sixty-seven | drying tears

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Amelia played for a while and then JJ held her on the couch. You stroked back your daughter's soft hair and gave her a kiss. You said to JJ, "I didn't want to say anything when Henry was around, but when he asked why you were did seem a little off. Are you okay?"

JJ kissed your baby's head and then looked up at you with a smile and tears in her eyes once again. "I'm great. You and Henry love each other so much, and it makes me so happy, you don't even know. It's the sweetest feeling, knowing that my son is so, so loved. And then I have you..." Her voice was shaking as the tears started to fall. Amelia reached her tiny hand up to her mommy's face in wonder. JJ let her touch her face, wetting her hand with tears and laughing at her baby's curiosity. She looked back at you, sniffled, and said, "I have a lovely wife, who's a wonderful mother and partner and who loves our kids so, so much. Sorry, I don't know why I'm so emotional today."

You scratched the back of her head and moved closer to her. "That's okay, sweetheart. I'm right here. I love you so much. Cry all you need to; I'll be here no matter what, okay?" JJ nodded and sniffled. "I love you, Jayje,"

"I love you too," she wept. "Would you take her?"

"Mhm." You took the baby from her. "Hi, lovebug! Come see Mama..." When you looked back at JJ, she was drying her eyes and taking a deep breath. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah. Yeah. You know how I get sometimes,"

"I do,"

"Honestly, it's probably just PMS,"

"Well, either way, I'm here. However you're feeling is fine. I'm just glad you're okay and it's not really a bad cry, and nothing's, like, actually wrong!" You both chuckled as you wiped the last tears from her face. "I love you so much, Jenny. If you need something, if you need some extra love today, you just let me know and I'm there. Never any shame in that, right?"

JJ smiled and leaned in for a kiss. "Right. And I love you too. Thank you for being there for me,"

"Always. Just as you've always been there for me, no matter what." You kissed her again and then looked down at Amelia. "You know, she and Henry are the two most important things. If they're good, we're good,"

"Agreed." She laid her head on your shoulder and stared down at your daughter. Amelia giggled and reached up to touch JJ's face. "Oh, you know Mommy loves you? Yeah! I love you so, so, so much, my sweet girl!" She touched Amelia's button nose and laughed.

That night after the kids were in bed, JJ snuggled up with you on the couch under a soft blanket, only the light of the television illuminating the two of you. Her head rested on your chest, and your arms were wrapped around her. You laid kisses on her head throughout the show. You heard the slow, heavy breaths that let you know she'd fallen asleep. Before she could get too deep into it, you gently shook her awake and said, "Baby, we should get into bed, hmm?"


"Let's get into bed, and I'll hold you so close, I promise,"

"Fine," she groaned.

You got her to brush her teeth and put on pajamas, and she grew more alert and deeper in thought in the process. Snuggling back up with her, you said, "Good night, sweetheart,"

"Night. Uh, Y/N?"


"Thank you...for today. Having time to myself and talking about my feelings with you made me feel good. I haven't mentioned it because I didn't know if it was just a mood or a bad day or what, but I've been a little off recently. Today helped a ton with that. So thank you,"

"Of course, my love. And you know you can talk to me about anything, any way you're feeling. You worry too much about me and the kids, and you bottle it all up and try to deal with it yourself. That's not healthy. I'm here for you if you just let me in, okay? Thank you for doing that today. You've always been there for me, especially the past few years since we've been together. Even last night when I was a wreck over leaving Amelia. I am always gonna be here, hopelessly devoted to you, so please talk to me about what you're going through, no matter how small it may be. You are never too much for me. You hear me?"

"Mhm." She rested her forehead against yours and shut her eyes for a moment. "I hear you. Thank you for all this. I love you more than anything. Don't ever stop being your sweet self," she implored. "Let's get some sleep,"

"Uh-huh." You pulled the blankets up and held each other close. "Night, Jayje,"

"Good night, angel. I love you so much,"

"I love you too."

You fell asleep before she did, in contrast to the scene on the couch only fifteen minutes prior. Your wife wrapped you up in her arms under the cozy blankets and kissed your head until she drifted off herself. The last thing she thought of for the night was how wonderful her life truly was, with her wife and two beautiful children living happily and comfortably.

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