thirty-two | mother & son

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JJ and Will agreed that the former would pick Henry up in the late morning. For the rest of the night, though, you and JJ were free to relax and cuddle as much as you wanted.

JJ was much more resigned than usual once you were at home. You were holding her as you sat on the couch, and you asked her, "What's going on, baby? You're real quiet. You doing okay?"

"I'm trying to not freak out again. I'm...I wanna be okay. I'm just not. I still don't know what's wrong,"

"Okay...okay, darling. Can I give you a kiss?"

"Yeah." She let you kiss her and snuggled into your body. "I don't know why I've been so anxious lately,"

"I think you should see a therapist, love. I know it hasn't been going on long, or at least not to this degree, but you should talk to someone. Especially with everything going on. It's a lot. It's not good to keep all this bottled up. You can't do that to yourself, Jen,"

"I know," she sighed. "You're right, I know. I think what I'm really afraid something happening to you, or to the baby. I can't let that happen. I can't,"

"Shh, shh, shh...we're okay right now, aren't we? Nothing's wrong right now. I love you so much. Both of us are having a tough time with all of this, but we're gonna handle it all together, right?"

"Of course, baby," she said.

"If there's anything I can do to help you, you promise you'll let me know?"

"Yeah. I love you, Y/N,"

"I love you, too, sweetheart." JJ let you kiss the top of her head for a few minutes, with you intermittently assuring her that you love her. After a long while, you asked her, "Are you hungry?"

"I guess. I can make us something." She sat up and looked you in the face. "What do you want?"

"I could really go for just a can of soup right now, to be honest with you, baby." JJ laughed and got up. She knew which one you liked, and grabbed it out of the pantry. You both ate at the table once it was ready. JJ's mind seemed to be calmer when you were eating together quietly. "Baby, I think you should go for drinks some night. Go with Emily or something. Unwind,"

"No. I'd rather be at home with you and Henry." She took a spoonful of soup in her mouth and shook her head.

"I can watch him for one night, babe. Hell, no offense, I'm sure he'd love a night just the two of us. I would, too. Go out with Emily on Friday night, when we don't have work in the morning, and you can relax for a night without me being all over you,"

"Aw, but I like it when you're all over me," she pouted. "It makes me feel better about everything when I know you're there,"

"Well, I can't drink, so..." You and JJ gave one another amused grins.

"Fair enough. I'll ask Emily tomorrow if she'd be up for it."

You and JJ showered together again. You both craved this physical intimacy, without it having to be sexual if you didn't want it to be. JJ touched your body, and you hers, and you kissed with passion under the hot water. She bent down and kissed your belly before looking up at you. "Such a good girl, and an even better mother. To Henry, too."

You took her arm and pulled her upright. She noticed the tears in your eyes, the raw emotion in your expression. JJ pulled you into a comforting hug.

"Did I do something wrong?" she asked. Her sincerity was evident. The last thing JJ ever wanted was to hurt you. You shook your head, pulling away, and looked down as you did your absolute best to suppress your tears. "What's wrong, baby?"

"You see me as a mother to him?" you cried. JJ held your hands.

"Kiss me, please?" she asked. You laughed through your tears and nodded before kissing your girlfriend. "Baby, you mean so much to Henry. He adores you. He doesn't really understand what you are to me, or to himself, but he treats you like his mother. And with how good you are to him, and how much you love each other, of course I see you as a mom to him. I didn't mean to upset you, babe, I just wanted you to know how I feel,"

"No, god, Jen, you didn't upset me, not at all, I swear. I love him so much, and I love you. To be honest, I...Henry was a big factor in my, with, uh, what I wanted to do,"


"Mhm. He's like a son to me, and just being at home with him and seeing how happy he is makes makes me feel a lot better. I want to be a mom."

She smiled, cupped your face with one hand, and moved in to kiss you. You wrapped one arm around her neck and held her to your body. Your other hand went to her waist. She smiled as she pulled her lips from yours, but kept your bodies close. "I don't know what came over me, I just wanted to kiss you," she said.

"Fine by me," you chuckled. "Let's get out. The water'll run cold soon."

You and JJ individually dried off and dressed yourselves. It was much later than you expected it to be when you went to bed, as it was around three. The flight had arrived home at quarter past one, so you were home by two, but between talking and eating and showering, you had wasted an hour at home. With it being so late, and having to pick up Henry later, you both got ready for bed.

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