sixty-five | alone time

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Henry loved seeing his little sister whenever he came back to JJ's. He kissed her little head and asked to hold her. JJ offered to do the dishes since you had cooked, but you knew she wanted to spend time with her son as soon as he got there, so you told her you would do it. She gave you a kiss, took the baby from you, and sat with Henry on the couch.

He always looked at Amelia with such love and care. Even as a three-year-old, he wanted to protect her. He took his big brother job very seriously. He was gentle when he held or played with her, and he kissed her head so tenderly. "I love you, Amelia...I love you so much! My little baby're so cute. Mommy, I'm so happy I have a baby sister now."

That boy was so sincere in his love. JJ looked over at you and smiled. "You really love her, huh?" He nodded and put his head on JJ's arm. "I love her too. I love Amelia, and you, and Mama too. How was your week with Daddy?"

"Good. I missed Mila. I miss her little face."

You chuckled as you washed out JJ's coffee mug. Henry kissed Amelia's head again, and JJ asked him, "Do you want me to take her, bud?"

"No, I got it,"

"Okay!" she laughed. He sounded like an adult for a moment, even with that tiny voice of his. As much as JJ had missed Henry, he had missed his sister. He was only three, but he wanted to take care of her. Your son was endlessly sweet, kind, and loving; you and JJ were so proud of who he had become in the short time since Amelia was born.

Once you finished the dishes, you sat on JJ's other side and put your hand on her back. She gave you a smile and turned back to watch Henry. You ran your hand up and down, and she seemed to relax a little. She placed a hand on your thigh, just above your knee, and squeezed your leg.

"I love you," he whispered to Amelia.

You whispered to her, "If you want to go rest, read, have some time to yourself, I got them. You were up in the night, you had to take care of me all yesterday. I'm sure you could use a little relaxation,"

"Not right now. But thank you, love. Maybe in a little while,"


After a thousand more kisses, Amelia started to cry, so Henry tried to calm her down. No matter how good he was with her, she kept crying; you knew it was because she was hungry. You convinced Henry to give her back, and you breastfed her. Henry played on the floor with his toys, and JJ sat with you and the baby. She brushed your hair back from your face and scratched your scalp, every once in a while taking your hand to kiss the back of it.

Once Amelia was fed and burped, she was about ready for a nap. "Do you mind if I take her, love? I think I might take you up on your offer for some alone time, if that's okay. Just an hour or so,"

"Sure. No problem. We'll be good." You lowered your voice to a whisper to say, "I'll do my best to keep him out." You kissed her and handed off your half-asleep baby. "I love you,"

"I love you too, angel. Thank you for this. Just an hour, I promise,"

"Take whatever you need. I got this. Go relax for a little while."

JJ went to lay in bed and read for a while. Henry was unbothered; he just wanted to play with his trucks. A half-hour went by, listening to him making car noises and pretending to be some kind of announcer. When he decided he was done, he came to sit in your lap. You wrapped your arms around him and pressed his head to your chest.

"Mama?" he asked. Still that title made your heart melt.

"Yeah, bud?"

"Where'd Mommy go?"

"Well, she went to put Amelia down for a nap, and now she's having a little rest herself. We're gonna let her have some alone time right now. You and me can spend some time together, how 'bout that?"

"Okay. Will you read me a story?"

"Sure. Let's go pick out a book, and I'll read it to you, bub."

You followed him into his room, where he sat in front of his bookshelf and pulled books out to look at their covers — it was how he could tell the books apart, since he couldn't yet read the titles. He picked one out, so you went back to the living room, sat in the chair, and snuggled up together. You kissed his head and cracked the book open.

Just as you were finishing the book, JJ came out with a smile on her face. "Hi, loves! How's your morning been?"

"Hi, Mommy! Mama was reading me a book,"

"Oh, yeah? How'd you like it?"

"Good! Did you take a nap?"

"No, but I had a good rest. Your sister, though, is out like a light! Move over," she chuckled. She sat on the arm of the chair, and stroked Henry's hair as she kissed your head. "Oh, boy, I love you guys,"

"We love you too," Henry said. "Right, Mama?"

"Right," you laughed. "Why don't we go put the book away, big guy?"

"I'll do it!" he exclaimed, taking it from you and running off.

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