two | the next morning

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JJ didn't cuddle with you like she would've liked to, she knew it could trigger you. You woke up to paralyzing fear until you realized the person half-awake beside you was your girlfriend, not your fiancé.

"Um...?" you whispered. "JJ?"

"Mm, yes, love?"

"I love you so much," you whimpered, the events of the night flooding back.

"I love you even more, baby. How're you feeling?"

"Um, bad," you laughed in order to not cry. "I can't talk yet. Not just yet. I'm sorry,"

"Love, you're perfect. You don't have to be sorry for your feelings. I will never be upset with you for how you're feeling." She touched your hair. "I told Emily what I know about Levi, okay? We still don't know what happened last night, but I thought it might be good for her to know some background. I'm sorry, I know that wasn't my information to tell,"

"No, it's okay," you said, "I'm not mad. I get it. Uh...he...he's probably looking for me. The police, he thinks, probably." Only half of your mind was really working, the other half soaking in sleep and grief, leaving you only semi-coherent.

"Why would you be going to the police?" JJ wondered. You began to weep, digging your face into the pillow beneath your head. "I'm sorry, love. Can I rub your back? Does that sound okay?"

"Mhm," you hummed through sobs. JJ's ever-gentle hand traced over your back. "I'm okay," you breathed, trying to convince yourself. "I'm okay,"

"You don't have to be. Em and I are here for you. I'm gonna make sure everything's alright. I love you,"

"I love you, too," you whispered, your red eyes looking over at her now.

JJ comforted you, her hands over safe parts of your body to remind you she was there for you. You eventually hauled yourself out of bed, trying to keep the memories at bay, and saw Emily on her phone on the couch. The 6 AM news was playing quietly in the background.

"Morning," you greeted her.

"Good morning." Emily sat up and smiled. "How are you?"

"Fine. Do you have—"

"Pot of coffee where it always is. Fresh, too," she said, glancing at the news headline. You smiled.


You poured a cup of coffee for both JJ and yourself. Your girlfriend appreciated it as she brought herself out of bed. You sat on the couch and JJ held you loosely.

"Emily, I'm sorry I didn't tell you," you began. "I didn't know where to start. And I thought you might kill him," you added with a wry chuckle.

"Believe me, I might,"

"I know. Um...he...he was probably looking for me at the police station, like I told JJ earlier, because he..." You started crying again, for about the 457th time in the past twelve hours.

"Take your time, honey," JJ encouraged. Always she was so soft. "You're doing great." JJ ran her fingernails lightly over your upper arm.

"He hurt me," you choked. "He hurt me."

It's all you could muster without being prompted. "He hurt you," Emily repeated. "Honey, I'm...I've gotta..."

"I know," you mumbled.

"Emotionally, physically, or sexually?" Emily asked. JJ's body tensed slightly beneath you.

"All," you whimper. "First and last mostly, last night. But all,"

"Emotionally and sexually?" asked JJ. She didn't want you to know she was crying as well, but it was clear. You nodded and sobbed, putting your hand over your mouth. "Baby..." your girlfriend lamented.

"Y/N, this is a lot for you. I know," said Emily. The structure she provided, the pillar of stability in your life that was your sister, gave you great comfort. "Jay and I are gonna follow your lead on what you want to do. Okay?"

"Okay..." you cried. Emily dried her own tears. You stayed in JJ's arms, wanting to be like that forever. She loved you like Levi never had. "I'm so scared,"

"It's okay, my love," said JJ, "I'll always be there for you. We both will. Right, Em?"

"Of course. You're my little sister. I would kill or die for you, of course, I love you so much," Emily agreed.

JJ kissed your temple. "Honey, we need you to tell us what you want to do. At some point. Do you want to go to the police, or the hospital...?"

"I...I'm not...not sure..."

"Alright, love. Can we maybe go to the park? Get some fresh air?"

"We have work," you said. "We have to go to work." Please, for the love of god, someone give you something to do other than cry in bed, perhaps taking an excursion to then cry in the living room.

"Baby, Hotch will let you take time off. This isn't you just taking a vacation for the hell of it. Your fiancé—"

"I know!" you cried out. You sat up and looked at JJ. "I'm sorry, I'm not upset with you, Jayje, I'm sorry..."

"It's okay. Don't worry about me, baby. I'm here to help. I love you, sweetheart,"

"I love you, JJ,"

"Y/N," Emily said carefully. "Take today off. I'll call Hotch, I' much should I tell him?"

"I'll call him," you insisted. Emily and JJ made eye contact that said, 'no fucking way'.

"Babe, you should relax. Try to sleep, maybe, or have some tea. Don't worry about work,"

"I have to at least tell Hotch if I'm not coming in,"

"I think it's a good choice not to go to work today, my love," advised JJ. She stroked your hair as she showed you her soft expression. "You can if you really want to, obviously, but I really don't think you should. It's up to you,"

"I...I'm just scared," you admitted.

"Of him coming back," Emily realized. You nodded and let JJ wrap her arms around you.

"I mean, I'd rather go to work, grind out the day even if it's hard but feel safe, than stay home and be terrified,"

"Okay, love, then we'll go to work. I'll take you back to my place and get some clothes for you,"

"You keep her clothes at your place?" Emily asked. JJ nodded.

"Just some work outfits, and clothes to sleep in. In case she can't go home."

Emily nodded sadly and gave you a hug goodbye — with your permission. "Can you call Hotch, Em?"

"Of course. I'll tell him what happened?"

"As much as you need to. Don't say something you don't have to,"

"Yeah. I got you. I'll see you guys at work, alright?"

JJ led you down to her car, her hand in the center of your back. You were looking around to see if he was around, and thank god, you couldn't find him anywhere.

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