sixty-six | happy crying

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Henry wanted to draw up at the table, so you and JJ sat on the couch. She held you close and kissed your forehead, looking over at Henry every minute or two. "How was he?"

"Oh, he was good. Business as usual with him. Cars, trucks, books, snuggles. You know how it goes," you chuckled.

"Good. If you need alone time, I think it could be really good for you, too. It could be a good routine for us; an hour on the weekend for us to have to ourselves while the other watches the kids. Keeps us from getting burned out, if we can help it. Our lives are crazy, but I think this is something we can make time for."

You looked up at her and smiled. "Must have been a good hour, huh, love?"

"It was so quiet. I laid in bed and read my book for a whole hour. Uninterrupted, by myself. I don't think I've done that since Henry was born! I always used to work late when I didn't have him, and then I'd have no time for me. I absolutely adore spending time with you and the kids; it was just so, so nice to have an hour to myself,"

"We live together, we work together. There isn't much time we don't see each other. I think it's a great idea, making this a weekly thing if we can." You laid your head down on her shoulder and turned your head to kiss the exposed skin of her chest. She smiled, kissed the top of your head, and started scratching your scalp.

"If you want some time to yourself, take it whenever you want. We all deserve a break,"

"Let me just sit with you for a bit. I like this,"

"I know you do," she chuckled.

Henry was relatively quiet over at the table. He would hum a song he must have learned at preschool, but other than that, all you heard was the sound of his crayons on the paper and JJ's heartbeat. Your legs were laid over her lap, and your hand rested on her abdomen. She kissed your head every once in a while. No matter how often you sat together like this, it always felt just as tender and intimate as the first time.

When Henry came over, picture in hand, you swung your legs back over and welcomed him in both your lap and JJ's. "Hello, sweet boy!" you said.

"I sit with both my mommies!" It made you so happy to hear him say that, but you and JJ both shushed him, reminding him that Amelia was still napping. "Oh, sorry," he whispered.

"That's okay," JJ told him, giving him a squeeze. "What'd you draw?"

"The beach,"

"Oh, nice! That looks so good." She tickled him and kissed his head again and again to make him giggle. "I love you,"

"I love you, Mommy! And Mama, I love you too,"

"I love you so much, buddy. C'mere, let me give you a hug..." He moved over and wrapped his little arms around you, and you did the same. He was still so small; it hit you in that moment how much you loved that little boy, and how dependent he was on you and JJ. JJ seemed to have the same thought, and you could tell that she was holding back tears. "Let's let Mommy in," you whispered to Henry before pulling her into the hug. She kissed his head and sighed. 'You okay?' you mouthed to her. She smiled and nodded before kissing Henry again.

"I like snuggles," Henry murmured.

"I do too," JJ said. Henry moved over to mostly sit in her lap. She seemed a bit withdrawn, and Henry was quick to pick up on it.

"Mommy, why are you sad?"

"I'm not sad, my love. I'm just so grateful for everything we have: you, Amelia, Mama, Daddy, all our family and friends...I'm really, really happy. I love you,"

"So you're not sad? You're happy?"

"Of course I am! I'm with you and Mama!" She tickled him, and he doubled over laughing.

When Amelia woke up from her nap, you went to go get her from the crib. She was clearly hungry, so you sat in the rocking chair and fed her. You sang her a little song under your breath. You burped her and then brought her out to play on her mat.

JJ gave you a small wave. Henry was in her arms, nearly asleep, but he smiled at the sight of his sister. He didn't try and leave his mother's arms, but just watched Amelia play. JJ kissed his head every once in a while. You both knew that he would soon fall asleep, and JJ would carry him up to bed while trying not to wake him. She rubbed his little back and kept kissing him; he was fighting off sleep, since he wanted to stay up to watch or play with his sister, but JJ reassured him with her actions that it was okay if he needed a nap.

He finally succumbed to naptime, and once he was soundly asleep, JJ carried him into his room, gingerly tucked him in, and sat back down on the couch right where she had been. Amelia rolled over to her belly and started reaching for the toys on her mat with her. She had rolled over a few times before, but you and JJ were both excited that she was doing it consistently now. You shared a smile with her, and she came down off the couch to sit in front of your daughter.

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