forty-nine | henry's adoration

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Henry jumped into bed with you in the morning, waking you both. JJ groaned, "Oh...good morning, my sweet boy...what's going on?"

"I wanna come say hi!" he exclaimed. He was too awake for this early hour. "I come see you!"

"Hi," you said to him rather cheekily. He smiled and gave you a big kiss.

"How the baby? She sleeping?" You smiled and pulled him under the covers between you and his mom.

"Yeah, she's still sleeping," you told him.

"She sleeps a lot," he noted. JJ started to run his blond hair through her fingers.

"Well, she's just a little baby," she said softly, "she needs to sleep a lot so she can grow. When babies are very small, they need to take naps a lot,"

"Did I sleep a lot when I was little like Mila?" he asked. JJ smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Uh-huh. Oh, my goodness, you were such a cute baby," she swooned.

"Just like Mila?" He couldn't quite say her name yet. "She a cute baby too,"

"Yes, she is. Can I tell you something?" she whispered. Henry nodded. "You and Auntie and Amelia are the three people I love the most in the world. Did you know that?" Henry giggled and snuggled into his mom's chest. JJ, grinning, pulled you closer and trapped him in a tight hug. "You wanna snuggle for a while, my loves? My Y/N, my Henry?"

The tone she used with her son instilled a bubbly feeling in your soul. His smile looked so much like hers, and as he shone a big grin up at you, you couldn't help but smile back. He was so much like his mom. "Auntie Y/N, we snuggle with Mommy!" he whispered. You stroked his soft, shaggy hair and kissed him.

"Uh-huh. Oh, goodness," you groaned. You shut your eyes and just relaxed for a while. Henry was calm enough that you managed to fall asleep. He fell asleep too, and JJ got out of bed to check on Amelia while you got a chance to rest.

The door to the nursery creaked open as JJ slowly pushed it inwards, and she peered over the top of Amelia's crib. She was stirring in her sleep, and JJ knew she would soon wake, so she just sat in the chair for a bit. When Amelia woke up, JJ wanted to soothe her and stop her crying before you or Henry could wake up.

Amelia would be hungry, so JJ got her a bottle, and just as JJ was out of the room and otherwise occupied, Amelia began to wail. She rushed in to grab her baby and started to calm her down.

"Hey,'s okay, Mommy's here. Shh, shh, Mommy's here..." JJ put the bottle in her mouth and paced around the room with that sweet baby in her arms. "Oh, goodness, my lovely, your mama and I love you so, so, so much. You're our sweet baby girl! And you know who else loves you?" She smiled and kissed Amelia's little head. "Henry. Gosh, he loves you so much. He's always asking about you. He always wants to hold you, and give you kisses..." JJ trailed off and just watch your daughter eat. Amelia finished the bottle relatively quickly, and JJ grinned. "Hungry girl!"

She took Amelia out and sat on the couch as she burped her. She gave Amelia a ton of kisses until she saw you and Henry come out. You held him on your hip and sat with him on the couch beside JJ.

"Morning, Mommy!" he said. His eyes were glued to his sister. "I hold her?"

"Okay, bud, you know the rules," said JJ. When he was ready, she put Amelia in his arms. He supported her head and held the rest of her just like he was supposed to.

"You're such a good big brother, Henry," you said, softly touching his little shoulder. He smiled up at you, his big beautiful grin resembling his mother's exactly.

When Henry got excited while seated, he tended to kick his feet. He began to do that in response to your praise, but quickly reminded himself, "No, calm body with Mila..." You and JJ shared an expression of pride and adoration for that little boy of yours. You kissed the top of his head, and he looked up at you with a smile. Turning back to Amelia, he whispered, "I love you, Mila..."

You could have started crying right then. God, Henry was such a good brother. He was a gentle boy, always so kind and loving, and you and Amelia were lucky to have him. He was a direct product of JJ being a wonderful mother (and Will, of course). You were blessed to be doing all this with her.

JJ noted the vulnerability in your expression and reached behind her son to touch your cheek with a subtle, caring smile. She asked, "Are you guys hungry? You want some breakfast?"

"Pancakes!" Henry exclaimed. "Bluebelly pancakes!"

"Yeah? You want blueberry?"

"Yes, please!" JJ looked at you for your opinion, and you gave her a little nod.

"Alright, I'll go start breakfast, my loves."

You stayed with Henry, who remained very attentive with his little sister. Eventually he said, "Auntie, you wanna hold her too?"

"Sure, sweetheart."

You took Amelia from his tiny arms, and he exclaimed, "Mommy, I come help you!" as he ran into the kitchen to join JJ. She picked him up and bounced him on her hip while she walked around, making breakfast for the three of you.

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