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《 One month later / No one POV 》

Jeonghan is at Joshua's bedside, he hasn't died nevertheless he's in a coma, the bullet didn't graze him or even touch him but pierced his body, the black-haired man comes to the hospital every day in the hope that his younger's will wake up.

Jeonghan's parents are now in prison, and the evidence against them was truly overwhelming. What's more, Minghao, who I'd like to remind you didn't show himself to Jeonghan's parents, actually filmed the whole scene. In other words, in the images you can clearly see that the man and woman are not in focus.

Jeonghan has never been to see his parents, and they didn't like them that much to begin with, but now that he's discovered what they've done to his friends, he'll never consider them his parents again.

With his head still on the bed and his eyes riveted on the copperhead, the black-haired boy hears a door open, so he turns and sees all the other boys. As they slowly approach the bed, tears come to Jihoon's eyes.

" I can't help thinking that this whole thing is my fault..." Jihoon says

" In no way is it your fault, Hoonie. " Says Soonyoung

Where did this young man come from ? When he was kidnapped, he was locked up with Soonyoung, so the two boys got to know each other, if there's any affinity at all, of course. As Jun would say, their relationship status is their own business.

" It's not your fault Ji." says Seungcheol.

" No, it's the fault of his raceless adults. " Says Jeonghan

The boys smile delicately at their friend, they really understand that Jeonghan no longer wants to think of them as his parents so they let it slide when he says bad things about them.

Seungcheol gently lets go of Chan, surprising as it may seem, Chan has stayed with Seungcheol and the others. Of course, he calls his parents all the time and goes to see them as he pleases, but he still sticks by his eldest.

Speaking of the latter, he calmly approaches Joshua and simply strokes his friend's hair.

" Shua wake up, it's been a month since you've been in that hospital bed, we miss you, you know." Says the older man with a sigh

" Come back to us hyung." Said Jun

" We need our mom." Said Seungkwan

" Hyung please don't let us go, you're not allowed to let us go." Said Hansol

" What about your dream of becoming a singer ? Are you just going to let go ? You're a fighter Joshua, you always go after what you want, so come back and smash the world with your wonderful voice." Says Minghao

" We love you, you know ? We miss you so much. Come back and take care of us, like before. " Says Jihoon

" I don't know you personally but I know how important you are to the guys here, so please open your eyes again. " Says Soonyoung

" Admittedly you used to scare me a little, but we've gotten used to you, and I miss you all the same. Underneath your icy exterior, you're a good person, your heart is made of gold. Hyung..." Chan says

After everyone had made their speeches, a doctor entered the room, indicating that visiting hours were over, and that only Jeonghan had permission to stay, since on paper he had this authorization. So once he's alone, he takes Joshua's hand in his...

" Joshua please, open your eyes and come back to us, the boys need you. I need you, you're the most important thing in my life ! You've become so important in just a few days, I didn't even think I could be so attached to someone I'd never met before, and in such a short space of time.... It annoys me to talk to myself every night. If you can hear me, open your eyes. "

But nothing, absolutely nothing... So Jeonghan decides to fall asleep with Joshua's hand in his...

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