fifty-four | the scheme

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You and JJ made sure no one you knew saw you ring shopping. You both went straight to wedding rings, not bothering with engagement rings. Together you decided to wait until the wedding to put them on; it would be easier to keep it from everyone else, anyway, since you could never forget to take it off if you weren't wearing it.

Since you would need a witness, JJ told you to invite Emily over after work on Friday so you could ask her together. Emily wanted to hold Amelia, of course, so after she washed her hands, you placed the baby in her arms and sat on the couch with both her and JJ. Henry was playing with his trucks in his room, which was good for you, since he didn't yet know about your engagement.

"God, I know you're trying to limit visitors, but I have missed this girl!" Emily exclaimed. "What's going on, guys? I haven't seen both of you together in a while,"

"Oh, we're great," you said. You grabbed JJ's hand, which Emily didn't see with her eyes fixed on your baby.

"Um, we have a favor to ask you," said JJ. Emily looked up for a moment. "We...we want you to be the witness at our wedding!"

"What? You're getting married?" she exclaimed. "Oh my god, you guys!"

"Yeah," you said, "but...quietly. We'll tell everyone afterwards. We don't want a huge thing. We just wanna go to the courthouse, do this thing, and celebrate once it's over. But we need a witness, and we want it to be you."

The shock stuck on Emily's face made you both laugh. Emily stammered, "Uh, I—I would love to! You guys are—I love you both, and whatever scheme of an elopement you've got going on, I'd love to be a part of it. So, yes! Of course!"

You hugged Emily from the side, since she was holding your baby, and she leaned her head against yours. "Thank you so much, Em," said JJ. "We love you. When do you want to do this?"

"Whenever you guys want. This is your wedding! Just tell me when,"

"Alright, then!"

Emily stayed for about an hour to be with her niece, who warmed up to her even on her third visit. Amelia had proven to be a rather easy baby; the main thing keeping her from meeting new people was your and JJ's efforts to protect her immune system. She was a very social little thing, but she got enough germs from her brother.

You both hugged Emily and thanked her endlessly for being willing to do this. After she left, you sat in the rocking chair with Amelia in her nursery and fed her. Henry came in to see you, and you let him sit in your lap. "Auntie?" he whispered. "Mila sleeping?"

"No, not yet. How are you today, sweet boy?"

"I good. Mommy making dinner,"

"Oh, yeah? What's she making?"

"Um, 'pasketti,'"

"Sounds good!" You kissed his head and held him tight. Forgetting that Henry did not call you what you and JJ had decided Amelia would call you, you said, "Mama loves you..."

Henry snuggled in and whispered, "I love you too, Mama."

Your stomach dropped. Tears welled in your eyes. You kissed his head again and realized Amelia was asleep, so you whispered, "Um, I gotta put your sister in bed, buddy,"

"Okay!" He hopped off your lap and ran off.

You put Amelia in her crib and sat back in the rocking chair, putting your head in your hands and crying your eyes out. Henry called you 'Mama.' Maybe it was because you had said it first. Or maybe he meant it. He was only three, so it was hard to tell exactly what he meant when he spoke. You cried for a while and went to help JJ finish dinner and set the table.

"Hey. Amelia go down?" she asked before looking up at you. Turning around, she put her arms around your waist with concern etched on her face. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," you breathed. "Yeah, I'm good. Uh, it's just Henry,"

"Shit, is everything okay?"

"Yeah! No, yeah, everything's good. Great, actually. Um, at least I feel like it is. I, uh, I forgot about—about Amelia calling me Mama and Henry...not doing—so I told him Mama loves him, and he called—he called me Mama, and I..."

JJ smiled and put her arms around your neck now instead of your waist. She kissed you and hugged you tight. "Baby...this is amazing,"

"Really? You're okay with it? I didn't know if you would mind,"

"No, of course not! Y/N, we're gonna get married, and I've told you, you're a second mother to him. Amelia's my daughter; Henry's your son. Right?"

"Right," you wept.

"I love you, and I love our children, and I'm so happy Henry feels like he can call you Mama. He loves you, baby. Of course he does. You fucking rock, both as a mom and as a future wife." She pulled you into a kiss, making you smile and easing your tense muscles. "No more crying. Time for dinner. Go grab your son." She pat your arm and sent you off.

The three of you ate dinner at the table together, and Henry laid on the couch holding his belly. "Ugh!" he exclaimed. "So full..." JJ laughed so hard that Henry asked, "What so funny?"

"Nothing," she laughed. As you tried to help her clean up, she said, "I've got it, hon,"

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Go sit."

You kissed her and sat on the couch with Henry. He laid his head in your lap and asked softly, "I call you Auntie or Mama?"

"Whatever you want, buddy. Either way,"

"Okay." Suddenly a big smile formed on his face and he exclaimed, "Both! I give you kiss?"

"Of course. I love you!"

"I love you too, my boy." You kissed his cheek and hugged him close. His conscious decision to at least sometimes call you the name that warmed your heart put an immovable grin on your face.

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