six | are you sure?

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Just like that first night, JJ didn't cuddle with you. She hadn't been sleeping in the same bed as you on the case, naturally, so it wasn't a concern. You'd shared a room with Emily.

JJ simply laid beside you. You awoke in the middle of the night and sighed in relief. Everything was fine at the moment.

You didn't want to wake up JJ, so you tried not to make too much noise as you fought off the tears. Slowly, so JJ wouldn't be stirred by the movement of the blanket, you pulled it up to cover part of your face. You cried into the blanket.

Much to your dismay, your gasping breaths were registered by JJ. She moaned softly as she woke up and rolled on her side to face you. She had an adorable habit of checking on the person she was sleeping next to.

"Oh, baby..." she murmured, "what happened? Why're you up?" You felt so guilty for waking her up.

"I'm sorry, Jayje—"

"No, hey, breathe, love. It's just us, we're totally safe. What happened?" Her voice was slightly gravelly from disuse in the night. You sat up in bed. "What happened, love?"

"I'm fine. I'm fine," you tried to convince both JJ and yourself. "I'm fine,"

Sitting up, JJ reassured you, "It's okay to not be fine. I'm not gonna think any less of you, love. Do you want a cup of tea or something?" You shook your head. "Alright." She rubbed your back. "Is there anything you need? Anything you wanna talk about?"

"No, no, I'm fine,"

"Please be honest with me, Y/N. I can see that you're not fine. I'm not gonna make you talk about it. You can tell me when you're ready." JJ continued to rub your back while she kissed your head.

"I'm sorry," you wept. You leaned into her and she got your hair out of your face that was damp with tears. "I'm sorry, Jay..."

"Shh, honey, stop apologizing. You don't need to apologize for your feelings, Y/N, love. I'm not mad, not upset with you, nothing like that. All I want is for you to know that you do not have to suffer alone,"

"JJ, I love you,"

"I love you too, Y/N. We can talk in the morning— er, later in the morning. For now let's just go back to sleep. Do you think you'll be okay to go back to sleep? If you're not, we can stay up together for a little while, baby. We don't have to talk, but we just tell me what you think is best for you right now,"

"Let's sleep," you mumbled. JJ smiled her kind, beautiful smile of reassurance and laid down with you. She eyed you to make sure everything was alright with you. You stared at the ceiling for a minute before saying, "JJ?"

"Yes, my love?" she murmured. You couldn't get up the courage and energy to ask. You shook your head to dismiss the thought.

"Nevermind. I love you, Jayje. G'night,"

"Hey, what," JJ gently stroked your hair. You shook your head.

"Nothing, babe, sorry,"

"Are you sure? I can do just about anything for you." She kissed your forehead and moved away from you again. You bit your lip and looked up at her.

"Please hold me for a little while tonight?" you requested. "I get it if you don't want, or you're too tired, it's like 1:30 in the morning, you don't have to,"

"Nonsense, beautiful." She wrapped her arms around you, keeping you against her body, and sighed once she was situated. "Is this good?"

"Perfect, Jay, thank you. I love you so much,"

"I love you, darling," JJ answered. You were both asleep within a few minutes.


JJ's arms were still around you when you woke up, and you could tell she was up too. Her breath was shaky and so was the rest of her. "Morning, baby," you said.

"Hey," she said back. You heard a sniffle and rolled out of her grasp to look at her. Her face was red and puffy, tears streaming down. "Don't worry about me, love, I'm fine," she said, drying her face from the tears. It was like she read your mind.

"Please, JJ, why are you crying? Can I help?" She hugged you and let out her cries. "Aw, baby...I'm here, it'll be alright, whatever it is,"

"Y/N, I promise it's really okay. I'm just...just trying to..." She sighed. "I don't know,"

"That's okay,"

"I want to make everything okay, I just don't know how..." JJ wept. You stroked her hair.

"Jayje...sweetheart, already do more than enough for me. I promise. It's so hard, it is, but without you this would be impossible. You're perfect. I couldn't ask for anything more,"

"I love you. So much," she cried. "I would do anything for you."

For quite a few minutes, you and JJ held one another and laid in bed. JJ said, "We don't have anywhere to go today. It's Saturday. Just you and me, and tomorrow morning we go get Henry from Will's. We can do anything you want today, my love. Or nothing,"

"I don't know," you sighed. "Whatever you want, Jayje,"

"Mm...I love you, my beautiful girl. B—before I suggest something, I need to ask you a question,"


"It's hard to ask, um...I really don't wanna upset you, sweet girl, but..."

"What is it, JJ?" you asked. She held you in such a way that you couldn't see one another's faces. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, love," she began, "but I...are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital after...after what he did to you?" Her voice trembled.

"I can't, Jay, I really don't...I don't think I could handle it. And it's been days anyway,"

"Are you positive, love? If you still want to, I will be by your side,"

"I'm sure," you said. Your voice shook like hers. "I can't do that. I really can't. I'm sorry,"

"Hey, shh, you have nothing to be sorry for, love. The reason I asked is because you haven't taken a shower since. And after you do that it's a lot harder to—"

"I know," you croaked. "Yeah,"

"Yeah," JJ whispered. She raised her voice back up to normal when she said, "So if you're sure you don't want to, then...maybe you should shower today? If you're up for it?"

"I...I...yeah," you breathed. "Mhm. Yeah." JJ helped you turn over so you were face-to-face again.

"When you're ready, love," JJ emphasized. "You are...I know you're in pain, and that's okay. I want to help you, but we're gonna go at your pace. Okay?"

You nodded. "Okay. Um, can, uh, can we just..."

"You want to cuddle for a while, love?" JJ asked with a perfect smile. You reciprocated that smile and nestled into her. Your bodies fit perfectly together.

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