thirty-nine | the playground

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After the case ended and everyone got home, you and JJ went to pick up Henry from Will's. He bounded out to meet you, and jumped into JJ's arms. "Oh, hello, my sweet boy! Did you miss us?"

"Uh-huh!" He kissed her cheek and grinned. "Mommy, Auntie still stay with us?" JJ looked over at you with a smile.

"Yeah, she sure is,"

"Yay!" he exclaimed. You smiled at him and tousled his thin blond hair. He grinned back at you. That boy sure knew how to warm your heart.

Henry wanted to go to the park, and you went along with him and JJ. Some fresh air would do you some good, or, at the very least, certainly wouldn't hurt. Sitting on a bench by the playground for smaller children, JJ gripped your hand. After a while, she held it with both of her hands, as though she felt an unstoppable urge to protect you. She needed you.

"Y/N?" you heard her say. You had been zoning out, and she needed your attention. You looked up at her before turning your eyes to your joined hands. "Henry's really glad you're here. I am too, obviously," she added with haste, "I just mean that he really looks up to you, and he loves you completely. I've said it before, but I'll never stop: you're so sweet with him, and it makes me absolutely overjoyed, baby. I love you so much,"

"Jen, I love Henry. He's...god..."

"Hmm?" she encouraged gently. She stroked your hand. She most certainly wanted to hear what you had to say.

"I love him. He's...he's like a son to me." With your words, JJ squeezed your hand tight.

"I know you've said it before, have no idea how happy that makes me." JJ started to get choked up as she went on, "I've always been scared about anyone I might date after Will not being close with Hen...and I know you love him, but you saying that? It''s everything, babe." She sniffled and wiped away a couple tears. You rested your head on her shoulder. "You're going to be the best mother, pretty girl," she whispered.

Henry ran up and climbed into JJ's lap. "Mommy?"


"We have juice?"

"Mhm. One second..." She reached into a bag and pulled out a juice box, poked the straw in, and gave it to him. "There you go, sweetheart." She tousled his hair and hugged him.

"Thank you, Mommy."

Henry drank his juice, happy as a clam. You stuck out your tongue and made a silly face at him, and he giggled before mirroring you. He stuck his own tongue out at you, then obscured his face with his hands and juice box. JJ tickled him while hugging him close and asked, "Is your Auntie being silly? Is she being silly with you?"

"Yeah," he laughed. "Auntie, you silly!"

"I know, I'm very silly," you laughed back. You kissed your fingertip and touched his button nose.

Henry drank his juice in his mother's lap, leaning into her arms a little more with each passing moment. When he was almost done, JJ asked, "Are you tired, bub? You wanna go take a nap?"

"Mm...okay..." he murmured. "I so tired, Mommy,"

"Aw, I know. Let's go home and take a little nap, m'kay?" She held him close as you all got up and went to the car. You got in the passenger seat. Your girlfriend put Henry in his car seat and he started sucking his thumb. JJ mumbled, "There we go. Ready to go home, my loves?" You nodded and looked back at your little boy. JJ rubbed his blond head and shut the car door. She got in the driver's seat and grabbed your hand, kissed its back, and shot you a little smile.

Henry was asleep by the time you got home, so JJ gingerly unbuckled him and carried him to his bed. When she joined you in the kitchen, she grabbed an apple, tossing it up and catching it before taking a bite.

"Jen?" you said.


"You're everything to me, you know that?" You took her hand, swinging back and forth, back and forth. She smiled, her mouth still full of apple. "I love you and your boy so much, baby,"

"I love you too," she said after swallowing her mouthful of apple. "I'm proud to have you as my partner." She wrapped her arm around your waist, pulled you to herself, and kissed you so hard you practically saw stars. "I never wanna stop doing that. Every time I see you, I just wanna sweep you off your feet. Do you like it when I kiss you like this, pretty girl?"

"Obviously," you laughed. "Don't you ever stop kissing me. You're the love of my life, Jennifer Jareau."

JJ took you to the couch and started kissing you. With a gentle smile, and being careful to never hurt you, she straddled your lap and held your head on straight. She looked positively perfect hovering just above you, constantly imbuing passion into you.

Everything was wonderful. After a couple minutes, which felt much longer, JJ slowly got off of you. The last part of her to be removed from you was her lips from yours. You both needed to catch your breath for a moment. You breathed, "That never gets old, baby,"

"You like that?"

"Of course I do. I love you, Jenny. So lovely." JJ blushed, smiling and looking down. She took your hand and laid her head on your shoulder.

"That's such a pretty word," she said. "'Lovely.' Makes me happy every time."

You kissed her head and laid against the back of the couch, fine to sit and hold one another until one of you was ready to make lunch.

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