ten | give a statement

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(tw: very in-depth talk of the abuse)

Your girlfriend peppered your face with kisses to wake you up. Without any words, she took you in her arms and spooned you for nearly ten minutes, kissing you softly on the back of your neck and head.

The clock said it was almost nine in the morning. "Good morning, my sweet Jennifer,"

"Mm," she moaned, smiling against your neck, "good morning, my Y/N. How are you?"

"I'm...okay," you said. "You?"

"Fine. Um, I...we need to talk about the voicemails, love. I'm sorry to do this so early, but there's a reason,"

"What?" you said, rolling over, and it sounded more like a statement than a question. JJ's wonderful blue eyes stared at you, already sorry for what she was about to propose.

"I'm gonna say something that might be hard to hear, but it needs to be said,"

"Jayje, you're—you're scaring me,"

"Honey, it's not you. It's about him. You haven't done anything wrong. You have been perfect—"

"Are you breaking up with me?" you asked, your voice breaking. JJ shook her head and sat up, you following shortly after.

"No, nothing like that at all, love. Promise." She held your hand and squeezed it to reassure you. "I just want to know if you really don't want to talk to the police about him. Because he—"

"No, I can't do it, JJ. I'm so scared," you said, shaking.

"I know. I can't even imagine how scared you must be. But Y/N, you're the bravest person I know. And if you want to, I'll be by your side. I will be with you as long as they'll let me."

You side-hugged JJ so tight she was about to break. She reciprocated the hug, keeping herself tightly wrapped around you.

"Do you promise?" you whispered.

"Yes, love, I promise. As long as I'm allowed to be with you, and you want me to be, I promise to be there. And I can call Will and ask if he's okay if we get Henry a little later, if need be,"

"No, be with your son, Jay, I'll be okay." That was a total fabrication. You would not be okay. But you did know how important her family was to her.

"Will won't mind. And if he does, Henry can be babysat by his cool Aunt Emily." You smiled slightly before it fell away.

"I'm really scared, Jayje," you admitted.

"Yeah. It's normal to be nervous. I'm not gonna let him hurt you anymore. He's not gonna get near you if I have any say in it. So if you think you can muster the courage to do it, then let's do it, my love. And if you can't..." she sighed, "I'll still be right here. 'Cause I always will be."

You trembled as you prepared to leave. JJ was on the phone with Will, who was fine with keeping Henry for a little extra while. JJ didn't explain the situation, only telling Will that 'something came up, and it would help me out a ton if I could pick Henry up a little later today?' Will agreed immediately.

They were no longer in love, but Will still cared greatly about JJ's wellbeing and wanted her to be happy. He could tell this was important to her, so he didn't mind hanging out with his son — who was asleep anyway — for a little while longer.

JJ let you squeeze her hand as she drove with the other. "You're gonna be okay, love, I'm here. I support you wholeheartedly, Y/N."


JJ wasn't allowed to be with you when you gave your statement. You knew how to be effective, giving them the information that would help them, but at times your emotions got the best of you.

"When did the abuse begin?"

"About four months into our relationship. Roughly two years ago. He blackmailed me so I wouldn't leave,"

"How exactly did he blackmail you?"

"Well, maybe not blackmailing exactly, but...he said if I tried to leave him, or said anything about what he did to me, he would hurt my sister,"

"Did your sister know about this threat?"

"No, I never told her. I couldn't, otherwise she'd get hurt,"

"Right. You said he sexually assaulted you,"


"More than once?"

"Yes," you exhaled, trying to keep your head.

"When did that begin?" Tears sprung into your eyes. You fought them hard.

"It—the first instance I really registered as...as assault...was around a year ago. He'd had several beers, and I didn't want to have sex. He—he forced me. Tied me to the bed, pinned me down by my shoulders, and..." You sniffled. "And he raped me,"

"How many more times did Mr. McIntyre rape you?"

You thought very hard. "There were a lot of times he—he coerced me, and it was easier just to do it than to fight him and be physically forced, so...but just, just straight-up rape? Only a few." You wanted so badly to stop crying in front of these cops. "All the ones up until...um, up until the other night, I was really drunk, he took advantage of that, but I still remember,"

"And the other night?" You took a pause to collect yourself.

"He...he came home from work, at around 12:30 in the morning,"

"Had he had anything to drink?" You shook your head no.

"No. He smelled like alcohol, but he works at a bar, so that was normal. He was sober," you sniffled.

"Okay. Keep going,"

"He wanted to talk about the wedding. He started drinking. I tried to let him down gently, just tell him I wasn't sure about the wedding, I thought it might be too soon. But then he—he threw me up against the kitchen counter, and I tried to fight him, like I'm trained to, but then he, he pinned me to the wall and took off—he took off my shirt, and pulled my pants halfway down, and—he, he, he raped me again," you sobbed.

"What did you do after?"

"He, he started drinking, so I waited until he fell asleep and then I, I went to my sister's." You were barely coherent.

"The sister he threatened?"

"Yeah," you said quietly.

"What was the last contact you had with Mr. McIntyre?"

"Um, he's been calling me. Texting, too. I never answer, but I've listened to the voicemails he's left. So my last contact with him was the night he..."

"The night he assaulted you?" asked one of the officers. You nodded.


The officers probed you a bit further, and then you were free to go. Once you were done, JJ hugged and kissed you, heartbroken to see your teary eyes and damp face trailed with tears.

"You're so strong, love. It's painful, love, I see that, I know, but you did a good thing, love, I'm proud of you,"

"Can we please go home now?" you begged. JJ nodded and squeezed your hands. "We can pick up Henry,"

"I'll drop you at home first. It's closer anyway. I'll go get Henry and come right home. I'll explain to him you're gonna want to be left alone a little bit, or some quiet time,"

"He knows about us?" you asked. Your brain was still kind of foggy.

"I told him about us a while ago, remember, love?"

"Oh," you mumbled, vaguely remembering her telling you about that.

"It's all good. It'll be fine, Y/N. Let's get you home."

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