sixty | on duty

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JJ was nowhere to be seen when you woke up, but Henry was curled up right beside you. You stroked his blonde hair, still sleepy. He poked his head out from under the blanket, having been partially covered. "Good morning, sweet boy," you yawned.

"Morning, Mama,"

"Do you know where Mommy is, bud?"

"She makin' coffee,"

"Oh, okay. You wanted to stay and snuggle with me?" You gave him a squeeze. He nodded and got closer to you, all smiles and giggles. "Good. Do you know how much I love you? You and Mommy and Amelia and Auntie Emily are my favorite people in the whole world. I love you so much,"

"I love you, Mama."

Every time he called you that, your heart soared. To be considered the mama of both him and Amelia was the honor of a lifetime. In moments like this, you were grateful that you got to experience all these different kinds of loves: sisterly love from Emily, romantic and companionate love from JJ, and maternal love from your kids.

After about ten minutes of quiet snuggles — you thought Henry had fallen asleep, and had gotten close yourself — the bedroom door creaked open. JJ peered in, and you and your boy looked up, but hardly stirred. "Mommy!" he said, enthusiastic yet sleepy.

"Hi, my loves. Did you just wake up?"

"A little while ago," he told her. She chuckled at his soft voice and the way he couldn't quite say the letter L.

"Oh, yeah? Can I come lay down with you?"

"Of course," you said.

"Don't spill your coffee, Mommy,"

"I won't, bud." She placed the mug on the bedside table and crawled in bed, snuggling Henry between the two of you. "I love you both so much,"

"Do you have to go to work today?"

"We do," you lamented. "But when we all come home we can snuggle again. Sound like a plan?"


You all had cereal and fruit for breakfast, except, of course, for Amelia, whom JJ bottle-fed once she finished eating. Henry kept getting a little bit distracted by his sister. He ate quickly and ran to get dressed. You and your wife both laughed at the silliness of childhood. "You still doing well after yesterday? Gonna be alright today?" she asked you, stroking Amelia's tuft of hair.

"Gonna be just fine, Jen. We're taking it a day at a time. You wanna go get ready, and I'll take her?"

"Sure, if you don't mind, love,"

"Course not. I love spending mornings with my baby girl." JJ handed her and the towel over to you. You draped the towel over your shoulder and started to burp her as JJ kissed your cheek and headed back to the bedroom to get ready for work.

Henry came out and asked, "Mama, can you brush my hair?"

"Sure, buddy." You held Amelia on one hip on the way to the bathroom, then picked up Henry with the other arm and sat him on the vanity counter. You brushed his soft blond hair and gave him a kiss on the forehead before lowering him to the floor again. "You need to brush your teeth? Want me to grab your toothbrush?"

"Yes, please." It was a little tricky to maneuver the toothpaste, faucet, and toothbrush, but you managed, giving it to Henry and patting his head. He hummed a little song that JJ and Will had always sung so he would brush for long enough. Thirty seconds into it, and your wife appeared in the doorway with the same smile you had on. He didn't notice until he was almost done. He stepped on the stepping stool and spit out the toothpaste, giving himself a big, shiny grin in the mirror. You stroked his hair and looked over at JJ.

"Hi, you three." She came in to grab the baby from you. "My turn...go get ready, love. I've got them."

You grabbed an outfit from the closet; it made you smile at the memory of JJ once telling you that it made you look especially beautiful. She had hardly been able to keep her hands off you at work that day. Now, when you put it on, the pants were still a little bit tight, but as you typically wore a belt with them, you just decided not to that day.

You brushed your hair and teeth, washed your face, did your makeup, and grabbed a jacket. JJ had dressed Amelia and packed her diaper bag, so everyone was ready to go roughly on time. You two had become masters of the morning routine, both with and without Henry. First you dropped Amelia at the babysitter's, then Henry at daycare, and you were off to work.

The second day was easier than the first. Anxiety still had hold of you, but it was a bit more bearable. Emily could see right through you. She looked up from her work to see you staring down at yours, biting the skin of your bottom lip and scratching the nape of your neck. "Hey. You wanna come out to get lunch with me? Just you and I?"

"Uh, sure, let me just go talk to JJ." Knocking lightly before pushing open the already ajar door to her office, you asked, "Hey, hon, is it alright if I go get lunch with Emily?"

JJ furrowed her brow. "You know you—you don't have to ask my permission, right? Of course, go to lunch with her! You can do whatever you want, you know that, don't you?" she asked, concerned but as sweet as ever.

"Well, I—I just didn't know if, uh, if you wanted me to stay here or go out with you whenever that w—"

"Honey, honey." You stopped these ramblings and looked at her. "You don't have to ask. I appreciate you letting me know, so I can plan ahead for myself, but you don't need to ask if it's okay,"

"Uh—okay. So I'll go?"

"Whatever you want, hon. Do you wanna go?" You nodded. She smiled and playfully shooed you away. "Then go! I'll talk to you later!"

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