thirteen | pizza!

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"Honey, I'm okay. Really, it's stupid," you dismissed.

"No, if it's hurting you, it's not stupid. We don't have to talk about it, but please don't play it down, my love." She came to a stop at a red light as you were driving home from work.

"It's really dumb. The name of an officer on one of the cases, he—he was one of the ones who interviewed me yesterday. It's fine, I really don't feel like talking about it. Just—I need, like, a little break from thinking about it, if that's even possible."

JJ kissed the back of your hand. Her way of showing affection when she was driving. She rubbed her thumb over where her lips had touched, and let go as the light turned green.

"Okay. I won't hound you about it, then, love. We can talk about something else,"

"Yeah." You looked out through the windshield, focusing on details on signs and buildings you'd passed a million times.

"There's something I wanted to say to you this morning, uh, but I think I might start crying. Happy tears," she clarified quickly.

"What's up, honey?"

"Not good to cry when you drive," she chuckled, and you could already see the emotion building in her.

"We don't have to pick up Henry until 6. Let' about we get a pizza for dinner, pick him up, and we'll go home? We can talk while we wait for the pizza," you suggested. JJ glanced at you before she smiled.

"I love you so much."

As you sat in the car in the parking lot, you reached over to touch JJ's hair. She was so, so beautiful. You wished she saw herself through your eyes. "So what's wrong, my love?" you asked.

"Nothing! Nothing, baby. I'm actually—you made me so happy this morning. With Henry,"

"I love that little guy. I'm really glad he seems to like me,"

"Ever since he found out Mommy has a girlfriend, he's been really, really excited. I—I've been scared, since Will and I broke up...I don't wanna break my little boy's heart. It..." You saw her about to cry again. You rubbed her shoulder.

"Go on, baby, it's okay,"

"It means the world to me that you two are so close. Henry absolutely loves you. I...I hope you love him—"

"Jay, of course I do,"

"Good," she sighed. "I know you do, and I know you've said it before, it is just really good to hear. Henry loves you so much. Seeing you guys being cute, you being sweet with girlfriend and my son," she said almost not believing her life was real.

"I love being your girlfriend, and I love your son, JJ. I love you both more than anything,"

"Y/N..." she sighed, "you have no idea how good that feels."


You and JJ picked up Henry and he was excited to have pizza for dinner. The smell was suffocating you, so your window stayed open. JJ noticed this, but didn't say anything. Henry asked, "Mommy, pizza? We have pizza?"

"Yeah, bud, how does that sound? Good?"

"Uh-huh! Pizza! Auntie, you like pizza?"

"I love pizza," you told him. He smiled and clapped, his little life brightened by the mere idea of having pizza for dinner. Absolutely adorable.

When you got home, Henry said, "I go wash my hands! We eat pizza!" He sounded so happy. You looked at JJ and grinned.

"God, he's so cute," you chuckled. You walked around the counter to get a slice of pizza, now standing next to JJ.

"So are you," she said with a smile. She rested her elbows on your shoulders and clasped her hands behind your head. "Can I give you a kiss, love?"

"Mhm," you hummed, smiling and meeting her in the middle.

You only pulled away when you heard little footsteps and Henry shouting, "Mommy, you kiss her? Mommy!" He was giggling and you felt him hug your legs. You picked him up and his eyes fell on the pizza. "Pizza!"

"Yeah, pizza, bud, you want a slice?" you asked.

"Yes, please,"

"Whoa, good manners, buddy, good job," you praised him. You put one plate in each hand, one for you and one for him, and set it down on the table, yours in the seat opposite him.

JJ sat down with you and you all talked as you ate. You couldn't stomach much, so you decided to eat something else later. Henry ran away to play after dinner, and you put the plates in the sink as JJ went to go wash her hands. When she came back, you could tell she was behind you.

"Hey, honey, can I touch you? Or no?" You were so grateful she asked. You just didn't feel quite right for some reason.

"Um..." Your muscles tightened with terrible anxiety and your shook your head, looking down. JJ nodded, just to show she understood you.

"No, okay, sweetheart, that's fine. Is there anything you need from me?"

"No, Jayje, I'm fine," you sighed, "tomorrow's a week, though,"

"Oh, honey..." Her sympathetic face was a thin veil to hide her hatred for Levi. "You wanna talk, or just rest tonight?"

You realized how much you needed her. JJ actually loved you, it wasn't an empty saying from her, like you'd heard from your fiancé. You threw your arms around her and cried, and you were pretty sure you could hear her heart shatter.

"Okay, okay, love, it's alright. I got you. Let's go sit. Do you need anything?" You shook your head. You were positive you looked a wreck, but JJ didn't care.

You sat down next to her and she kissed your hairline before she basically read your mind, putting a pillow in her lap and having you lay your worry-filled head down. She played with your hair and let you curl up into a ball, sniffling as CNN played at a low volume, because it was the channel the TV had defaulted to as she turned it on.

"My love, you don't have to talk if you don't want, that's perfectly fine. If you do, I'm always here for you. You know that, right?"

"Mhm," you responded. It was hard to conjure any thought other than those associated with your agony.

"Okay. You know I love you, honey, hmm? Yeah? I love you so much,"

"Love you, JJ." You took the hand that was running through your hair and kissed the back of it. JJ smiled.

"That was cute," she chuckled.

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