sixty-one | all the time in the world

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As Emily pulled out of her parking space, she asked you, "So, how are you feeling?"

"Uh, good, good. You?"

"Oh, I'm fine. I'm good. I've been meaning to check in on you. I know it's tough, leaving Amelia with someone else for the first time, but you and JJ are doing a good job, hon. You look good. You seem a lot better than you did a year or so ago,"

"Well, I'm infinitely happier. I'm married now, I have a beautiful family, my partner is the best...god, Emily, it's such a fucking weight off my chest to not worry at home anymore." You began to get choked up as you said, "I know—I know infidelity is—it's really bad, but when—when your partner is doing terrible things to you and the world feels like it's ending and someone comes along like a breath of fresh air and treats you like you deserve, what do you do? It's a terrible thing to do, but he did way worse to me. That's how I always justified it to myself,"


"But now, not needing to justify my relationship with JJ, not using her love to counterbalance what he did, just getting to be head-over-heels in love with this perfect woman without hiding or being's the best. I'm so fucking happy, Em," you cried, overwhelmed by the beauty of your life after Levi.

Emily clapped your shoulder and laughed, "Good! I'm happy for you! How are the kids?"

"They're great. Henry's been calling me 'mama,' which puts me over the moon. I love that kid so much. And Amelia — she's just the sweetest little baby. You could come over sometime, if you'd like. See the kids,"

"I'd love to. I'm so relieved you're doing well now. You and JJ are doing alright?"

"We're great, actually. Aside from, y'know, both of us back to work and dealing with that anxiety and all, we're good. Why are you asking all of this?" you chuckled.

"I have to make sure my baby sister's alright." She'd had no idea things were so bad with Levi until you showed up on her doorstep and JJ told her everything; she was determined that nothing like that would ever happen again. She would know before it got so bad. "You know you can always talk to me, right? I love you, you dumbass," she laughed. You laughed with her and gave her a light, playful punch to the upper arm.

You ate lunch outside with her, trying to get some information from her. Emily had always been a closed book, only cracking open in the slightest with you — more than with anyone else, though — but you were determined.

"So? What's been going on with you? Have you been seeing anyone?"


"Why don't I believe you?" Emily bit her lip and kept her eyes on her meal. You gasped, "Oh, my god, you're totally seeing someone! You have to tell me everything,"

"No," she chuckled. The reddening of her face did not do her lies any favors. Usually she kept a good poker face, but never with you. She sighed, put her fork down, leaned back, and said, "Fine. Fine. I'm seeing someone. But it's not really something to talk about yet. It's pretty new, still,"

"Ah, alright," you groaned. "Not even a little bit you could tell me?"

"No, no. He's good, I'll tell you that. I really like him,"

"That's great! How long's it been going on?"

"Uh, month, month and a half, maybe? It's really nice, but we're both pretty private, so I don't want to talk all that much about it. But I am happy. I like him a lot."

You exchanged grins. Emily had not been with someone in a while, and it was nice for her to be with someone who seemed to make her happy. It was clear that she wouldn't tell you much more at the moment, so you quit asking. After so many years, you knew your sister's mannerisms well enough to know that. She was private, and you respected that, even if you teased her with some playful prodding first.

She asked to see pictures of Amelia, marveling at how big she had gotten since the last time she saw her. You showed her some of Henry with Amelia as well, which was the most adorable sight. Seeing Emily's reactions, you realized that you had taken for granted these beautiful kids. Emily said that she would come over that night if she didn't already have a date with her mystery man.

It was about time to get back to work, so Emily drove the both of you back to the office. You poked your head into JJ's office. "Hey, baby!" she said with a smile. "How was lunch?"

"Um, good. How are you?"

"I'm good. I got a lot of work done. Come in," she said, gesturing towards herself. You shut the door behind you, and JJ sat you down. "Sweetheart, you know you don't have to ask me to go to lunch with your sister. Or anyone, for that matter." She took both your hands in both of hers. "I appreciate you letting me know, just so I don't wait up for you or worry about making you wait for me, but you can eat whenever with whomever. If I start to feel left out or upset and I'd really like to eat with you some day, I can definitely advocate for myself. I promise, alright?"

You nodded. "I'm sorry, I—"

"Don't apologize. You've nothing to apologize for. Just tell me what you want to tell me, okay?" You nodded again. "I'm not upset, sweetheart. You don't need to apologize for anything. Go ahead, I'm sorry for interrupting you."

You played with your hands (and JJ's by extension) as you mumbled, "It's hard sometimes feel like you won't be mad if you don't know where I'm going. Not you, not personally, but..."

"No, I know, I get it. You don't owe me an explanation when you're just going out. I might ask, but it's not because I'm suspicious or I want to stop you from going or anything; I'm just curious. If I'm worried about something, or if there's a reason I might want to...I don't know, like if you just left me with the kids unexpectedly for something random or, like, if something unreasonable happens between us — something that I feel like isn't an okay situation — I will talk to you about it. I'm not gonna be passive-aggressive about it, or let it all fester inside until I get mad. I can use my words, baby. So thank you for letting me know, but you don't have to ask my permission. And you absolutely don't have to ask me if you can go to lunch. That's small stuff. Got that?"

You nodded and squeezed her hands. "I got it, Jayje. It might take some time,"

"That's fine. We've got all the time in the world, baby."

Show Me the Stars - Jennifer Jareau x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now