fifty-two | time together

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Just after Amelia went down for a nap that morning, you pulled JJ to the couch and started kissing her. You felt her smile on your lips. "What's this for?" she chuckled. "Not that I don't love it,"

"For my girl who's been having a tough week," you answered with a smile of your own. You tucked some hair behind her ear, asking, "You've been so worked up, Jayje, how can I help you relax?"

"Anything where I can be close to you, touching you. I need you today,"

You kissed her again and pulled her closer. "Okay, darling. I love being your girl. I'm yours, Jayje, always,"

"How was your weekend? Were you alright?" she wondered, snuggled up in your arms. You threw a blanket over the both of you and kissed her head. She needed as many kisses as you could give her.

"Yeah, everything was fine. Felt busy, with a sleepy newborn and an energetic know, trying to keep him away from her room, not waking her up..."

"Did you get enough sleep? I mean, I know the answer's no, bad?"

You sighed and smiled. "I'm alright. Makes me even more thankful that I have you. I can't imagine doing this by myself. How'd you manage when Henry was this little?"

She shifted and pulled the blanket to cover more of herself. "Well, in the beginning, Will and I were still together. I didn't want to break up with him, like, right before or right after we had a kid together, you know?"


"I waited about six months. He still lived with me up until a little after Henry's first birthday, and then he moved out. That was our agreement. So by the time I had Hen by myself, he was already walking and almost talking. God, it feels like yesterday..."

You squeezed her tight, and she looked up at you for a kiss. "I'm so lucky, baby. I can't believe next month will be a year and a half together,"

"Been a hell of a rollercoaster," she chuckled. "Gone through some shit. You moved in. Had a baby. Henry's three now — god! I think this is as close to perfect as we can get. I've never been happier. I love you so much, angel."

"I love you." With that, you yawned, and JJ reached up to play with your hair, love and slight concern on her face.


"I'm fine," you said with a shake of your head. She opened her mouth to speak, but you said, "Really, Jayje, it's okay,"

"Hon, you had the kids alone this week. Not only could you not really nap during the day, but you had nighttime feedings by yourself. We could both use a nap, I think. Come on, love." She stood and grabbed your hand, ready to pull you behind her. She looked back at you and watched you give in.

"Well, Amelia's already down, so I guess now is as good a time as ever..."

"You asked me what I needed today, right?" You nodded. She smiled as you stood, and finally kissed you. "This would be really good."

Once in your room, she shut the blinds and kept the lights off so you could both sleep. You were falling asleep faster than you anticipated, lying on your belly. JJ rubbed your back as you mumbled, "I love you, Jay..."

"I love you too. Let's get some rest, angel."

JJ mostly helped you get to sleep, but eventually dozed off herself. She loved taking care of you and the kids, so today was like heaven for her. When Amelia started to cry, you were still asleep, so JJ rushed to soothe her to keep you asleep. She changed Amelia and, before JJ could even get a bottle ready, the little girl had gone right back to sleep. JJ put her in her crib and rejoined you in bed.

You slept for a good couple of hours. JJ was glad to let you sleep and relieve you of your duties for a short while. She knew you wouldn't ask this of her — not in a million years — but she wanted to repay you for taking on her household and parental responsibilities that weekend. She still harbored guilt around leaving you, despite all your reassurances.

You woke up to her once again rubbing your back, a soothing gesture that she had always done without a second thought. You grumbled incoherently, and JJ leaned over to kiss your head with a smile.

"Hey, angel. Sleep okay?"

"Mhm," you muttered.

"Good, I'm glad,"

"Did you sleep at all?" you asked.

JJ, who had been partially sitting up, shifted down to lie right beside you and pulled the covers up to your necks. "A little. I changed Amelia, and I was gonna feed her, but she fell asleep before I got the chance. I dozed a little here and there, but mostly I just stayed here like this with you,"

"Aren't you tired?"

"Not too bad. It was less about sleep and more about spending time with you. It was a really nice few hours, just laying here with my beautiful girl. I love you so much. Have I told you that enough lately?"

"You tell me all the time," you replied with a smile. You rolled onto your side to face JJ and started playing with her hair. "I'm glad you seem to be doing better today. It was a hard few days for you, but it's all okay now, hmm?"

"Yeah." She looked down and nodded. "How was Henry? Did he do okay? It was his first time not being with Will while I was away,"

"Oh, he was great. I think it was a little weird for him, just the change in routine, but he rolled with it pretty well." Remembering something, you started to chuckle. "Because I was so tired, he must have thought I seemed really sad, and he was always trying to cheer me up by being all silly. I asked him what he was doing and he..." You started to mimic him. "'Auntie, I don't want you be sad! Mommy come home soon! When I sad, I play with my trucks. You wanna play with trucks?'"

JJ laughed. "He tried,"

"He sure did." You kissed her. "He's always quick to make me smile. Takes after his mom."

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