Down with the Ship

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Before we start, i just want to remind yall that Seanna never got a story of how she died, so I made the whole thing up


Seanna enjoyed sailing, but that is one thing she can't do here. There is a lake, it was deep yes, but not big enough for her to fit a boat in it. Besides, where is she gonna get a boat? She had looked over to the killer's side of the lobby. Their lake was much bigger, maybe because the mist favored them more. Whatever, she wasn't stupid enough to go to the other side just to do her hobby.

But she is a pirate, and pirates will do anything to get treasures, and right now, just sailing is a great treasure.


Finley enjoyed swimming, but he can't do that much. His pollution curse would infect the water. But outside the water, it was dry and the air was so... not water. So his solution? He built a raft with the help of Aiden. Being in the middle of the lake would give him the more moist air without polluting the water.

It was relaxing, but at the same time, it was frustrating. Being so close to the water and not touching it for its own good. This is all their fault, the humans. Like the Marine Biologist and the Pirate, those people who sailed the sea as if they owned it. Finley did enjoy killing them, but they kept coming back. If only he could end them once and for all.


"Alright Rauhm, ye know the plan," Seanna whispered to Rauhm, "We need to go to the other side. Lucky them killer with their weapons. They have a small boat! Good enough to satisfy a pirate! Ye just need to keep your trap shut"

What more could satisfy a restless pirate than going out for sailing. It would burn to cross the border, but Seanna was tortured before, she couldn't remember it, but her ship was on fire. Before they captured her, she was burning up in her ship.

Besides, the Stalker had once said, "It's amazing what someone would do to achieve what they want." And what Seanna really wants, was to go sailing again.

The first thing she noticed when she pulled to the other side, is that it is much gloomier. Unlike the survivor's side, where the sky would be a bit lighter in 'mornings' and darker at 'nights'. Here, it seems like 24/7 darkness and gloom. The mist is thicker here too, but you could still see stuff.

Seanna could see the raft. She can't wait to be on the water again.


Lyndon Davenport was just like any pirate captain of any ship. As small as his crew was, they were feared by many. And they matter a lot to him.

But when those who fought for 'justice' came and killed off most of his crew, Lyndon wasn't able to save them. Someone had shot him in one of the raids, he jumped overboard. He won't die now.

In the water, he could feel the mist warm embrace circling him, taking him away from it all.


Seanna was just standing by the lake, pulling the raft in the water. This is exciting. She got on the raft and it began to drift into the middle of the lake. The water is a bit murky and dark, she had no idea how deep this thing is.

Rauhm was flying in circles around the ship, making noises. Seanna hopes that he doesn't attract any killer. Around her, there was no one. All the killers were on the other side of the building, Seanna could hear the Idol singing. Huh, the song sounds kinda like the one Dae-Jung sang. Modern songs are confusing sometimes.

But after a while, she could feel the water movie. As if there is a wave or some ripples. She looked down at the water, unable to see anything. But she was sure that something or someone was swimming in it. Maybe a big fish?

A fish isn't going to stop her, she won't ever surrender to a sea creature. That is the rule of the ocean, never surrender.


Finley was enjoying his little time in the water. It was rare for him to stop dripping oil, so when it happens, he would actually go under the lake. The lake in the killer's side is much deeper than the clear water on the survivor's side. Right at the bottom, is a small replica of the fish village that Finley once lived in (he made it himself).

But at the bottom of the lake, he could see a little shadow casting down, despite the lack of sunshine. He looked up and saw his raft, drifting into the lake. Maybe Kiara or Taliyah were messing around with it. Still he decided to check on it. Finley didn't want to make another one. Even though the killers have sharp items to cut some branches for it, it was hard work.

He got up to the surface, peeking up, only his eyes out of the water. He looked at the person on his raft. Now just wait a minute..That's not a killer. THAT'S A SURVIVOR!

And even worse, that's the Pirate. The one who dwells the sea and has wars on it, polluting it. The one that had made all this happen to him. He could kill her now, he should kill her now. But does he really want to repeat Taliyah's mistake? Who is he kidding, he will kill her now.

Not wanting to destroy the raft that he and Aiden had worked really hard on, he decided that he would get close and pull her in the water and drown her. What's the worst that could happen? She's invading their territory, they can't punish him for killing her here. Besides, if they don't let him kill for a month, it's fine. Not like he ever gets picked anyway.

Finley would have gotten the Pirate if not for her loud parrot pet. The Parrot started to squawk his head off, alerting the Pirate. She turned and saw his head poking out of the water and panicked. She tried to use her hand to paddle the raft away. He's not gonna let her go.


Seanna heard Rauhm squawking and she saw the Polluted. This isn't good. She doesn't want to die in a lobby, what would happen then? Would the mist still revive her? Paddling with her hand isn't really good, she hasn't got far.

The Polluted was catching up with her. He grabbed her leg and pulled her away from the raft, down into the murky water. She couldn't see much but she kicked him, trying to float above for air. She reached the surface and took a deep breath before being pulled back down.

The Polluted got her down deeper than before, Seanna struggled and try to get out from his grasp, but he was too strong.

Her vision began to turn blurry. She swallowed some water, losing a bunch of air. It's burning, her whole body is burning. She stopped fighting from the Polluted. He let her go, and she weakly tried to swim to the top. It was too deep, and soon, she couldn't move.

Her body slowly sank down to the bottom.


She could see the blurry figure of the killer fish swimming up, with a trail of crude oil spilling behind him.


Now the mist is wrapping around her, pulling her away once again. She closed her eyes for whatever comes next.


Lyndon arrived at the lobby of the survivor's building. It was strange to him, the architecture isn't like what he is used to. He was greeted by Cora, who looked worried.

"You're not supposed to be here yet..." She said.

"I know you from somewhere?" Cora mumbled, "But where?" Rauhm flew into the room and landed on Lyndon's shoulder.

"Rauhm! Yer here too!" Lyndon exclaimed, "What do ye mean, I'm not suppos' to be here yet?"

"Oh you usually go somewhere first," Cora said, "But this happened before with Mamo. Something is going on."



yea ik that it's a bad story in general, and stupid. i ran out of ideas and I do feel like finley would be the one to end her.

well remember kids, next time you feel like doing something dumb, dont.


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