thirty-seven | domesticity

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"Might have to actually start buying maternity clothes soon," you noted. Fourteen weeks. JJ bent down in front of you and kissed your belly before looking up at you with those beautiful blue eyes.

"Soon. I have some stuff from when I was pregnant with Henry in a box somewhere. I'll find it this week or something,"

"Until then, am I just gonna wear your clothes?" you laughed. She stood up and kissed you on the lips.

"Yours are too tight for you. So yes, you'll be wearing my clothes until then,"

"So I'll be wearing your clothes for the rest of my pregnancy, basically. Since the maternity clothes were yours too," you chuckled. JJ smiled and shrugged.

"I mean, we can buy clothes if you want, or if stuff doesn't fit, but—"

You interrupted her, laughing, "No, I'm fine with it. I'm just teasing, love,"

"Okay," she laughed. She sobered after a moment. "How are you doing after yesterday?"

"I'm glad we told everyone. I'm not a fan of secrets, truth be told," you said.

"Well, we got two off our chests. Now everyone knows we're together, and they know you're pregnant. I feel the same; I'm glad we told them, hon. Now, what does the love of my life want for breakfast?"

You helped her make waffles, bacon, and eggs, interrupting yourselves by kissing in the kitchen. Both of you moved around, and somehow you ended up against the counter. "Jay!" you exclaimed though a laugh.

"What, baby?" she asked as she pressed kisses to your neck.

"The food's gonna burn if we don't stop. I love it, I do, but we need to actually cook, too," you laughed. JJ sighed, still grinning, and pulled away. She pouted theatrically. "I'm sorry, baby," you chuckled, "but we've gotta eat,"

"I know..."

You and JJ sat across from one another at the table, neither of you saying much as you ate. You hadn't been eating well lately, so when you cleaned your plate, JJ noticed with wide eyes and a smile, casually saying, "That's good,"

"Huh?" you asked, covering your mouth, which was filled with the last bite of waffle.

"You ate everything." She stabbed a bit of egg with her fork. "You haven't been eating much, but you ate all of it. That's really good, baby,"

"Oh," you murmured with a smile. You didn't really know what to say, but it made you happy that she was proud of you.

JJ finished her breakfast, and you rinsed the plates and put them in the dishwasher. Your girlfriend came up behind you and snaked her arms around your torso.


"Yeah?" She kissed your neck from behind.

"Do you wanna finish what you were trying to start when we were cooking?" When you turned around, making her let go of you, she seemed overjoyed. "Someone's excited," you scoffed, grinning. JJ grabbed your face and started kissing you hard. You pressed your body against hers, and she leaned back against the counter.

"Of course I am. I'm always excited to mess around with you." You held her waist and pressed your hips to hers.

"You are so pretty, Jenny,"

"Mm, I love when you touch me like this. Hang on," she said. You pulled away for a moment as she hopped up to sit on the counter. She leaned down and kissed you, draping her arms over your shoulders. Her hair tickled your face as it fell in front of her. You kissed for a while longer, until JJ said as you both came up for air, "Can we stop, baby?"

"Of course, love. Everything okay?"

"Yeah," she breathed, "I just don't wanna go any further than kissing right now. I'm just not... I just don't want to. Is that okay, baby?" She didn't need to explain herself by any means, but you didn't want to interrupt her if she had thoughts she needed to get out.

"That's fine with me," you said with a bright smile. "I love you, beautiful girl." You touched her nose with your index finger, making her go cross-eyed and giggle.

"I love you more,"

"Oh, no, we're not having this battle. We love each other equally. We are not doing this again," you laughed, shaking your head.

"Come on, it's been so long!" she whined as a joke. "Let's go get dressed, my love, hmm?"

She pulled you upstairs and kissed you before pulling out clothes from her closet. Her favorite thing of hers that you wore was a certain pink blouse. She wasn't quite sure why that was the item of her clothing she loved most on you, but she certainly did savor the sight. You kissed her, grabbing her ass as you did. JJ grinned, and you kissed her cheek.

"You know how happy you make me, baby?" she asked.

"Why don't you show me?" you teased. JJ's desire deepened at this challenge. She crashed her lips into yours and held you tight against her body. You made out with her for a few long moments; she wanted to imbue into you as much passion as she could.

"Now you know?" she asked breathlessly. You nodded and laughed, and then moved some hair out of her face.

"I certainly do, beautiful. Now I really think we've gotta get ready for work." She scrunched up her face in playful annoyance. You grinned and stood on your tiptoes to kiss her forehead. "I know, I know, I don't wanna go either. But we can cuddle and kiss and do whatever we want once we get home. I promise,"

"Fine..." She kissed you one last time before you went your separate ways to prepare yourselves for the day.

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