Test of Faith

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Mahali was never a devoted believer. Sure she practiced because she wanted to make her parents happy, but she wasn't too jolly about it.

But that all changed when her parents tragically died. If the lord was all good, why did he let them die? Then it dawned to her that she must have sinned. He must have hated her.

The church took her in, and yet she doesn't feel connected. But she does start to hear voices in her head. The voice told her about her wish and wants, what she actually wanted. She listened to it.

The voice then grew stronger, and she could feel it giving her the power. All she had to do was to remove the obstacles. She tried to kill Father Pavel but ended up removing herself in the process.

She thought she was dead, but it was only the beginning. She got the strength of the lord. Not their lord, hers. She grew wings on her back, killing Father Pavel. She destroyed the church and disappeared right after that.

What happened? Mahali was forgotten.


Lija was a woman with few words, in fact, she doesn't speak at all. She thought the mist would offer her a place where she could be seen again, but it wasn't great. After years of wanting revenge on the human who had abandoned her, but why didn't she feel all killy.

Unlike the other killers who still kill who had killed many mercilessly whether they want to or not, Lija slowly started to give survivors free rounds. Maybe it's because she was too gentle and kind to be a killer. The entity that took over her, that gave her life, wasn't cold or heartless, it's just there.

And even though after years of being abandoned at the old fantastical garden, she remembers what it was like when the humans came. They were kind and gentle, they didn't destroy the garden...nature did that.

And years of wanting to take revenge on those who had neglected her, she didn't feel like doing it. Why?

She wandered the forest, mindlessly. But the mist had found her to be useless, for she doesn't kill anymore.

I had given you a place to be, a place where you can live. All I asked you to do was to kill for me, yet you refused. Why? People had wronged you, so why had you decided to spare them?

The mist's voice was strong in Lija's mind as she went deeper into the foggy woods. She couldn't answer it, she couldn't even talk. But the mist could easily reach her mind.

You're no use here... The mist surrounded her, and pulled the entity's life force out of her. She opened her mouth to scream, she was terrified, but no sound came out. She could feel her body harden up back into the marble stone she once was. Her leg was now stuck on the ground, she couldn't move them.

She reached out to try to pull away but then the bottom part of her body froze, then her arms, then her face froze in a mid scream. She became a statue once again, but her pose was no longer calmly standing there elegantly. She had her arm reaching out, her face crying for help.

Lija however, wasn't removed from the killer's memory. Her statue still remains deep in the forest as a landmark and stays as a reminder for the killers if they disobey the mist.

As for her replacement?

Don't fail me...The mist said.

"I wouldn't dream of it...you are my savior," Mahali replied, "You can count on me."



thank hades that mahali get a lore just in time for me to make this. it's also hard to write anything with lija cause she don't have much of a lore to suggest her actual personality. i just see lija as a calm and gentle statue so that's how it is

have a nice day


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