風月入学·狐狸恶魔皇帝 第22集

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~ Su Xiao Huan didn't expect that the method Lord Qian Sui mentioned to break the fox demon's curse was to take her heart. She thought Lord Qian Sui was completely insane, Su Xiao Huan agreed with Bo Qiu that Lord Qian Sui's so-called benevolence and righteousness couldn't compare to that of the fox demon. She also revealed that her father, in fact, was a corrupt official.

Su Xiao Huan questioned Lord Qian Sui about why he wanted to harm the little demons, but Lord Qian Sui denied it. Su Xiao Huan threw the jade pendant in front of Lord Qian Sui, a precious memory that he destroyed. Just as Su Xiao Huan was about to leave, she was stopped by Lord Qian Sui's subordinate. Eventually, he decided to attack Su Xiao Huan. Su Xiao Huan felt that all of this was truly absurd.

Lord Qian Sui claimed that his feelings for Su Xiao Huan had never changed, but he wished it was his own heart that was being taken. At that moment, Bo Qiu appeared, having killed all the guards outside. Bo Qiu was making a desperate effort, willing to find Su Xiao Huan even if it meant sacrificing himself.

At this point, Lord Qian Sui slowly stabbed Su Xiao Huan with a dagger. However, the soldiers outside the door were unable to stop them and Lord Qian Sui's subordinate pleaded with him to take action. In the end, Lord Qian Sui didn't kill Su Xiao Huan but swore to engage in a final battle with Bo Qiu. Meanwhile, Lord Qian Sui's subordinates were falling one by one. Bo Qiu, covered in blood and injuries, saw Su Xiao Huan, bringing a sense of relief to his heart. As Lord Qian Sui rushed out for the final battle with Bo Qiu. Bo Qiu, undaunted, was ready to fight to the end, even if it meant facing death.

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