
236 17 2

January 4th
Throne room


"It's kinda surreal isn't it."

"That and many other things."

Peter glanced at his siblings, an unsure look on his face as the three of them stared at the thrones they would soon all be sat on.

The throne room in Cair Paravel was extraordinary, but actually seeing the thrones, had made this so much more real for Peter, and if he was honest, he felt quite sick.

He was confused though because they'd already talked about this, they'd already decided to stay, decided to go along with everything, the four of them had come to a joint decision that it would be best for all of them to stay, after all, Narnia was good for them, in so many different ways.

So why did he all of a sudden feel so... terrified?

"Come on," Lucy said after a few minutes. "I wanna explore the rest of this place."

Susan laughed and followed her from the room, and Peter thought Edmund had gone too until he felt a hand land on his arm.


Tears suddenly sprung to Peter's eyes at the nickname, and he had to swallow hard to stop himself from bursting into tears.

"Peter you okay?"

Edmund sounded so worried it worried Peter, and he quickly took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay," He hesitated and glanced around the throne room. "It's just becoming more and more real and it's a bit overwhelming."

Edmund seemed to understand this, and one look at him would tell anyone that he was feeling the same way. "Yeah," He murmured. "But we talked about this, it's gonna be okay, yeah?"

Peter couldn't help but smile gently, nodding. "Yeah, course it is." He replied. "You okay?"

Edmund chuckled gently. "Better than I've been in a long time." He said truthfully.

Peter stared at him, before pulling him close, arms wrapping around him in a tight hug.

Edmund didn't mind much, and wrapped his arms around his older brother. "You're gonna be a great King Peter, I know it." He whispered.

Peter smiled, tightening his grip. "Thank you," He replied. "That means a lot."


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora