forty-four | tired & hurt

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A few weeks after you woke her up that night, you were on a case together — you working from the station with Hotch and Emily, as now you were partially out of the field, and JJ out working with the rest of the team like you usually did — when Morgan called Hotch to tell him that they had figured out who the unsub was and that they were already on their way to his house. Emily and Hotch left you to join them, but you couldn't. All you could do was wait for them to get back.

Emily called you two hours after they left, saying, "Let me preface this by saying everything's okay. Nothing's broken,"

"That doesn't reassure me," you told her, "what happened, Em?"

"Well, uh, we had to chase Michaels through the woods, and JJ tripped and fell pretty bad. Dislocated her elbow,"

"What? You call that 'okay?'"

You heard a fainter yet unmistakably familiar voice near the phone reply, "I'm fine, Y/N." That made you smile.

"Hey, you. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, it's not too bad. They reset my elbow, gave me some painkillers, I'm alright,"

"Okay. I'm glad you're alright, love. Did you at least get Michaels after all that?"

"Yeah, we got him," said JJ, clearly smiling, though you couldn't see it.

"Hey, we gotta go. We'll be on our way back soon. Love you," said Emily.

"Love you, hon," JJ said.

"Love you too. See you guys soon,"


"Bye." You put your phone down and sat back in your chair.

Once they all returned, wrapped the case up, and you could get home, you sat on the couch on the jet, and JJ came and sat next to you. "Lay down and rest a bit," you whispered, "or at least let me play with your hair." JJ grinned and laid her head down on a pillow on the couch, right beside you, and allowed you to play with her hair. You fell asleep shortly after she did, with your hand still in her golden hair.

You drove home, as it was possible but painful for JJ to drive, and you knew she appreciated it. "How are you feeling?" she asked on the way home. "Doing alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," you said. "Back hurts — what else is new? No worse than usual,"

"That's good, I guess." She sat for a moment before reaching over and turning up the music. "Wow, I can't believe how tired I still am,"

"Well, luckily, you can go right to bed once we get home,"


She would need a little extra affection that night; that much you knew. She had been through the wringer. You took a shower and came out to find her lying awake. "Hey, baby, everything okay?"


"Yeah? You sure?" you cooed, beginning to dress yourself. "If something's wrong, I want to know so I can help you,"

"I know. My arm hurts, and I'm really tired, and it's just got me feeling a little rough. I want you here with me. I always feel better sleeping next to you, baby," she mumbled as she pulled you into bed, now fully dressed.

"That sucks. I'm sorry you're feeling like that, love. Do you wanna talk, or just sleep; do you want me to help or just listen? What do you need from me right now, baby?" You took her in your arms and kissed her head. "I love you more than anything, Jay. You know I'd do anything for you, don't you?"

"Mhm. I love you so much, Y/N. I think...I think I just need to cuddle with you and get some sleep. You're the most beautiful, most loving...the kindest girl." You could hear how tired she was in her voice. She snuggled up right next to you. "I'm so lucky. I can't believe you're mine..."

"Aw, baby, I love you so much. Trust me, I know how much you care for me. I love you, and I know you love me. You sound half-asleep right now, though; you should get some sleep, hmm? If you need anything, wake me up, alright?"


You scratched her scalp a little bit before you fell asleep. In the morning, she kissed your neck just once as you slept, not wanting to move too much and wake you up.

When you finally awoke, JJ pushed herself up a little bit to kiss you. You grumbled a little bit. JJ smiled a little and said, "Good morning, my love,"

"Morning," you mumbled as you rubbed your eyes. "How are you doing this morning? Better than last night, or...?"

"I think so. I really was exhausted,"

"I know you were, love. I know your moods," you chuckled. "I'm glad you're feeling better,"

"Yeah, a little. And I have therapy on Monday, so..."

"Oh, right. Good. Anything I can do to help?"

"Not really," she sighed, "what you're doing is already enough. We have today off, yeah?"

"Mhm. Which means we get to spend all day together. Whatever you wanna do."

JJ looked up and grinned like a little kid. "We should get ice cream. Would you be down?"

"Sure," you said with a smile of your own. "That sounds great, baby. Wanna go around one?"

"Yeah, that's good. Until then..."

You and JJ kissed for a while. You felt a deep desire to express your love to her. There were no intentions in your mind of anything more than kissing her body, and you told her that. "All I want this morning is to kiss you where you're comfortable. I wanna show you how much I care about you, Jen. Are you okay with that?"

"Definitely," she breathed. "Kiss me all over."

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