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《 POV Jeonghan 》

I look towards my youngest, because yes if he's only seventeen years old he's my youngest, this one has tears running down his face, he's trembling with fear, he's wounded in the temple that's where I'm wounded too, they must surely use the same techniques to kidnap people.

Slowly, I decide to approach Chan, who looks at me and starts crying again.

" We're going to die here, I don't want to die yet. I still have a lot of projects to accomplish. I'm so scared hyung, I want to leave, I miss my family already. " He say to me.

" The one who 'takes care' of me told me that if we cooperated, they wouldn't kill us."

" Do you really believe the words of a psychopath ? "

It's only then that I realize he's right, I trust the words of a stranger, who kidnapped me and plays with knives, I think the blow to my head had more effect than I expected.

I smile in embarrassment and move even closer to my youngest, who doesn't flinch, on the contrary.

It's true that it's quite cold here, it's unpleasant. I see my youngest shivering from the cold, so I decide to give him a hug. It's surprising, but his surname sounds vaguely familiar. I've heard it somewhere before, that's for sure.

" What's your name otherwise ? " he asks, leaning closer to me a little bit.

" My name is Yoon Jeonghan. "

" You from the Yoon family ? Oh my fucking god."

" Yes, why ? Why did you react like this ? "

" They're the family my parents hate the most."

" Why ? I mean, I understand that my parents are hateful at times, but..."

" Your father fired my father from his job at the company for no particular reason, so now we're drowning in debt because we have no money. "

" Is that why they kidnapped you ? "

" Apparently they're in debt to that gang, but I can't understand why."

" Apparently my parents are in debt to them too, I don't understand either. "

I mean, why would rich people be in debt to a bunch of kids ? It's a bit far-fetched, but with my father or mother, I don't know, you can expect anything.

Finally, I feel Chan clinging to me even tighter, so I give him a hug. I think that if I want to be supported and understood here,

I'm going to have to hang up on him, and anyway, I've got a feeling that's what he's going to do too, so we might as well support each other.

Both our bodies come to rest on the cold, hard ground, and we hold each other tight to keep as warm as possible.

" I hope you're still going to sleep well hyung." Chan says to me in a tiny voice.

" I hope you sleep well too, Chan. "

" See you tomorrow, then. "

" Yeah, tomorrow Chan, good night."

" Hum "

He nod gently and he holds me even tighter, I must also be his only support here so he clings to me too, I see his eyes are closing so I figure the best thing to do is for me to fall asleep too, so I close my eyes too and we'll see what tomorrow brings.

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