thirty-eight | asleep on the jet

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When you and JJ got to work and she split from you to go to her office, Emily waited until she was gone and said to you, "She makes you so happy, doesn't she?"

You grinned and rolled your eyes. "She really does, Em. She makes me happier than I thought I could be,"

"I'm so happy for you, Y/N. It's completely different, the way you act with her versus the way you acted when you were with him..." You pursed your lips and looked down at your desk for a moment. "Sorry," Emily said. "I didn't mean to upset you. I'm just really glad JJ makes you as happy as she does. You guys deserve each other."

JJ stole you away for lunch. You were honestly grateful for it; you were constantly tired with no respite in sight, so anytime you could just be alone or just with JJ, allowing yourself to unwind, was time well-spent and desperately needed.

A case fell to your girlfriend's desk that day, just before everyone was supposed to leave. You watched her walk into Hotch's office and everyone's eyes stuck on her.

Businesswomen were being found dead in Seattle; they were killed on their way home from work. It was going to be a long flight.

JJ sat with you on the plane and held your hand, playing with your fingers as your mind wandered into a half-asleep state. Your head kept nodding as you fought back sleep, promising yourself you would find a more comfortable position than this. Eventually, JJ softly implored, "Baby, put your head on my shoulder and go to sleep, I've got you,"

"Okay," you murmured. You obliged, fully laying against her, and she kissed the top of your head. Emily saw this silent display of affection and allowed herself a little smile.

You slept for a while on the plane. JJ kissed your head every once in a while. She twirled your hair around her index finger and let you sleep. Sometime as you slept, she placed a hand on your abdomen and stroked you with her thumb. In every breath she drew a faint "I love you" was contained.

You woke up to her still kissing and touching you relatively chastely. You blinked a few times and smiled. "Hey, baby," she greeted you.

"Mm...hi, Jenny. How long until we land?"

"Oh, not long, my love," she murmured. She kissed your head once more. "I'm glad you could sleep,"

"I'll be right back," you said. You got up to go to the bathroom, and once you were out of sight, Emily returned the smile still stuck on JJ's face. She moved over to sit across from JJ.

"You take good care of her, don't you?" Emily noted. "She adores you, Jayje. She really loves you,"

"I'm in love with her. I love her more than anything, Em...her and Henry. They're my everything,"

"I know," said your sister with a smile. "You know, I've always done everything I could to protect her." She looked away for a minute. "And I fucking hate that I couldn't protect her from Levi,"

"You didn't know, Emily, it's not your fault,"

"No, I know...but she didn't tell me. And I don't blame her for that— I just hate that she couldn't trust me. I couldn't protect her from him. But she loves you so, so much, and she's so happy to be with you openly now. She's the happiest I've seen her in a long, long time, and it's because of you,"

"Come on, Em..."

"It is! She told me as much. She loves you, and I know she loves Henry. You make her so happy, JJ,"

"She makes me happy, too," JJ mumbled with a smile, looking down at her hands. "I love her,"

"I know you do. It's been my job to protect her since we were kids. I made it my job. I'm glad she has you to love her the way she deserves to be. Not like Levi,"

"I would never treat her that way. I can't even imagine..." JJ sighed. You returned from the bathroom and smiled at JJ.

"Hey, Em," you said.


You sat back down next to your girlfriend, and she wrapped her arm around you. "I love you, Y/N,"

"I love you too," you said. JJ smiled and kissed your temple. You placed a hand on her leg.

Once you landed, you and Morgan went down to the latest crime scene. After you surveyed it, and called the rest of the team with your findings, the car fell relatively silent. Morgan was driving, and you stared out the windshield.

He broke the silence by saying, "You know, I'm happy for you and JJ. We all are,"


"I never liked that other guy. He seemed like an ass,"

"Yeah," you muttered.

"You and JJ make a cute couple. She looks like she really cares for you. On the jet..."

"I was just tired. Being pregnant is tiring," you scoffed, chuckling.

"Nah, you should've seen the way she was holding you," Morgan laughed, "'cause she looked like it was her job, holding you like that. She loves you. We can all see that."

Heat flushed your face as you looked down to your hands fidgeting in your lap. There was a little smile, growing slowly like vines to take over your face.

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