fifty-six | giggles

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The weekend after your wedding, which was the next time you were off, you were completely worn down from two weeks of being at work, being away from your family, and the stress of being a new mom. Friday night, despite your exhaustion, you offered to put the kids to bed. Henry was already tired, so he went down easy. You tucked him in, kissed his head, and he was practically asleep already.

Amelia nursed for a while and fell asleep once she was full. She didn't sleep through the night yet, but she slept longer after she ate. You joined JJ in bed. She held out her arms and kissed you as you settled. She said, "I could've put them down, babe..."

"It's fine, Jen, I'm good. When I'm at work, I miss these kids. I miss you. I need you guys, even when I'm so tired." You shut your eyes and snuggled into her arms.

"When she wakes up, I'll take care of her, m'kay? You need to sleep tonight,"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. If you wake up and hear her, just let me get her. I wanna take care of my girls." She kissed your forehead and pulled you against her body. She whispered, "I love you, angel,"

"I love you too, Jayje." You kissed her and snuggled in so you could fall asleep. "Good night,"

"Night, angel."

Amelia's cries did wake you up, but JJ was already on her way out of bed to soothe her. You tried to get back to sleep, but couldn't manage to do so before JJ returned. She inched her way back into bed so she wouldn't wake you, but you rolled over and reached for her to show that you were already awake.

"Go back to sleep," she whispered, stroking your head and pulling the blankets back over her. She held you as you both drifted back to sleep.

Saturday morning. Finally. JJ had gotten up a few times to put Amelia back to bed, so she was still asleep beside you when you woke. You just stayed with her until she got up. You found her smiling at you with half-open eyes. You started playing with her beautiful blonde hair and softly said, "Good morning, Jennifer,"

"Morning. Did you get a good night's sleep?"

"I did. Thank you so much, hon, it's been such a tiring week for me. I needed it. I hope you're not too tired now..."

"No. I'm okay." A smile dawned on her face. "Can I kiss you, pretty girl? I've missed having you home, all to myself..." You nodded and grinned back at her as you swooped in for kisses. After a couple moments, JJ let a soft moan escape, so you pulled her close and kissed her harder. She laughed out of the kisses and murmured, "God, you...I can't believe my life. I love you and our beautiful family,"

"I love you," you whispered. Your hands on her body clearly made her happy. "I love being yours, Jen. Can we cuddle for a while before we have to get up?"

"Of course, my love. I'll always have time to snuggle in bed with my incredible wife."

You grinned to hear her say those words. Being her wife was one of the greatest blessings. You kissed her and said, "When Amelia gets up, I'll feed her. Why don't you try and get some more sleep?"

"Yeah? You sure?"

"Positive. I'll get her, and I'll make breakfast for Henry. You can sleep in, love."

JJ nestled under the covers and rested her head on the soft pillow. "Don't let me sleep too long, but I could use another hour or two..."

"You want me to hold you until Amelia wakes up? I'll stay here until then, if you want me to,"

"Mhm. I love laying with my girl..." She rolled over to face away from you, and drifted off to sleep within a couple of minutes, fully allowing herself to rest as you spooned her. She was more invested in her rest than she had been during the night, now unencumbered by the inevitable awakening of your daughter. You kissed the back of her head and closed your eyes, not intending on falling asleep but simply relaxing with your wife.

After about ten minutes, you got up and sat in Amelia's room, just waiting for her to wake up. Her soft breathing made your heart soar; you had formed a whole individual who lived and breathed and who you would continue to shape. The potential of Amelia's life and your future with her, Henry, and JJ filled you with pride and determination.

When you heard her start to stir, you approached her crib and smiled down at her. The distress of being in a dark room away from familiar people fell away a little bit when you appeared. You took her out of her crib, saying, "Good morning, my Amelia!" You kissed her little head and put her down to change her diaper. "I've missed you all week, my love. Mama loves you so much! I miss you when I go to work. I bet you and Mommy have fun, though, huh? Mommy's the best..."

When you finished changing her diaper, you took her to the living room, laid out her little mat on the carpet, and let her have tummy time. She was getting a lot better at holding her head up and looking around a little bit. Her development amazed you. Once she started getting fussy, you picked her up and gently tossed her up and down, holding her up so she could "fly." Her giggles brought a permanent smile to your face.

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