fifty | alone with the kids

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When JJ went back to work, it was a lot of work to manage Amelia and Henry. The very first Friday after she returned, JJ had to go to Kentucky on a case. She called you from the jet, apologizing profusely for leaving you and the kids, and you told her, "Baby, there's nothing you can do. We'll hold down the fort up here. I promise, it's alright, love,"

"Yeah?" she asked softly. "I feel bad. I don't wanna leave you all alone,"

"The three of us will be perfectly fine, Jayje. In a couple days, Will is gonna come get Henry anyway, and then it'll just be your girls," you reminded her with a grin, just for yourself. You hoped she was smiling too.

"If anything happens, you'll call me?"

"Always. I promise. Now, go make the world a little safer for our babies. I love you, Jen,"

"I love you. Tell the kids I love them too. Give them kisses for me. I'll talk to you later," she promised.

"Alright. Bye, love,"


You had barely returned from bringing Henry to daycare when JJ had called. You let Amelia have tummy time for a few short minutes, taking a picture of her and texting it to JJ.

[from Y/N] our sweet girl <3 i'll give her kisses from you

[from JJ] hard to be separated from you guys :( i don't even like leaving henry so often, but leaving him AND you AND our baby who's barely a month old is even harder than i thought it would be

[from Y/N] i know, love. well, i'll only be asleep when BOTH of the kids are, so text or call pretty much whenever. i love you

[from JJ] i love you too angel. see you soon, hopefully

You picked Amelia up and smiled at her adorable little face. You were sitting on the carpet, your back against the couch; your legs were out straight in front of you, and you put Amelia right on top of them with her head up by your knees. Feeling silly, you took her hands and wiggled her little arms, which in turn made her whole body wiggle. She was a cutie. And she was yours.

You knew that talking to babies even from the youngest of ages aided in linguistic development; you and JJ both loved talking to her, so you did it quite often. "Hi, sweet girl!" you giggled. "Mommy and I love you and your brother more than anything. Did you know that?"

You nestled your finger into her little palm and let her grab on. She shook her ravioli-sized fist, then tried to put your finger in her mouth. She was busy investigating.

"You trying to put Mama's finger in your mouth, my silly girl? Oh, goodness..." you sighed.

That baby turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to you. The way she came about was horrific, but god, you would love her endlessly. She was the one good thing that came from those years with Levi.

Your life had improved every single day for the past ten or eleven months. JJ was so careful with you, and her love had always been quiet yet limitlessly devoted. That passion was what had kept you going for almost a year.

Looking in your baby girl's eyes, the world could never harm you again. You most certainly wouldn't let it harm her. She deserved more than that. You got very close to her face, whispered, "I love you," and kissed her button nose.

Henry was elated to see you when you picked him up from daycare. He asked, "Mommy still at work?"

"Yeah," you sighed, "she had to go away. Instead of going to Daddy's like you usually do when Mommy's away, you're gonna stay with me until Sunday. How does that sound?"

"Okay!" He climbed in the backseat, trying to buckle himself up, but getting distracted by his baby sister. "Mila! Hi, Mila!"

"Let me buckle you in, buddy." When it finally clicked, you smiled at his interaction with your baby, and grabbed his attention. "Hey," you said softly. He turned around and smiled back at you. You gave his little head a kiss. "That's from Mommy."

He pulled you down and kissed your cheek right back. "I love you, Auntie,"

"I love you too, sweet boy. Be gentle with your sister, okay?"


At home, he brought some toys out to play with Amelia. You tried to tell him, "Oh, she's still too little to play with you, honey,"

"I wanna show her! I just show her so when she get a lot bigger, she play with me..."

You didn't have the heart to tell him otherwise, so you sat with her on the floor and watched him play and explain about all his toys. Amelia started crying eventually, and he tried to come over and stroke her thin hair to calm her. God, how sweet. "Auntie, she gotta eat dinner!"

"Yeah, I bet she's hungry. Do you wanna feed her?"


You prepared a bottle, handed Amelia off to him as you sat on the couch, and gave him the bottle to feed her. You sat next to him and put a pillow under his arms so he didn't get tired of holding her. She had most of her bottle and fell asleep in his arms.

"Auntie," he whispered, "she sleepin'..." He leaned down and kissed her little head.

"Yeah, I see that," you replied in just as calm a whisper. "I'm gonna go put her in bed, okay? Can I take her?" He handed her over and waved goodbye. What a good little boy.

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