Through the Rift

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Kelvin Mars was always living the life that his parents wanted him to have, never be his true self. He didn't want to be a criminal, but before he knew it, he was on the street, stealing and stuff.
  But then he met Sanjana, and they became good friends. They get caught, join some agency that is studying something called the 'mist'.
  They were trying to create a rift, make some sort of portal between the real world and this misty realm. They tried to keep it open, maybe they can help the people out there.
  One late night, Kelvin went to check on the portal, it was acting up. He got too close and the mist poured from the Rift. He tried to call for help but it was too late,the mist pulled him through the portal and into the realm.
  Sanjana Dewan was burned in the life of poverty, it wasn't long before she had to turn to do some illegal things to keep going. She hated to do that but she had no choice.
  Until she met Kelvin, different from her but they became good friends. They joined an agency after being caught and study the 'mist'. They learned that the Valerie Chang case was tied to that. The famous popstar along with 2 other people luckily escaped the mist and alerted the world. Of course it wasn't easy for the rest of the victims to escape, that's why this agency exists.
  So they opened a rift and things were going well. That was until the mist claimed its latest victim, Kelvin. Sanjana knew she had to go and help him. So without thinking twice, she walked through the portal, being one of the few that went to the mist by choice.
  Alexei was quiet and quite anti-social. He prefers to observe things rather than being part of them. As he grew older, he took an interest in the mist case. It was being investigated by some top secret agency. So he did some web surfing on the dark side and found information. He was determined to solve this on his own before the agency did.
  Someone noticed this and sent him a message to stop. He wasn't mad, he was happy that someone noticed him, but then, he wanted more attention. He didn't want to just watch and observe in the shadows, he wanted to be noticed.
  It was supposed to be a controlled explosion, but hundreds of people died. Well now they all noticed him.
  But it wasn't long after that, the mist decided that Alexei would be a great killer for its realm.
  Things had gone sideways for the killers. Something was different and they could feel it.
  First, some random dark misty ghost that was more ghost than Kiara appeared and started to boss them around. The Unforgotten claimed that the mist had ordered her to do so. None of the killers liked her much.
  Then, Jules shows up, another attention seeker. Nothing was too bad about her despite her being on the killer side. But some of the other killers found it strange that Jules and the Unforgotten both show up without 2 additional survivors.
  And last of all, Lija just turned back into the marble statue she once was with the silly entity inside of her gone. And then Mahali showed up with a similar set of perks and abilities. That got the killers to question if being replaced was going to happen to them too.
  The survivors had been replaced 4 times before, and they don't remember it. The same could happen to the killers without them noticing...
  Kelvin and Sanjana arrived at the survivor's side of the forest at the same time, despite them being taken at different times. They spawned in the middle of the big cabin.
  "Sanjana? What are you doing here?" Kevin asked, surprised to see his friend, "The mist took you too?"
  "No you idiot, I'm here to save you," She said coldly, "Now, where do you think the rift would be?" They looked around, it's definitely not in the big cabin.
  Kelvin sighed, "I don't think the rift had made it to this side, the mist's victims would've escaped by now."
  "Well you guys seem to know a lot for just some new arrivals," A voice called from the entrance of the building.
  Kelvin and Sanjana spun their heads and saw Arlo standing in the doorway. He looked surprised about how they knew about the mist.
  "We're here to help everyone out," Sanjana told him.
  Arlo laughed, "Hah, good luck with that. How do you even know about this?"
  "In the real world, it had been years since the first person had been taken. Valerie Chang, Gabbie Zorro, and Nadiya survived the mist and somehow got out. They told us about this. So the people started an organization, we're close to getting you guys out. We made a rift," Sanjana explained in a serious tone.
  "Ooh! That rift!" Arlo said, remembering the events that happened some times ago. "Yeah I remembered some explosions. We saw an opening, but it kept on flashing on and off. I can show it to you, it's right between the borderline so no one can actually get through it."
  Maybe that was part of the reason why no one came through.
  "Anyway, who are you?" Arlo asked, "I'm Arlo, been here for... quite a while."
  "I'm Kelvin, and she's Sanjana," Kelvin told him, "I was pulled in by the mist when checking on the mist, not sure what happened to her."
  "I came here to save your butt idiot," Sanjana snapped, "are we going to the Rift or not?"
