Let the Day Break Again

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Nami Deng was a great rockstar, and all of her concerts were successful. But it couldn't last forever.

She remembered one of her fans and friend, Colton, visiting her. They haven't met in a while. She remembered how he hugged her unexpectedly, but before she could react, there was mist. White mist poured in and everything went black.


The victims of the mist had noticed a lot of changes happening all at once. The survivors woke up in cabins instead of in their room at the building in groups of 6. The killers now get their own cabin.

Trials now have a 2 hour timer (like 15 min in game but like for them that would not be enough time). Their communicator changed into more of a walkie-talkie for them to talk to each other, but still have a notification and perk thing on it. And it also gets scarier for them, because when they die, they no longer turn into mist. Their body stayed there, a dark reminder.

One more thing, their voices feel different, not sure how but they just do. Also, Eiji and Yvonne are muted, (and will stay that way until they get a VA).

I see you guys had noticed some changes around here, The mist's voice rang in their mind, It's just a few minor updates, that's all...

The survivors all gather at the biggest cabin, where they spawn back after a game. They could use this place for meetings.

"Excuse me, mist thing," Elizabeth said, speaking for Yvonne and Eiji, "In case you haven't noticed, some of us can't talk."

Lol get used to it i couldn't care less We had lost their voice in the process of transferring you guys here The mist told them.

How do you even lose our voice? Eiji mouthed, not used to the fact that he can't talk.

What bs, Yvonne thought.

Okay so to make it up to you, you 2 can speak to others in your mind, if ur close enough, The mist said.

"Like we all turn to mind readers?" Yeona asked, "But only work on those 2?"

Basically yes :)

How helpful, considering how you just turned the chat into VOICE CHAT! Yvonne screamed in her mind, this time, the other could hear it.

Yeah deal with it.


Valerie, Adriana, Yara, Seoung, Gabbie and Sarah are all sharing a cabin. Their cabin is the closest to the big cabin.

"That felt like a game update," Adriana told them, "Like how they make a game into something better. Like if the last one was mist's game, this is mist's game 2."

"That's cool Adri," Seoung said, "that's probably what's going on."

Valerie felt sick. It's strange, she wasn't sure what that meant. With all the 'updates' going on, the mist might as well remove some of them.

"Val, you okay?" Adriana asked, "You seem a bit...distanced."

"Yeah..no..." She replied, "Just feel weird..."

Sarah was lying on her bed on the top bunk, with a pillow over her face, "Can you guys please shut up? Trying to sleep here."

Valerie decided to go out on a walk. She went into the spawn cabin area, where she found a survivor there. She recognized her, it was Nami.

"Uagh where am I?" Nami mumbled, rubbing her head. She looked at Valerie. "Oh, you're Valerie Chang, another one of those music people who's trying to steal my audience."

"Hah!" Valerie scoffed, "More people listen to my music, Nami Deng."

"Your music has sappy positive vibes, people prefer rock."

"Your music hurt my ears!"

Just then, Dae-Jung entered, "Hey guys, just wanna check who's going in the game next- Hey you're Namie Deng."

"UGH another one? A K-pop idol no less," Nami groaned, "I don't suppose you have your whole band with you here?"

"WE DON'T GO THERE!" Dae-Jung yelled.

"GUESS WHAT I HATE K-POP!"Nami yelled back.

Dae-Jung gasped dramatically, "WELL YOUR ROCK MUSIC SUCK"


Dae gasped again, "Val how could you? WE DID COLLABS!"

"ARGH" The 3 musicians started a slap battle with each other. It left some red hand marks on their hands and faces.

WILL YOU GUYS SHUT UP!?! Yvonne's voice screamed in their head, making them clutch their heads in pain. She was standing at the door way.

"What was that?" Nami groaned.

"We have 2 people who talk by screaming at us through their mind because they think we couldn't hear their thoughts normally," Valerie explained, rubbing her head.

"Aah," Nami nodded, listening to Yvonne's thought, "Trauma dumping..nice...."

Oh shit they can hear me, I am too close to them,gahhhhhhhh Yvonne ran away.

"Soo...Start over?" Valerie asked, turning to Nami, who nodded and smiled. "I'm Valerie."

"Nami." They shook hands.

"Welcome to the mist Nami."



 1k reads nice 🎉🎉🎉 thank yall for reading it! Have a nice day


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