seventeen | breakdown

651 17 1

JJ insisted that you took another day off from work, to process this news and rest up, so you called Hotch and told him you would take another day. He agreed immediately — he had noticed how worried JJ seemed about you the previous day, so he thought you must be pretty sick.

You hadn't slept very much that night, and you'd been crying on and off. Anxiety was getting the better of you. Anxiety, and pain, and stress, and hatred of fucking Levi.

Henry was happily and cluelessly eating cereal at the table. Meanwhile, JJ was hesitant to leave you again, but you told her you'd be okay. She really wanted you to be safe and happy, she just wasn't sure if it was the best thing to leave you alone. She was about to leave, or at least she was supposed to, but she was scared.

"Jayje, are you worried I'm gonna hurt myself?" you finally asked her, very quiet so Henry didn't hear you. The look on her face said everything.

"I'm worried about you, my love. You've been through hell, I don't want anything to happen..."

"Jay, I'm gonna be okay here until you get home. And if you get called on a case, I will be fine. I'll join you guys—"


"JJ. Go to work. I'll try and sleep, maybe,"

"You didn't really sleep last night, huh?" She ran her hand up and down your arm, giving you a pitied look. "Okay. Are you sure you'll be okay by yourself, sweetheart?"

"Mhm. If I'm not feeling okay, mentally or physically, I will call or text you." You took her hands. "I will let you know, baby." She looked down at both of your feet before returning to making eye contact.

"Do you promise?" JJ asked softly. Her face was riddled with concern.

"I promise, Jay. Please go to work. I'll make it through today. Call me when you can; if I feel bad I'll let you know immediately. M'kay?"

JJ nodded and hugged you. "I love you so much. If you need anything, you call me. Please?"

"Yes, my love,"

"Good. Try to rest today, okay? You need your strength, my love,"

"Please don't." Your voice faltered.

"Don't what, my love? Did I upset you? I'm sorry if I did."

You looked down and shook your head. You couldn't look her in her face as you tried to hold back tears. "Please don't say things like that. I can't deal with it, I can't process being pregnant, Jay...I'm so sorry," you cried.

She pulled you into a hug, and let you sob freely for a few moments. "Shh, shh, it's okay, my love, I understand. Don't be sorry. I got you, honey." She helped you calm down a little bit.

Henry noticed you at last, and he ran over to hug your leg. "Auntie, no cry! No cry! It okay!"

You picked him up and he started to touch your face, trying to put the tears back up in your eyes. You smiled and took his little hand. "Yeah, thank you, buddy. Can I have a kiss?" He dove in to kiss your cheek and then smiled. "Aw, thanks, bud. I love you,"

"I love you, Auntie!"

JJ and her son left very soon after, and you started doing the dishes to distract yourself. The damn dishes. You elected to do chores to keep your mind off your situation.

You felt guilty for being so broken in front of little Henry. Your brain was too foggy to be really worried, though. You resolved to just text JJ.

[from Y/N] sorry for breaking down in front of henry, didn't mean to get so upset. i'm doing fine rn, though. love you <3

[from JJ] it's okay, baby girl. no worries. glad you're feeling okay now :) love you too

You had eaten breakfast — for once, JJ was pleased with the amount you'd eaten, not concerned at how little you'd had — so you crawled into bed and tried to fall asleep. Still anxious, but more exhausted than anything, it didn't take long.

You woke up sweating and shaking. Quite uneasily, you got up and headed to the bathroom to splash cold water on your face.

Your hands quaked, and you were unsteady on your feet. You used the bathroom and went to sit on the couch, getting a glass of water on your way. You checked your phone for the first time since you woke up.

[from JJ] text me when you feel up to/awake enough to call. just would love to talk to you, check in
[from JJ] love you pretty girl

You texted her back once you saw it. She'd texted you over an hour earlier, you hoped to not be burdensome to her.

[from Y/N] sorry, just got up. you free to call? lmk when you are

You shut your phone off and waited for a response, turning on the TV to distract yourself. The first thing that came on was a shitty soap opera that you did not at all want to watch. Your phone started vibrating, so you muted the TV and smiled at JJ's name on your phone.

"Hey," you said when you answered.

"Hi, love. How're you feeling?"

"Um, fine. Just woke up,"

"You sleep well?"

"Uh..." You sighed. "Not really," you tried to chuckle. "Guess I'm just worked up about everything,"

"Well, that's understandable, honey. Are you gonna try and sleep again?"

"I dunno, maybe. See how I'm feeling,"

"You nauseous at all?" she asked.

"Not particularly. When...can I be honest?" you laughed a little at what you were about to say.

"Always." JJ also seemed amused, though a bit unsure.

"When you get home, can we please cuddle? I don't mean to be clingy, I just really need you today." You sighed finally, and you knew JJ was smiling.

"Yes, honey, of course. I would love that."


You slept again, until around 2pm, and watched TV until JJ and Henry came home a few hours later.

She sat on the couch next to you and let you put your head on her chest. "Hey there, sweetheart." You slung your legs over her lap and she rubbed your outer thigh. "Did you have an okay day?"

"Yeah," you mumbled. "I love you so much,"

"I love you too, Y/N. I don't mean to take things too fast, but...I think we should find a doctor, confirm with an ultrasound, and then process our next steps and options. Okay?"

You took in a breath and nodded. It was time to face it. "Okay. Yeah. But...will you..." You felt stupid.

"What do you need, sweetheart?"

"Will you stay with me?"

JJ nodded, almost confused that you even felt the need to ask. "Of course I will,"

"Do you promise?" You unknowingly echoed her words from the morning, teary-eyed and feeling weak and broken. JJ hugged you as tight as she could without hurting you and kissed your head.

"Without hesitation."

You were safe in her arms. She managed to keep you calm until you felt ready to call.

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