wooow... tell me more.

"AND THEN... and then..." She broke down crying. What now big ego.

"I TIED WITH THEM!" She started wailing. That's actually a good thing if you ask me, but i stayed quiet.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT," She sobbed and sat down, hugging her knees. I think the venting session should end now, it's brighter out and less mistier, which is the schedule time for Ye-Jun's booked appointment.

"WELL AT LEAST I'M STILL BETTER THAN YOU," Jules yell, running away. If it make her feel better, why not. Then I can hear Ye-Jun's theme song as he approach me. It dawns to me now how a lot of killers got serious main character syndrome.


He came to my face, his theme music faded away, now reduced to a background sound. Why must this be my life now?

"So I was so close to getting Dae to be mine," He grinned. Shut up. Please.

He went on a long long ramble about whatever that happened, I wasn't really listening.

"Thanks Lija, you're a great listener. Everyone who I talked to told me to 'shut up' or they say 'kys'. I don't know what that mean," he shrugged and walked away, as his closing theme song started.

And then, I saw Wren walking up to me, thankfully, he didn't have a theme song, or at least didn't play it.

"I miss my kids," he whispered. I don't think he was talking to me. But then then he turned to look at my face.

"I saw Tabitha's name on the Unforgotten's office this one time... Is she coming here too?" Man. I don't even know how to respond, if I could. Yes dear, your dead wife is coming but only as a zombie. She's probably gonna be a survivor and will be killed by you a lot. Congrats dear.

Wren shook his head. "A respond would be nice," I heard him mumbled. What did bro expect? He walked away from me. I hope that's was the last one. But then the worst of them all came...

Cole Volkov.


"So erm... do you think Eiji like me anymore," PROBABLY NOT. GET ME AWAY FROM THE FURRY.

"Yeah... I saw him in a round a couple of days ago, he didn't look too happy,"


"I guess it has something to do with me killing the Wolfe's dad..."


"I mean the trapper guy was pretty pissed at me. I vividly remember the first round I was here..."

okay I'll be honest. The first time that the furry came to me, I felt sorry for him. But you can only listen to the same story for so many time. Like I know that as a therapist in a one sided therapy session, I'm suppose to listen to these stuff, but fuck this.

"I don't think the girl really likes me either. I mean I can't blame her, I killed her dad after all..."

He's gonna talk about his parents next, I just know it.

He started to sob. Oh god. "I mean I took a father's life, and then I sometime think about it, it connect to my parents just never really there for me you know?" No actually I don't. Statues don't have parents.

Cole started to howl an cries. God help me. I can't do this anymore. If I listen to the sound of the furry one more time I might hang my conscious self.

Just then, Mahali appeared, as if 'god' answered to me.

"Cole... wtf," she said. She was in the sky, starting to lower herself onto the ground. Her wings are beautiful.


"Stop crying, you make my ears bleed. Look at the loser statue, even she is cracking from the noice of you," shegestured toward me.

It was true, I now developed a bunch of cracks.


Just then, something happened. The noise was so bad that my statue self cracked so much,it fall down to a million pieces.

Cole stopped and Mahali gasped. They both stared at the pile of what used to be me.

Guys, my name is Lija and I used to be a statue. Now, I'm just Lija.



Hey guys, it had been some time since I last updated, I apologized for that. I don't really feel like keeping up with the main story line rn so I made this.

Sorry (sorry for apologizing to much. Omg I think I'm too Canadian) if y'all are waiting for the next story chapter, it might not happens anytime soon. Or maybe it will who knows. Motivation where are you at?

So have a great day y'all


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