forty-seven | baby amelia

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"You okay?" she asked you every five seconds, it seemed. Her frequency was out of love, of course, but even she knew it was a little much.

"I'm fine," you said each time. "Not bad yet." She reached over and grabbed your hand. "Jayje, I'm okay," you chuckled.

"Okay, baby." She started to run through a list of people to talk to. "We already called Emily, and Hotch to let him know I won't be in...and Will..."

"I think we're good."

JJ kissed the back of your hand. "You gotta tell me how you're doing, yeah? I'm gonna be here with you the whole time, I promise, I just want you to be real about your pain and everything."

You squeezed her hand quickly and smiled. "I will."

JJ did everything to keep your mind off Levi for the next eleven hours. She kissed your sweaty forehead as your baby girl was handed to you. Both of you were crying as she said, "I love you so much, my Y/N. God, I love you both."

"I love you, Jen. I'm so lucky. Now, what about a name?" you asked her. "For this beautiful girl of ours..."

JJ thought for a moment. "That's what we forgot when we left the house. Our list of names."

You laughed a little before sighing, "Whatever. Just tell me your favorite,"

"Amelia. That was my favorite," she said. She touched your baby's cheek and smiled.

You grinned back, tired out of your mind, and said, "I think she seems like an Amelia."

Amelia. She was so little, and so beautiful, and you couldn't be happier. JJ laid in your bed with you in recovery as you switched off holding her. As you were falling asleep, JJ mumbled, "I'm gonna go call Em and Will, okay? Just to tell them everything's good with you, and with her."

She left you alone with sweet Amelia. She first called Emily, who was elated to hear from her. "Hey, Jay, how is she? How are all of you guys?"

"We're great, Em. Your sister's one tough girl,"

"Yeah? How's she doing?"

"She's good. Exhausted. After I get off with you, I'm calling Will to let him know everything's okay, and by the time I'm done with that, she'll probably be asleep," chuckled your girlfriend. "But she's a trooper. God, I love that girl."

Emily's grin was practically audible over the phone. "I know you do. Everything went well? How's the baby?"

"Yeah, everything's good. No complications, everyone's doing well. Tired, but we're all good," JJ sighed. She had never been happier.

"And the baby? Does she have a name yet?"

"Oh. Yeah. Amelia. And..." JJ was getting choked up again. "And she's perfect. She's healthy, and there's no way we could love her any more than we already do. I'm...I'm over the moon," she said with a sniffle, drying some tears.

"I'm so happy for you guys. Let me know when I can come visit, okay? I know you guys aren't having visitors quite yet,"

"Um..." JJ was staring at the wall in front of her.

"Oh, you don't have to give me an answer right now. Please, god, take your time. I am not your biggest priority right now. Just whenever you guys feel ready and up to it. Take your time,"

"Oh, no, sorry, I was just spacing out. I guess I really am exhausted. Uh, yeah, I'll let you know. I'll ask Y/N her feelings on it when she's a little better rested too. Thanks, Em. We both love you, and we'll talk soon,"

"Take pictures for me, will you?"

"Of course. See you later,"

"Bye, Jay,"

"Bye." JJ hung up with Emily, rubbed her eyes, let out a sigh, and called her ex. "Hey, Will,"

"Hey. How you doing?"

"Good. Tired. So's Y/N, obviously. But we're doing good, and baby Amelia is fantastic. Happy, healthy baby girl,"

"Amelia? Is that her name?"


"That's real nice. You wanna talk to Henry? He was just about to get into bed,"

"Oh, sure. I didn't know if he was still up or not," she said.

Will put the phone to his son's ear and said, "It's Mommy,"

"Mommy!" Henry exclaimed. His vivacity always brightened JJ's day. "Did Auntie have the baby?"

"Uh-huh. You're a big brother now, sweet boy!"

Henry started squirming in his bed and giving adorable little cheers. "What's her name?"

"Amelia," said JJ with a grin. "She's adorable,"

"When can I see her, Mommy?"

"Soon, love. Soon, I promise. Well, I've gotta go be with her and Auntie now. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay, sweet boy? I love you very much, and so does Auntie,"

"I love you, Mommy. Night-night,"

"Night, love."

JJ returned to your room and saw you barely awake. You gave her an absent smile and glanced down at your sleeping newborn lying on your chest. JJ smiled back and laid beside you. "You doing alright?" she whispered.


"Get some rest, angel. I love you." You smiled at this new term of endearment from her.

"You too. You should sleep too, Jayje,"

"I will. Good night, love."

You both slept for some time, but JJ woke up every once in a while with the urge to check on you and Amelia. When she couldn't get back to sleep, she took Amelia and sat holding her by herself for a little bit. She whispered to her, "Hello, my sweet girl. I can't believe I have a daughter now. Your mommy is so brave. She and I love you so much, my Amelia." She kissed your daughter's head, over the little pink hat, and smiled down at her.

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