  Suddenly, 8 random people spawned in the room. They looked at each other a bit, then walked out of the cabin, chatting as if it's a normal occurrence.
  Arlo sighed, "maybe after the next trial round. You guys just came here which means you 2 are surely going to be on the list. Let's see who else is with you."
  They went to the magical board, where the map and the survivor names had been listed with a 1 minute countdown at the bottom.
  The other survivors for this round are: Nami, Chaoxing, Becca, Amari, Jack, and Sarah.
  They didn't know who the killer was, they never did.
  The mist started to thicken around Sanjana and Kelvin as the timer went down.
  "Alright so just use your walkie talkie to communicate with the others. Ask anyone for help, they should guide you through," Arlo explained quickly, "And try to stay away from the killer, they can and will kill you. You will come back, but it's not a pleasant experience."
  The mist was fully thick, they could barely see in front of them. They got transported away to Cliffmack Beach.
  Kelvin and Sanjana spawned at the same place, right on the beach. They looked around and saw the 6 other survivors, going to yellow machines and starting to fix them. But one of them came up to them to help.
  "Hey! I'm Chaoxing!" She said. She was holding a sparkly mic. Her whole outfit is sparkly. It definitely would expose them to the killer due to how bright it is. "You must be new here. Me too. Well not really, I've been to a few rounds. But new compared to some people."
  "Yeah your case was a big unsolved case," Sanjana notes, "I'm Sanjana, and he's Kelvin. We just got here a few moments ago. What's the objective of each 'round'?"
  "Do generators, 8 of them. They power up the exit gates so we can leave. Also, avoid the killer, they can kill you! You get 2 life, the first time the killer down you, you lose one of them. Someone would have to rescue you then. If they hit you a second time, you die and float around as a ghost. Your body and mind don't return to the lobby until the whole round is finished, regardless of the winner."
  "That doesn't sound too bad,1 killer, 8 of us," Kelvin said.
  "Hah! That's what I thought too," Chaoxing laughed a bit, " come let's do the safest gen in this map."
  She led them up the stair and up on the rooftop, where a yellow machine was there, buzzing softly.
  "It's safest because the killer spawn here, and they usually don't come back up here unless they find no survivor on the ground," Chaoxing explained.
  She quickly taught them to fix the gen, basically pull on some wirings.
  "Oh and you all have a perk,use them to help with the game."
  You have been detected
  The message appeared on all of their communication machines as they vibrated.
  "Should we be worried?" Kelvin asked.
  "Nah, no one here is undetectable beside Jack, Sarah and Nami. There are more people on the ground." Words keep coming out of her mouth, and neither Sanjana or Kelvin really understand it. They probably will in the future.
  "So! What does that gun of yours do?"
  Alexei killed hundreds of people before, 8 of them shouldn't be too hard. Of course he's limited to resources and knowledge, but he quickly found the Final Girl.
  "AAH WHO ARE YOU?" she screamed at the sight of him and ran away. She might become her first stack.
  Alexei didn't respond, but chased her anyway with his electric stick.
  They got into a loop, but Alexei didn't waste too much time in it, after observing her for a while, he found her pattern and blocked her off, downed her.
  "How did you..."
  "I prefer to observe the situation," he said as he went to the generator she was working on and kicked it. Then he put a little surveillance camera on it. It's also a chip to slow down the thing.
  Then he detected some more survivors and went off to find them.
  "Horray we finished this gen!" Chaoxing said.
  We should leave her, she's too loud, her breathing and everything. Sanjana thought.
  "I'll go rescue that girl who just got downed," She said as she jumped off the roof and landed on her feet. The skill she had learned while on the street.
  She ran toward the parking lot where Becca was downed and helped her up. She was bruised badly, but with magic or something, she got up and walked normally again.
  "Where's everyone?" Sanjana asked sternly.
  Sanjana saw everyone's auras around the map.
  Perk discovered - Quiet Steps
  Becca slowly walked away from Sanjana, scared of her... behavior.
  Sanjana read over her perk and saw that it also included total silence.
  "Great," she said to herself. Then she went to a generator and worked on it, her mind went floating off to thoughts about the Rift.
  7 more generators to go.
  Amari was being annoying as usual. He's a master looper with no actual pattern to his loop, he just hoped that the Watcher would quit and leave him. The other killers usually do.
  But the Watcher was determined to get this annoying rat, and just as he was about to slap him with the electric stick, he did a trick that Alexei had never seen before. He turned invisible and who knows what else.
