Blood Bond

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Serena and Kyle Wolfewere living a great life as hunters, until the full moon came. A huge ass werewolf was in their cabin. It jumped onto their father as his hunting rifle fell to the ground.
  Serena quickly grabbed it and aimed it at the werewolf, pulling the trigger. But with all of the commotion around, they didn't notice the white mist rolling in.
  When his only friend went missing, Cole Volkov was devastated. He can't keep the human side of him to stay put. But the monster part of him was great.
  So making the worst mistake of his life, he stopped trying. He let the hunger take over. Of course that doesn't mean he wants to hurt humans, yet. He just hunted some small woodland creatures. But then he needed more.
  So he let his great sense of smell lead him to a cabin. There was a man and 2 younger people, looking like twins. They're family. He can't just do that, right?
  Yes he can. He doesn't remember the last time he saw his family. So he let the monster inside him take over and killed the man.
  Last thing he remembered was a loud gunshot, then mist, lots and lots of mist. Then... a campsite?
  Gabrielle was mad at Adriana for locker camping, but didn't say much, since that time, she did help with a gen. One singular generator. It's an effort ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
  Now, 6 of them were being transported to the next round, which is at Roanoke Woods. They were Eiji, Arlo, Yara, Taylor, Seoung and Riley. And 2 new survivors.
  When they got there, they immediately saw the twins. Serena and Kyle looked terrified.
  "Hi... are you alright?" Eiji asked, approaching them.
  Serena stares at him, "A werewolf just killed our father and you ask us if we're alright!?"
  He backed up, "Hey I didn't know."
  "It's okay... where are we?" Kyle said. The survivors looked at each other, then Arlo sighed and explained about the mist and its game.
  "Then the werewolf is probably this game killer," Serena said.
  "Well let's get revenge on it then..." Kyle said.
  Serena and Seoung were walking toward the canoe dock. But suddenly, they both stopped.
  "Do you feel the spirit there?" Seoung whispered. She pointed to the canoeing dock. "That means the killer is close by..."
  "No, I see their trails...They are in the canoe dock," Serena replied, "We should probably stay away." Seoung nodded in agreement.
  Perk discovered - Hunter's Instinct
  They both turned back. But it was too late.
  The killer being a furry has a great sense of hearing and smell. He sniffed in the air and senses the smell of 2 survivors that are underrated. He decided that since they were so underrated, no one would care if he ate them. So he got out of the canoe dock and started to chase them like a dog fetching a stick.
  "You're the one that killed him!" Serena strikes.
  "I was so hungry," The Werewolf growled. He started to howl like it was the full moon, because that is what furries do.
  They ran, Serena wished that she had the hunting rifle or some weapon. She want to shoot down the fucking furry that killed her father. And stab him, hard. She wants to burn the shitter and kick it to the ground. Of course she can't do any of that, because her perk is just seeing their trail. Useless.
  "Over here!" A familiar voice called, Kyle. He was at a doorway, laying down a bear trap on the ground. The girls ran in the cabin as he put the trap down. When the Werewolf stepped on it, it snapped shut and the survivors ran away using the back door.
  Perk discovered - Bear Trap
  "I'll make you pay for what you did!" Kyle yelled at the werewolf, who growled at this.
  Eiji and Arlo were working on a gen in the big cabin. They need to fix 5 more. Neither of them are genrusher, so it took time and effort.
  Then soon,Taylor joined in, being a big help cause they're a genrusher.
  "Have you seen the killer?" Arlo asked. Eiji shook his head. Taylor nodded.
  "I've seen a glimpse of them..." They said, "They do look like a werewolf."
  "And it's not even a full moon..." Arlo said.
  "Wait, if it's a werewolf, wouldn't it be able to smell us?" Eiji said, realising.
  Their hearts started to beat faster. Then they heard the breathing sound of a mouth-breather. Then loud footsteps. The killer was coming.
  The 3 of them all abandoned the gen and quickly got up, then ran away. The killer was close behind, they could feel it.
  Eiji turned back to snap a picture and flash some lights as the other turned away, but when he got face to face with the furry, he lowered the camera and slowed down. The werewolf stopped too.
  "...Cole...?" He whispered, terrified. He backed away slowly, but was unable to run away. Cole was his best friend back before the mist. More than friends even. But the mist screwed all that.
  "Eiji? Please don't run!" The Werewolf said. That's what he is now, not Cole, but the Werewolf. Just a killer, nothing more.
  Eiji started to pick up his pace as he ran away. He didn't flash his camera at the killer. He can't, he just can't hurt him. He ran away as far as possible with tears falling out.
  Riley had already wasted his Cheap Thrill so now he lives in fear. He was walking with Yara, hiding behind her.
  "Will you stop?" Yara asked, "Shouldn't I have wasted that cheap thrill huh?"
  "Shut up." There are 3 generators left to be done, and neither of them are planning on doing any, being loopers. But if you take a look at the team, Taylor is the only genrusher, and that sucks.
