The Mist Awakening

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Seoung Kwan made the worst mistake of her life. Her grandma died, so she thought that summoning her ghost to talk to her would be a good idea. She is a Spiritualist after all.
But she didn't summon the right ghost. As soon as the ghost appeared, she knew it was a mistake as a thick blanket of mist poured out from the summoning circle, taking her in.
Jack Sato delivered a lot of pizza to a lot of places. So a sketchy neighbourhood might creep him out, but that doesn't mean he won't do his job.
He went across a house that had mist seeping out of it. He went closer to investigate, feeling the mist pulling him in. Someone's mistake cost another's life.
The pizza was never delivered.
Kiara Cruz loves parties. But that was taken away from her when she was kidnapped and then later, killed.
Her soul was at rest for 15 years, until one night, some summoned her and she was free. Not in the normal world though, in the mist.
Seoung and Jack were brought to the burial ground, where they saw 10 other people standing there.
"So I don't actually die?" The blonde boy with a bat asked, "That's cool but painful."
The 10 of them turned and saw their 2 new survivors.
"Hey there," The photographer called, "you guys just came?"
"Yes, I'm Jack. I'm not sure how I got here."
"It was my fault..." Seoung whispered, "I summoned a ghost and then this happened. I'm Seoung. Sorry."
"Maybe we should rest before we start doing the next round?" Adriana said.
Everyone agreed and went toward the big building, hoping for a safe place to stay.
Everyone but Seoung, Jack and Yara are asleep.
They left the others in the room with some beds to find the killer. They want to know what they are facing.
"It might be the ghost that I summoned," Seoung mumbled, "She does look like she would kill someone."
"Don't all ghosts kill people?" Yara asked.
"No! What makes you think that?" Seoung snapped, "Not all souls are evil, some are just lost. Like my Halmeoni, I tried to summon her spirit back but some other ghost got here instead."
Suddenly Seoung stopped her track. The other 2 look back.
"What's wrong?" Jack asked, clearly annoyed.
Seoung closed her eyes and gasped. "I feel the presence of a spirit here. We're getting closer to it..."
Perk discovered - Spiritual Connection
"They're not real," Jack insisted. He took a step back toward the greenhouse that hey we're headed to.
"Then what's that?" Yara whispered, terrified. She pointed to the figure behind him. She and Seoung started to back away.
Jack slowly turned around and saw a teenage girl in a pink party dress and a bloody knife. She also has blood on her face.
"Boo!" She yelled.
"RUN!" Yara screamed as they picked up their pace and sprinted away. Yara and Jack took the lead, and Seoung quickly ran short of breath. Still, they all managed to get away.
The others are awake by now. They had gone to find generators. The Ghost had given up on finding the other 3 and does something silly instead. She did what everyone hates the most, deciding to scare the shit out of some survivors.
She went into her blood phrase, sinking into a puddle of blood and became invisible. She went into the library and found Cora and Gabrielle, chatting while working on the gen there. Bingo.
The Ghost approached them and got real close. Then she get out of her blood phrase and screamed, "BOO!"
"AAAAAH!" They screamed. The generator was so close to being finished but the killer kicked it. Hard.
"Godammit!" Gabrielle exclaimed, "they can do that?" (yup i forgot that they can do that)
The 2 girls ran away but being genrusher, they got downed immediately. "Let's get this party started!"
The ghost dived back into her blood phrase to find more victims.
Arlo found Jack, Seoung and Yara wandering at the graveyard.
"There you guys are," he said, "what happened?"
"We found the killer," Yara replied.
"It was that ghost that I found...." Seoung said, "this really was all my fault."
"Nah we've been here before you summoned her," Yara said, "don't worry"
They started to walk to the greenhouse cause why not. There is a generator there so they worked on it.
Then out of nowhere the ghost rises from the ground and scares them.
They screamed and ran as she booted her leg onto the gen, causing it to be broken.
There are 12 gens that need to be done and only 3 of them have been completed so far.
Then they all got a notification that Gabrielle and Cora had died, again.
They all escaped safely if you don't count Seoung.
They are all crouching behind a building to hide from the killer, forgetting that she can detect survivors. (Yea forgot that too)
Arlo and Yara were both detected,but Jack being a good survivor, he was undetected.
Perk discovered - Stealthy
But being with 2 other survivors reveals his location anyway.
Eiji, Jun and Riley were going to Seoung to help her. They tried their best on fixing gens guys.
But they saw the party killer on the way and started to run and loop.
Eiji flashed the camera at her face, which blinded her but he was also out of stamina so he got downed.
Jun and Riley both took their one protection hit, then Riley ran away leaving Jun to fend for himself. They looped for a while but the ghost being an awesome killer got them both downed.
Adriana is locker camping. She decided that after the last 2 rounds, it wasn't safe so she just stayed in a locker.
It worked.
Jack, Arlo and Yara started to spread out to help the 3 dying survivors, (Seoung bled out). Everyone is scared of this killer, because she just came out of nowhere.
But at least it's fun for someone.
Seth whipped the killer with his bat and ran.
"You deserve this!" He yelled.
Seth led her right to where 6 other survivors were.
"To think that I wouldn't be here if I just say no to delivering that pizza," Jack grumbled.
They started to run.
Eiji turns around and flashes his camera at the killer, who stumbles in blindness but still manages.
"That stupid thing is helpful?" Jack said.
"It's not stupid-"
Long story short, the ghost killed Eiji. Then she killed the rest of them leaving Adriana as the last Survivor.
Adriana: guys u there?
Adriana: hey... everyone?
Adriana: helloooo
Seoung was... not in the best mood at the lobby.
"So we don't actually die and become a spirit? Why-? That makes no sense!"
"You got me here because you summoned a ghost, that makes no sense," Jack snapped back.
"I don't think they like each other much," Cora said.
Gabrielle sat at the broken elevator, still trying to fix it. This is her 3rd time here, and they're only in the 3rd round. She somehow feels that her power is useless.
Adriana finally stepped out of the locker. No one responded to her. She walked around toward the gate exit of the map. She didn't find anyone or any generator.
She heard a twinkling noise and got closer to it. She found a small path of something...
Her curiosity got the better of her and she put her hand on it.
That ended the round and teleported her and the rest of the survivors to... another camp?
There I made it
Idk if that was boring or what
I hoped y'all enjoyed reading this in another writing style

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