fifty-one | home again

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When JJ got home, Henry was already at Will's, but god, was she happy to see you and Amelia, who was in bed. It was quite late, but you wanted to wait up for her. She would appreciate it. As she walked through the door, she threw her arms around you and kissed your cheek before digging her head into your neck. You groaned, "Oh, baby, are you okay?"

"So, so glad to be home,"

"I know. I know. Are you tired? You wanna go up to bed and talk for a little while, or are you hungry?"

"I just need to be with you. Have you eaten?"

"Yeah. I didn't know when you'd be home. Have you?"

"I'm not really hungry. Just wanna go to bed. I need you, baby, just you..."

"Okay. Come on, Jen. Let's get to bed." You brought her to the bedroom, promising her kisses once she finished getting ready for bed. "Was the case tough?"

"Not the worst case, just..." She let out a heaving sigh, pulling off her shirt and taking another to put on. "Just hard to be away from the three of you guys. Especially for the first time, y'know?

"Mhm. But you're home now, mm? Everything's okay. We missed you, love,"

"I missed you too," she groaned. "I know I'm whiny, babe, I've just been so..."

"It's okay, love. Come lay down with me. Tell me what you need from me tonight,"

"God, my Y/N, you know how to give me butterflies. I just need to cuddle with you tonight. I need you close again, baby." The two of you crawled into bed and you brought her closer than ever. She was already sleepy.

"You're home now, Jenny. I know it was hard to be away from us, but everything's fine." You kissed her head over and over and over. "We all love you,"

"I love you..." she murmured just before falling asleep. Slowly, you ran a hand up and down her back. The poor girl was drained.

The following morning, when she woke, you kissed her just as much as the previous night. A smile crept across her face before she kissed you back. You began to say, "Mm, good mo—"

"Shh...don't talk. Just kiss me..." Anything she wanted, you were willing to provide. Once it eventually tired you out, and you laid back down beside her, she smiled over at you while holding your hand. "Good morning, angel," she sighed.

"Morning. Sleep well?"

"Mhm. So glad I'm home,"

"Amelia will—" You were interrupted by your baby girl's cries coming through over the baby monitor. "Perfect timing..."

"Oh, I'll get her," JJ offered. Over the monitor, you heard her talking to the baby. "Good morning, sweetheart! Goodness, I missed you so much. Let's go see Mama, yeah?" She brought Amelia in to see you, immediately putting a huge smile on your face. She said, "I'm so happy I get to be with my girls again." Holding Amelia close, she got back in bed with you and looked down at your baby.

You leaned over to kiss her cheek, making sure you didn't even come close to squishing Amelia. "We missed you too,"

"Were you okay, having both of them by yourself? I know you've had Henry alone before, but I feel bad leaving you..."

"Jen, these are my kids. I know you worry, but I can handle them, love. I promise we're okay. I love you,"

"I love you too, angel. And I do worry about you guys...I guess I've always thought of Henry as my responsibility, and I think I'm still getting used to sharing that with someone other than Will."

She brought Amelia up to give her a kiss on the head. You touched Amelia's head, stroking what little soft hair she had. "We're both working on this, Jayje. It's okay to worry about us,"

"It's not that I don't have faith in you, or that I don't trust you, or however it might seem. I'm just still getting used to being away whole life. You guys are my world. I don't wanna miss a thing,"

"Aerosmith?" you chuckled. Amelia started crying again, with JJ moving to comfort her.

"Hey, they were right about this one," she laughed back. "Oh, my Amelia, you're okay...think she's hungry,"

"Yeah, sounds about right," you said. JJ chuckled and handed her over.

As Amelia nursed, your girlfriend kissed you again and again. "You want breakfast, babe?"


"Pancakes alright, or you want something else?"

You smiled up at her as she got out of bed. "Pancakes sound lovely. Thank you, darling." JJ leaned over, kissed you once more, and went to go make breakfast for the two of you. You stayed in bed with Amelia, taking this time to bond with her. Once she was finished, you burped her, and then kissed her little head. You saw JJ bringing the plates into the bedroom and said, "Oh, no, let me come out there. I need to get out of bed." JJ chuckled and turned right around.

JJ finished her breakfast at record speed and took Amelia from your busy arms. You thanked her, and she smiled at the baby and said, "Anything for my girls. Eat your breakfast, love, I've got her,"

"She'll need to be put down in a bit. She's already been up for a half-hour or so," you said. JJ nodded. She already knew all of this, of course; your instructions were more like a little reminder.


Once you finished eating, you sat with JJ and Amelia on the couch. "We all missed you too, Jay. It's not the same here without all your sunshine."

Tears formed in her eyes, but you were so busy looking at your baby girl that you didn't notice until you heard a sniffle. Your eyes flew to JJ's face. "I'm fine," she said, wiping her tears away. "I really love you." She laid her head on your shoulder, continuing to gaze at little Amelia. You wrapped your arm around her and kissed her head.

"I love you too, Jen."

Show Me the Stars - Jennifer Jareau x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now