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Dakota Nicole was always branded as the 'dumb blonde'. It bothers her a lot, so she tries to change and studies more with the help of her friends, Riley and Mamo.

But then a bus accident 'killed' Mamo, she was devastated. To clear her mind, she took her car and drove around at night. Mist started to thicken up around her, she couldn't see in front of her anymore. Dakota stepped out of the car with pepper spray, feeling unsafe.

She saw a headlight coming at her, and before she even reacted to it, it came right at her. But she never felt anything, the mist fully formed around her right then and took her away.


"Alright so Jules, you're going up next," The Unforgotten told Jules. Ever since the cloud of sadness came, the voting system usually went by the Unforgotten's choices, and they got favorites. Most of the killers were just hanging out in the Lobby.

"Ooooh.. I'm gonna nail this," Jules exclaimed, "I'm clearly the best killer here."

Everyone in the room looked at her big ego in silence.

"Sure you are," Taliyah said softly, chuckling. She was sharpening her knives.

Jules frowned at that comment but decided to brush it off. She is the best one here, no matter what anyone else says.

"Alright then Jules," The Unforgotten said mischievously, "Why don't you prove it to us?" She stepped closer to Jules.

"Oh yeah?" Jules said, crossing her arm, "What's the challenge?"

"All stunners and loopers." Everyone gasped. The most annoying survivors will probably be in the next round.

"HAH!" Jules responded with a laugh, "No genrushers? That would be just too easy! I'll win once the timer goes off and they won't finish the generators. Maybe even sooner!"

"Wanna bet on that!?" Kiara phased out of the ground. Everyone agreed and picked their sides, it ended up with half thinking she can't and half thinking that she can.

The Unforgotten shook her head, "I'll be careful of the new survivor if I was you, the Mist said she got a flamethrower."


Due to the special circumstances, the list of survivors changed at the last minute, right before the game started, leaving some of them unprepared. Mamo, Eiji, Kyle, Gavin, Elijah, Saadiya and Sera were picked, along with Dakota.

They spawned in Wastewater Treatment sewers in different areas. The first thing that they all noticed is how they lack in the repairing department (except for Gavin with 7 smarts.) and literally anything else other than looping.

Dakota landed right in the sewer water and quickly jumped out of it in disgust. "EW!" She had been given a speech about the whole idea of the game by Serena, but if Dakota was being honest, it felt like words were just pouring out of her mouth and she understood nothing. Beside here was Kyle and Sera, who also just got here.

"Woah... another killer game?" Sera asked. She looked around, then showed a disappointed reaction. "No killer here? Boring..."

"Oh hey... I don't recognize any of you, you new?" Kyle chimed in.

Sera gasped dramatically like she was offended, "I've been here for like a week!"

Kyle scratches his head, trying to recall her. "Uuuh...No... I've been in trials most of the time, barely staying in the Lobby for long. I don't think I've ever seen you in a game."

"Hah, no actually. This is my first game," Sera said, "Well, I'm Serena, but you can call me Sera."

"That'll clear up any confusion," Kyle said, nodding, "My sister is also Serena. I'm Kyle. And you are?" He turned to Dakota.

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