  "How do I keep watch on someone when there's nothing to watch?" He asked himself and decided to get Amari later.
  He had put surveillance chips on most of the generators, and he could easily access them. He's cool like that.
  The Watcher found Jack in his natural habitat, crawling on all fours. Survivors are such strange things, maybe he was here for too long, his mind is gone.
  After watching him crawl to the flower shop, the Watcher decided to attack, how hard can getting a crawler be?
  He went toward and Jack yelped, crawling away at a high speed. This realm is a joke.
  But crawling made it hard for him to vault so he got downed anyway.
  "Waah why?" Jack yelled as the watcher installed a chip in the gen at the flower shop.
  "Because it's fun. Why do you crawl?" He asked before he went out and ran into the popstar.
  "EEEEK!" she screamed into her mic, making him stumbled back due to the loud soundwaves. Chaoxing ran away super fast thanks to her mic power.
  Alexei caught up with her and downed her too, because she's not a great looper.
  He's feeling like he's on a great killing spree, but then he felt something sticking on to his back.
  Perk discovered - sonar dart.
  Turning around and he saw Kelvin with his sonar dart gun aimed at him. He took one look at the watcher and ran away.
  The watcher got him easily too, because new survivors don't know how to loop. The day is going great for Alexei.
  Sanjana was worried and mad at the notification of Kelvin being downed. Not only were they behind on gens, but a bunch of people, including her idiot friend, are downed and dying.
  "Wow. Look at you. Is it nice on the ground?" Sanjana said sarcastically as she helped Kelvin up.
  "I think it's wonderful here, thank you," he replied sarcastically, "ow. Thanks though."
  "Don't be an idiot," Sanjana told him before she went off to help Jack.
  Kelvin went to help Chaoxing up.
  "Heh, you guys seem like good friends," she said playfully, "I hope your friendship doesn't get ruined. Those things are precious here...."
  A girl was walking up to them but then stopped.
  "Oh you already got her. Great I came here for nothing," the rockstar said, " come on, we're already waay behind in the generators. 1 hour 30 minutes left, but this killer is really good."
  They awkwardly went to the generator at the small construction site and silently worked on it.
  "So you've been here for quite a while?" Kelvin asked Nami to break the silence.
  "Not really, a few days before Chaoxing did," Nami replied, "the first day was so weird. I got dragged to a game soon after I came. And two of the survivors in that round can only speak telepathically."
  "Work on generators guys!" Someone said in the walkie talkie.
  "My first round, a parrot wouldn't shut up and expose our location to the killer," Chaoxing told them.
  They finished the generator, 6 more to go.
  The timing was just right, the Watcher appeared. By the brick wall and went at them. The 3 survivors climbed on the wall and vault out, scattering away. Of course he has to go for the newbie.
  Kelvin shot him with the sonar dart hoping to slow him down but the killers got thick skin and armor so it didn't do much.
  They went around the block as another generator was finished. Kelvin could keep the Watcher distracted, but he was starting to get tired. Slowing down was necessary.
  "Hey ugly, over here!" Amari called from down the block. The watcher really wanted Amari out so he left and went for him.
  Amari pulled another annoying vanishing trick and turned invisible as he vaulted, the Watcher gave up at this point on trying to get him. He found Becca close by, and decided to get her.
  Becca's stacks should be helping with the gen, but she's one of the only ones working on them.
  "Aaah! You again?" She exclaimed when she saw the killer coming and failed the skillcheck. She couldn't do the generator anymore, so might as well run away.
  Too late, he killed her with another hit of his stick.
  This round will be his.
  With 1 hour left on the clock, 6 generators to do and a killer that seems really experienced in killing, they don't have a good chance of winning.
  Chaoxing had died. Sanjana was down when she was with her. She hates the game already. Hate how she was dragged into all this.
  "Well well well, look who's downed," Kelvin said as he walked over. He even slowly clapped jokingly.
  "Hurry up and help me idiot," Sanjana snapped, "we're gonna die here!"
  "Sorry mom," Kelvin rolled his eyes as he helped her.
  "2 of us are already dead, none of us are good with generators, so we are losing the game. I don't think pizza boy care that much."
  "Come on then, let's work on some generator," Kelvin said. They went to the flower shop, but it was genlocked. It has a lock symbol on top of it.
