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《 No one POV 》

Fortunately for Seungcheol, his bullet only hit a simple barrel filled with water, which wets the man's and woman's expensive shoes. The man isn't happy to see young people reacting like this, so he points his gun at Joshua's temple. He doesn't flinch, remaining unmoved with no visible facial expression.

The woman, on the other hand, seems happy to see Joshua reacting like this, and approaches the copperhead with a smile, starting to touch Joshua on the chest.

Even so, the copperhead doesn't move. He thinks about something else and hopes the woman will stop.

Nevertheless, she continues, her hands passing over several places, sometimes Joshua trembles. The woman thinks it's because she's having an effect on him, but Joshua can only think of one word : whore.

" Listen, kids, let's make a deal, come out of your hiding places and talk. " Says Jeonghan's father

Everyone looks to Minghao, who nods but asks Jeonghan and Chan to stay hidden. They nod gently and Jeonghan plays with Joshua's knife, through a small hole he can see the whole scene and through this hole his knife can pass if things go wrong.

He turns once more to Minghao, who nods again to confirm that if need be, he must do this.

" We're all here, you see our weapons aren't with us, so I beg you to stop." Says the oldest of the gang

" You know we're just young people who want a bright future. " Says Jun

" We want to pursue our dreams, not serve you..." Says Hansol

Then the three boys put their knees to the ground, what they're doing is staging to gain time, fortunately for them their theatrics come to a swift end as police sirens wail at the sound of this, the man and woman let go of Joshua and start to leave but before disappearing from the youngsters' field of vision, the man fires a bullet which lands in Joshua's body.

When Jeonghan saw this, he flipped out and threw his knife through the back door of the hangar. His father, still in his field of vision, receives the weapon in the back.

Jeonghan remembered Joshua's phrase, "All it takes is one knife": it's true, it's true that all it takes is one knife for his parents' run to slow down, it's true that all it takes is one knife for the police to catch them, it's true that all it takes is one knife for justice to prevail...

But it's also true that a weapon can kill, and the weapon in question has probably killed Joshua right now, as the young man lies unconscious in a pool of blood. It's a good thing Minghao called the firefighters at the same time as the police, because now the copperhead is being taken care of.

Jeonghan sighs in his head as a thousand and one questions arise. He's especially angry at his parents for having started this, but he's also angry at himself for not having seen anything.

While the youngsters gave a statement to the police, he went out the back door to retrieve Joshua's precious knife. When the knife hit his father's back and fell to the ground, the woman pulled it right out and threw it on the ground. So Jeonghan went to get it, thinking that at least if Joshua died, he'd have something to remember him by.

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