Last Performance

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Chaoxing Lai was looked down upon by everyone, but she proved them all wrong. Her parents didn't believe that she could be a pop star in China. Yet XingXing became a great musician.

Hate comments on her was a big thing too however. Bad stuff to say about her because of the color of her skin. It was hard to deal with it all.

But then she met Nami Deng who was in a similar situation. Not the same, but similar. They became friends and did collabs together. But it couldn't last. People tried to split them apart, and after a mistake, they went different ways.

It was her dream to become a popstar, so why isn't she enjoying it? She thought about all that as the mist raced behind her, capturing her.


Valerie felt weaker and worse each day without understanding why. It's almost as if the mist has plans for her to go.

"Val, are you sure you're fine?" Yara asked, concerned. She pressed her hand on top of the pop star's forehead. "It's not a cold."

"I don't know anymore..." She replied, getting out of bed, "I'll go on a walk, maybe that'll make me feel better." Yara nodded as Valerie went to the doorway. The air outside was as moist as ever.

She wandered around and ended up at the outdoor stage. They still have that. Valerie stepped on it, making the floorboard creaks. She used to perform up here many times. It made her feel better about herself.

She wonders how the world is doing right now. Maybe there's a new pop star, being great, just like she once was. The thing about the world is that no matter how great you are, how much everyone loves you, as soon as you disappear, they won't need you anymore. If you're not popular enough, they'll forget you eventually.

Like take a famous person in the past, say, Albert Einstein. Everyone knows who he was, we still remember him, but we could go on with our life without him in it. Those people who say 'they can't live without Taylor Swift', that's a lie, they'll get over her eventually. Someone will rise and take her place. So they won't need Valerie anymore. They probably found her replacement by now and gave up on searching for her.

She fell on her knee, this overwhelming feeling of sickness. She looked up and saw someone else. A girl who looked just like a pop star. Chaoxing rushed over to help Valerie up.

"Oh my gosh, are you alright?" She asked. Valerie stares at her as the mist thickens around them.

The only thing worse than dying is seeing your replacement right before you do.



wow i got into some deep shit.

yea so i understand that this chapter is a shorter. i plan on making the replacing chapter for new db2 characters short just because.



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