  "Huh strange, what's this mean?" Kelvin said as he poked it, it electrocuted him. "OW!"
  Sanjana reached for her walkie talkie and called for help.
  "Hey, what does the locking symbol mean?" She asked, hoping for someone to respond.
  "Amazing question," Jack's annoying voice came.
  "Wanna answer that?"
  "Hey, new killer, new powers and abilities. Never have this problem before"
  "Well that's no help, I don't think we can fix this one," Kelvin sighed, "let's get another one then."
  You have been detected
  The killer ran into them as they left the shop. Uh oh...
  It was a chase, but neither of them were used to this. After a few vaults, Kelvin got tired and turned back to shoot another dart at him.
  " COME ON KELVIN,THAT DART DON'T SLOW HIM DOWN!" Sanjana screamed at him while she was ahead.
  "I PRETEND IT DOES, IT MAKES ME FEEL BETTER!" Kelvin screamed back.
  It wasn't long before he died.
  "Pathetic..." The watcher said.
  "KELVIN YOU IDIOT!" Sanjana yelled and ran away farther, because the killer was still close by. She ran in a locker and activated her quiet steps.
  The Watcher passed by the locker without hearing her.
  Sanjana knew that Kelvin would come back eventually. They all will come back in about 45 minutes or earlier when the game is over. But she doesn't want to die either. The first hit down was painful enough.
  "Ugh I hate doing gens," Jack mumbled to himself when he failed a skillcheck, locking himself out of that generator. "Ggggreat!"
  He crawled away to a different one. 5 more generators are a lot to do between him, Amari, Sanjana, Nami and Sarah.
  He found Sarah on a gen by the beach, tried to join her but she didn't like that.
  "Get away," she hissed, "he hasn't found me all round, I don't plan on that to happen at all."
  You have been detected. Both of them got the notification.
  "Ugh okay fiiiine," Jack groaned and decided to go find the killer instead, because chases are fun, even though he dies most of the time.
  Nami is downed
  With the help of seeing downed survivors' blue aura, he can. Tell where the killer is close to.
  Quickly, he ran to the parking lot and ignored Nami.
  "Hey a little help?" Nami wheezed on the ground.
  "Oh um.. sure," he said hesitantly and helped her up.
  Finally, Jack saw the killer in the distance, and he saw him too. They ran toward each other, then Jack turned back and ran away at the last second and started to loop.
  The Watcher decided that a delivery crawler boy was not going to be the one to out run him, so he put an end to that quickly.
  "What a fool," he said at Jack's body on the ground.
  30 more minutes to go.
  The new girl didn't know about Sarah's deal, and that annoyed her. Sanjana went up to her to help out at the beach, getting her detected again.
  "Ugh can you not?" Sarah snapped, "4 more gens, and I would rather I finished one of them. Alone."
  "Huh. You seem more realistic about this than that pop star," Sanjana noted.
  "Yeah yeah, get away," Sarah shooed her away. But too late, in the corner of her eye, she can see the Watcher running up to them.
  I really wish the Rift worked in the first place so we wouldn't be here, Sanjana thought as she ran off.
  Sarah looped around at the beach place, and it was great until the Watcher switched direction.
  Pow. Downed Sarah. Luckily, Sanjana got away silently. When it was safe, she went out to help Sarah.
  "Still need help?" She asked.
  The genlocks are too good and it's everywhere, they now only need to do 3 more generators, but can they do it in time? All of the remaining survivors were downed once by now, even Amari, one more mistake and they will have a shortage of them.
  The Watcher enjoyed this. Here in this world, he isn't in the shadow just observing, he's also feared by others. This was way better than the real world.
  With about 10 minutes left, it's hard to find survivors, but he wasn't too mad about that, he killed half of them already.
  But 2 of them are undetectable, and the other 2 are a bit annoying to chase.
  He found Amari by the parking lot and chased him for a long time. Amari really distracted him, because the 1 minute countdown started, the game was ending soon. He must kill another survivor before it happens.
  30 seconds...
  Amari vaulted and went invisible, but reappear in a distance, not too far away
  10 seconds...
  Might as well give up.
  It's a tie. Everyone got teleported back to their lobby, and came back to life. What a game. The new killer is to be feared, that's for sure.

Sorry it had been so long since I last posted, I was working on something else..
What's everyone's opinion on watcher? Because I swear all watcher mains are pros and scary good.

~ selenur

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