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《 POV Jeonghan, one week later 》

In truth here it's rather nice, even if the days are the same and Shua is as cold as ever, I'm getting used to it, we sleep together and he takes me in his arms every time, but in the morning I wake up without him unfortunately, yes unfortunately because the warmth of his arms is incredibly satisfying.

I'm enjoying my time here more and more, I've got two real friends as well, Jun and Chan are incredible ! Right now we're eating breakfast.

《 No one POV 》

After eating their breakfast, Jeonghan and Chan left the room, the youngest having been caught by Cheol on the fly, so Jeonghan finds himself wandering alone in the big house. A house that looks more like a villa, given the immense rooms and bedrooms it's made up of.

Jeonghan tries to make his way through and find something to do, but ends up back in his room because he really doesn't know what to do. It's not until a good half-hour later that the loneliness ends for him.

" Are you staying here on your own ? " Shua asks him.

" I've got nothing to do too." He replies.

" That's not my concern, I came here to make a call I'll leave again afterwards. "

A call ? What kind of call would the young man receive ? Well, in barely thirty seconds the answer comes.

Shua seems irritated as the discussion progresses, while Jeonghan is simply sitting on his bed trying to understand something. The exchange seems to be in another language. After perhaps an hour, the call ends.

" I'm gonna kill that motherfucker. " Says the copperhead.

For once, following this sentence, Jeonghan trembles with fear. Shua notices and, seeing the state of Jeonghan, sighs: his angry eyes have softened, his clenched fists are no longer there. His body relaxes.

He approaches Jeonghan gently and pats him on the shoulder to calm him down.

" I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry. " Says the copperhead

" Who do you want to kill ? "

" Fuck. Why do you want to know that ? You don't want to go home like a normal person. "

" My answer will surprise you."

" Let's make a deal, shall we ? "

" I'm listening. "

" If you tell me why being here doesn't bother you I'll tell you why our group is doing this. Is that okay ? "

Shua holds out his hand toward the older, as if to sign this deal. Jeonghan's mind weighed up the pros and cons, and in the end his curiosity won out: did he really want to know why young people wanted so much money ? After all, that's what they want by kidnapping people. It's money. It makes sense.

After wall and wall of reflection, the older boy takes Shua's hand in his own, and an electric shock runs down his spine, sending shivers down his spine.

The younger smiles gently and lowers both their hands, first down, then up. The deal is now signed between the two boys. Shua lets go of Jeonghan's hand and looks at him intensely.

" I'm listening. " Says the copper-haired boy.

" Ah because it's my turn to start ? "

" Are you making fun of me ? That's what I said."

" I don't know where to begin."

" From the beginning, your family situation and your situation within your establishment basically everything that makes you like your presence to 《 psychopaths 》. "

Jeonghan chuckles softly at the final word, then his gaze drops to the other's. He takes a deep breath, sighs and launches out.

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