sixty-three | candlelight

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Next time Henry was with Will, you and JJ went out to dinner on Saturday while Emily stayed with Amelia. You had just put her to bed after feeding her, giving her a bath, and letting her play for a little bit on her playmat. Will would drop Henry off in the morning, but for the night, Emily just had little Amelia, who was sound asleep. You checked on her a couple times before it was time to leave. JJ held your arm as you two stood in front of Emily, thanking her for doing this. Your mind raced with worry, then trying to dispel the concerns, the cycle repeating and repeating and repeating.

"Ready?" JJ asked you. You put on a little smile and nodded.

"Thank you again, Emily,"

"Yeah, of course. Go have fun!"

In the car, JJ put her hand on your leg. "I know you're worried, love, but it's gonna be alright. We can go home whenever we need to. Can I give you a kiss?" You nodded and leaned over the center console to kiss her. As always, your wife was gentle and loving. "I always love doing that. Time to head out, my love." She started the car and pulled out of the driveway. She put on music to keep both of your minds occupied. You shook your leg and picked at your fingernails during the first half of the drive. At a red light, JJ reached over and placed a hand on yours, interlocking your fingers. "We're okay. She's alright; she's with Emily. Everything's okay, love. We're just gonna go eat dinner and go home, and she's gonna be asleep or Emily will be caring for her, trying to get her back to sleep. It's gonna be a good night, love. Nothing to worry about. I know that doesn't stop you from worrying, but I'm here for you." She kissed the back of your hand, and you smiled at the light lipstick stain on your skin. "Sorry," she chuckled. You couldn't take your eyes off it, reflecting the color that looked so beautiful on her lips.

"No, no, I don't mind," you said with a smile. "Not at all."

You were happy to spend some time with your wife, but it was still hard to go in. JJ took both of your hands and asked you softly, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I just need to get in there and maybe I'll be distracted. I don't know."

JJ dropped one of your hands and held your face. Her love soothed you for a moment. "I think you should talk to someone about this. This isn't normal, sweetheart. We should find a therapist for you too. You remember how I was about a year ago? It helped me so much, going to therapy. We'll find someone for you, because I...I can't watch you suffer like this anymore. I honestly should have said something sooner, and I'm sorry,"

"No, I should have asked for help. Don't be sorry; it's not your burden to carry,"

"We're married, Y/N, so we're in this together, alright? We'll find you a therapist, get in contact as soon as we can, but for tonight, let's just go have dinner together. Let's have our first date since our sweet baby girl was born. And then we can go home and see her. Okay?" She watched you nod with heavy tears in your eyes. "We're early for our reservation, so you can take a few minutes and calm down if you want. I'll be right here for you."

She ran one hand through your hair, her heart breaking as you wept. "I just need a minute," you cried.

"Okay. Take your time, sweetheart. Can I do anything to help you right now?"

You held one of her hands with both of yours, and her other hand quickly joined. "Just this," you mumbled.


There wasn't much smeared makeup to clean off your face after you were done crying, but you did what you needed to and took a few deep breaths. JJ started to rub your back, but you felt emotions bubbling back up. "Could you stop, please?" She took her hand away. "Normally I love it, but right now it just makes me want to cry again," you chuckled halfheartedly.

"Okay, I'll stop, love,"

"I'm sorry," you cried.

"Don't be sorry. Just keep breathing, m'kay?"

Finally, you had calmed down and no longer looked like you had just cried your eyes out. JJ squeezed your hand before you went in. You almost always dropped each other's hands before going somewhere too public; the parking lot was one thing, but inside the restaurant was another. Tonight was no different.

Once you were at the table, it was undeniable: JJ looked beautiful in low candlelight. She noticed the smile glued on your face, and started to smile herself. "What's got you smiling so wide?" she chuckled.

"You look beautiful. That dress, the candlelight...the lipstick that always looks incredible on you..."

JJ blushed. "I know you love this shade. And this dress. I was going to tell you how beautiful you look first, but you beat me to it. Look at you in that dress!" You grinned and looked down at the red dress you were wearing. "I love that dress on you. You're stunning."

She ordered a glass of wine, and you had a soda — you didn't drink since you were still breastfeeding Amelia at this point. You said, "I'm feeling a little better already. It's nice being here with you,"

"Good, I'm glad you're feeling better, love. You look a little happier. I think it's good for us to get out of the house without the kids. I love them to death; I just need time alone with you, not worrying about them. You look so beautiful tonight. You look amazing in red, and your're just stunning. I love you so much,"

"I love you too, Jayje. How have you been feeling? I know I've been kind of off, so I feel like I haven't been paying enough attention to you and your needs. Are you doing alright?"

"Yeah, I'm good," she sighed. "Missing Hen, but he'll be back tomorrow. I've been more tired recently, 'cause I was staying home with her before and now I'm at work all day. But it's good to be back, and I'm happy where we are."

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