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《 POV Joshua 》 the next morning

We are all seated around the table to eat, nevertheless nobody does, the atmosphere is really strange, our two brains of the group are far away from each other, Jun holds back his tears as he can it shows. The tension is immense and I don't understand the situation at all.

" Why is the mood so strange this morning ? " asks our leader.

Jun's only answer is to burst into tears, so I worry immediately and go to his side to give him a hug. He doesn't hesitate for a second to return my embrace, I gently stroke his hair then look towards Minghao, who is staring at the ground, his body trembling, no doubt from stress.

" Minghao, does this have anything to do with what you told me last night ? " I ask softly.

" It could be that I unintentionally sent one of my choreographies to a music agency...and it could also be that I've been caught." He says, his voice trembling.

" But that's too good for you ! We're too proud of you." Says Vernon.

" Thank you, but in truth I doubt I'll accept this proposal. "

" Oh, but why ? When Jihoon talked to me about you, he told me how music was your domain and that your dream was to go to the ends of your desire." Says Soonyoung

" True, but that was before everything changed. I don't want to let you go when you're like family to me. And I don't want to let go of Jun either."

" Couldn't we become an independent group ? " Says the older one

We all look towards Seungcheol, who smiles tenderly at us, knowing full well how capable we are of fending for ourselves, the problem is that we don't have the money to buy sick clothes and do crazy mvs. So it's a lost cause, I think.

" Cheol we don't have any money." Says Seungkwan

" If we work a little, for maybe a year we'll probably contribute enough to make it."

" Let's give it our best shot. " I say.

" There are plenty of ads for odd jobs on the internet. Some of them will even work together from what I can see. " Says Minghao

After this sentence, he shows us his pc, and various jobs appear before our eyes, such as bartender, waiter, cashier. All very basic jobs, but for the moment they're the minimum we can do to fulfill our dreams.
That's how we all put down our CVs in response to an advert and wait.

Jeonghan, Seungcheol, Chan and I are going to be baristas in a bar not far from here, Minghao, Jun, Hansol and Seungkwan are going to be waiters in the same bar and Jihoon will be the bar's DJ, while Soonyoung will be the party entertainer, I call it that because his job is to dance to the rhythm of the music to get the customers going.

It's so nice that we're all in the same place, destiny really wants us to stay together and that's great ! All we need to do now is see what kind of days and evenings these jobs have in store for us !

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