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《 POV Joshua 》

The day went by at one of its speeds I've never seen, although everything went super well, I have a bad feeling about tonight, Jeonghan him, no, absolutely not he sleeps like a baby right next to me, but personally there's something cogitating in my mind but I don't know what. Even my body is on alert, my legs are shaking, my hands too.

After a few seconds of looking around my room, I decide to get out of bed and head for the main corridor, once there I see my gang, well there's Seungcheol and Minghao, in my opinion the others are asleep and our other two team-mates, Seungkwan's cries give the answer to what they're doing, his cries are really high-pitched, well, that's not the point. I move slowly towards my two acolytes and they turn towards me.

" You've got that feeling deep inside you too. " Seungcheol says to me.

" My body's shaking with stress, I don't understand why. " I reply.

" Shua the drug addicts. "

The drug addicts ? Ah, I'd forgotten about them, the three of us look at each other and then decide to go out, taking our weapons just in case even though we know we won't be using them.

Then, just like that, the three of us come out and, indeed, the junkies are there, in front of us, but unlike usual, they don't seem to be looking for war, but rather peace ?

I don't know how to explain it, but even the "chief" has a white flag and a book in his hand, are we going to sign a treaty ?

" We're sorry we fought that stupid war youngsters, we've quit drugs and let's try to get back on the straight and narrow." Says one of the junkies.

" That's okay sir, we were horrible to you too." I simply say

" All you have to do is fight back, but know that from now on we won't bother you anymore."

" That's good to know. "

I see the gang of addicts nod and their leader approaches Seungcheol, they shake hands, personally a soft smile comes to the corners of my lips, we can now stop everything, the demons of the past can be chased away, and we can start a real new life.

No more selling drugs to make money and getting Jihoon out of human trafficking. Now he's no longer in that cult, so we can move on.

The ex-drug addicts leave and the three of us return to our house. Seungcheol has already let us go, and I'm about to go back to my room, but my mind tells me to worry about Minghao, so I turn gently to him. He looks at me with a gentle smile on his lips.

" Is everything all right ? " I ask softly.

" I'm going to miss you so much..." He says simply.

Then without another word he leaves, heading for his room. Personally, I don't understand, what does that mean? He's going to let us go after all we've been through? What's going on now?
I sigh and go back to my room. I know myself, I'm not going to sleep, it's going to bother me too much not knowing what's wrong with my youngest...

 I know myself, I'm not going to sleep, it's going to bother me too much not knowing what's wrong with my youngest

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