Return to Sender - The Janitor

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Eman Attia was different from the others at school. She prefers to be alone and usually only talks to her friend group, Aaquil, Callum and Yronica. But Yronica changed, she became meaner and more obnoxious. Callum has friends in his football team. Aaquil had his friend Taylor. Sometimes, Eman just has no one to talk to.

But one afternoon detention with her group of friends, it could change everything. They heard an eerie laughter and a scream. Callum went out to investigate, but quickly turned back. They could see their principal smiling almost unnaturally.

So Eman ran away, down the hallway, she saw their janitor, Mr.Talbot, dead on the ground. She screamed and ran away from it, but closer to the mist.


Callum Gallagher had a perfectly good life. A great girlfriend, great friends, and awesome grades. But one detention night could ruin all that.

He saw the principal running at them madly. Quickly closing the door but he failed. Mr.Ross got in anyway. Everyone ran away.

Callum took a different turn from the others, but the mist took the whole school anyway.


Aiden Talbot was a janitor of Lakeview high. He wasn't too happy with his job. Students were always leaving mess behind and disrespecting him. But sometimes, kids show kindness toward him, that sparks some happiness in him. Still, he hates the school.

One late night, while cleaning the hall of this sad pathetic school, something happened. The principal, Mr.Ross, was running down the hall and bumped into him. He looked at the janitor and smiled, pushing him down the stairs. He landed on his head, hard, and died. He should've just died, that would be easy. But the mist had other plans.



6 other survivors had already been sent in the game, and the rest were trying to help her and Aaquil settle in. Iris showed them their rooms that had just spawned, which is a small place with a small single bed, a nightstand, a table and chair. There is actually not much space. And it's also dusty and dirty.

"Why is it so small?" Yronica demanded, "I saw some bigger rooms on the way here!"

"Geez for the middle child, you sure want a lot," Iris rolled her eyes, "Those rooms are shared between siblings."

"I'm always overlooked by other as the middle kid... So I try to stand out more," Yronica said quietly. Deep down, she could feel that there are better ways to stand out more. But once you fall down a hole, it's hard to get up.

Iris left her and took Aaquil to his room. Yronica sighed and she cleaned up the room. Can't wait to get out of this dump.


Jun, Serena, Adriana, Seanna, Elijah and Gabbie were picked for this round. They got to the same map, the high school. They are at the courtyard where Eman and Callum just woke up.

"Ugh where are we?" Callum asked, rubbing his head. He looked around, surprised to see that he hadn't gone far.

"We're still here?" Eman said, confused, "Who are you guys?" She looked at the survivors, "Wait where is Aaquil and Yronica? Mr.Ross?

Callum looked around frantically, "Where's Aaquil?"

"Shouldn't you be more worried about your girlfriend?" Adriana asked, "Nice to see you too."

"Adriana? You were fine last I checked," Eman said. Her and Callum got closer to the others. Adriana smiled.

"Well you were asleep for a very long time.. Not aging..." Adriana explained, "I woke up right away after the mist took me. I hope." She laughed nervously, "Well...Welcome to the mist...Here's everything you need to know about it..." The other survivors started to leave to get an early start on the gens, leaving her and the 2 new arrivals behind.

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