  They ran toward the bathroom area, where they saw the twins and Seoung.
  Kyle was laying traps for the furry and Serena is telling Seoung about that time Kyle ate her burger and got his ass beaten. (Inspired by kyle eating a burger on ao3 by mahali. Really good,100% recommended. Also read other ao3 works by the same person)
  As the 2 loopers meet up with the 3 other loopers, they carefully walk through all of the traps.
  "I will get that werewolf," Kyle hissed, "he will pay for what he did." Serena nodded in agreement and Seoung looked scared by how dedicated these 2 are to killing a killer that can't be killed.
  Kyle began to lay more and more traps. Soon, the other 3 survivors came and everyone looked stunned at the minefield of traps on Roanoke Woods.
  Then they saw the furry coming closer to them. With every step, the Werewolf stepped on one of the traps, he howled. It was actually a funny sight to look at.
  "Guys don't we still have like 3 generators left to fix?" Taylor asked the group, they were all just watching the werewolf being torture.
  "Yeah but this is fun to watch lol," Riley said, mesmerised.
  "We can go if you want," Eiji mumbled, walking away from the group, "might as well use this time to do some gens." Taylor followed him.
  They went to the archery place where there is a generator. They began to work on it.
  "You okay?" Taylor asked. They noticed that Eiji looked warry.
  "I'm fine..." he said softly.
  "You don't look fine." Eiji looked away from them. "Eiji... are you okay?" They turned to face him and saw that he was trying hard not to cry. There were tears in his eyes, threatening to roll out.
  Then he told Taylor everything about him and Cole. (I'm too lazy to go into the details but know that I think that ship is mid if we take away the part about cole eating people)
  They stay silent, with Taylor comforting Eiji.
  Everyone has a breaking point.
  After setting off every trap that Kyle had put there, the werewolf was really mad and triggered.
  "AAHHH," he screamed, "I WILL KILL YOU ALL!" He went into Feral Rage mode and lunged at them. He managed to downed all 6 of them. Then he went to look for the other 2.
  "I hate that wolf," Kyle growled as the furry ran away. He detected Eiji and Taylor close to the archery place.
  He went there and saw the two survivors, quietly working on the generator. They were almost finished.
  As the killer got closer, the gen lights up, showing that it was fixed. 2 more to go.
  "Oh shoot," Taylor said, checking the chat, "they all got downed."
  "We should go help," Eiji replied. They nodded and jogged toward the survivors. But the werewolf was right behind them.
  They started to run away, trying to loop the killer. They passed the six dying people, who were crawling on the ground trying to get somewhere.
  The werewolf soon got Taylor, just as Seoung and Arlo died,being the first ones that got hit.
  Eiji managed to get away, then quickly circled back to rescue the twin, but Riley and Yara died before they got a chance to help.
  They then went to Taylor, but found the killer camping close by. Then using his increased sense of smell, he sniffed in the air and found the 3 of them.
  Yes, chase again.
  "You will pay for what you did!" Kyle yelled. He got cornered, backing away as the killer inches closer to him. Then slashed,Kyle died.
  "At least you'll be with him..." The werewolf mumbled. He sighed and went for the others.
  He found Eiji trying to help Taylor, but the wound was deep, and the nurse kinda died moments ago.
  The werewolf didn't want to, but he couldn't control himself. He lunges at the smaller guy with his claws out, which causes him to run away.
  Eiji took out his camera,and this time, he didn't hesitate to click the button. The light blinded the furry but he still caught on.
  Soon, Eiji got tired and slowed down a bit, and the werewolf took the chance. He swiped his sharp claws at him. Eiji stumbled and fell down.
  Cole stopped and realised what he had done. He slowly came closer to the photographer's body, who tried to move away.
  "No.. I didn't mean to," He whispered. Eiji looked at him.
  "Cole... It's cold..." Why did the mist do this? Why must the mist take them away and do all this?
   "Please... no..." But soon the monster side of him took over again. The werewolf turned away and went to find Serena.
  Everyone is downed. Serena is the last one. She has to go rescue Taylor and Eiji. But how?
  No one had taught her how to treat deep stab wounds, and she barely remembers the first aid lesson she had got years ago.
And not to mention the werewolf that is running around. It killed her brother, might as well kill her. It could easily kill her.
  She was scared, walking toward Taylor. He's going to bleed out soon. Then out of nowhere, the killer appeared and jumped on her, then finished her off.
  "No.. wait... It was a mistake..." She could hear the killer's more humane side pleading for help and forgiveness. But there was nothing anyone could do.
  The mist closed off the match, getting everyone to the lobby.
  They failed. Will they have to do that again?

Huzzah for I had made another chapter. I'm not the best at describing scenes and stuff.

Taking a break from all of the serious stuff in daybreak, who's excited for a fun, probably short chapter of everyone favourite camper?


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