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《 POV Jeonghan 》

The atmosphere is so cold between him and me that it's embarrassing, plus he looks at me as if at any moment I'm going to try to get away.

It's normal, any kidnapped person would want to escape, but for some reason I just want to stay there, and I think my stomach agrees with me because it's growling.

" Are you hungry ? " asks my kidnapper

" Good eye, blind man." I say wryly.

" A word of advice : don't play with me. "

I immediately shut up, even if I don't know what he's capable of given the way he was playing with his knife earlier, I don't think his intentions are beyond reproach.

Anyway, he disappears from the room, so I'm left alone, and it's only then that I hear screaming and crying in an adjoining room, which must be the Lee Jung Chan in question.

My kidnapper has returned with instant noodles. He places it on my thighs and unties me, much to my surprise.

" Don't be surprised, my aim isn't for you to die, at least not at first. On the other hand, if you dare try to escape I'll throw my knife in your back and you're dead."

I swallow hard as he goes to sit back down on the sofa in the room, still staring at me with that icy, dominating gaze. I eat under this gaze and also accompanied by the howls of the young man in the next room, I see the one in front of me grunting in disgust.

" Cheol is he still a kid ?! "

" Shua, I told you he was only seventeen."

" If his parents didn't owe us so much, believe me, he'd have stayed away forever."

" It's not your job to take care of him, so stop complaining."

" Don't piss me off and go take care of your kid, shut him up a bit it's unbearable here. "

This exchange made me smile unconsciously, even if they really are psychopaths, they still seem like very close friends. I don't have anyone on my side. Well, if I have fake people, interested only in money and greedy for it. Anyway, moving on.

I continue to eat my noodles, which are cold and filthy by the way, he doesn't know how to cook, I almost choke on a raw pasta, I start coughing while my assailant laughs, coming to bring me a glass of water.

" Thank you " I say simply with a forced smile

" I told you I wasn't doing this out of kindness I just don't feel like having a death on my conscience that's all. At least not right now."

" Right, sorry, I thought that-"

" For my mental sake shut up. "

His voice is unmistakable and sharp so I do as he says and shut up, then once I've finished my bowl, my assailant stares at me and grabs my wrist.

He drags me by force into the next room with Chan, I think that's it.

" If you don't want to freeze to death tonight, you'll have to hold on tight and use only your body heat. Bad night full of nightmares, kids. " Says the copperhead.

And that's how he locks us in this cell. Perfect, I love my life.

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