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《 POV Joshua 》

I wake up slowly, my head really hurts, my left flank hurts a lot, where I got shot. My eyes open slowly and I look out of the window, the sun's rays just coming up.

I can still see dawn, and then my gaze falls on Jeonghan, who's asleep. I don't know how he does it, but his position must really be hurting his back.

Without even thinking, my hand gently reaches his hair, and after a few seconds I see a doctor enter the room. He smiles when he sees that I'm awake, and I wonder how long Jeonghan and the others have been waiting for me to wake up... And where are his parents ?

In prison, I hope, or maybe the devil took them into the hell, to tell the truth even the hell don't want them for sure. Just as I was starting to drift off into my darkest thoughts, I feel Jeonghan wake up.

I decide to be slightly naughty, I close my eyes and play the sleeping person...

" Joshua, another morning with your eyes closed. I miss you so much..."

He's too endearing this boy, at first I was playing the guy like Seungcheol but eventually my heart won out over my reason, I think it was when he undressed in front of me that I really understood what my heart desired and he desires it.
Slowly, I decide to open my eyes and stroke my eldest's hair.

" Am I dreaming ? Are you awake ? Joshua for real ? " Says Jeonghan happily.

I smile softly and nod to help him understand that I'm alive and awake, I straighten up and take both his cheeks between my hands, then my lips come to rest with infinite softness on his.

I guess I shouldn't have done this, because once I've pulled back, Jeonghan doesn't react anymore, his brain seems to be totally disconnected from reality. Damn...

What can I do ? Ah, maybe the doctor on the way will have the answer to my question.

" How are you, Mr. Hong ? " asks the doctor kindly.

" Well, personally, I'm fine, but I think my boyfriend..." I say.

" Boyfriend ?! " Jeonghan says dumbfounded, cheeks slightly red.

" Ah, it's good finally he's back to reality. "

The doctor chuckles softly and quickly comes to check that I'm not missing anything, he asks me to lift up my shirt I do so.

He replaces my bandage with another one, which has actually healed rather well, I'm surprised.

" How long have I been in a coma ? " I ask.

" Since one month. If your friend had called a few seconds later, it would never have healed like that, and you probably wouldn't be here right now. You're lucky in your misfortune, if I can put it that way." The doctor replies gently

" Did he save my life ? "

" I'm obliged to confirm your question. Yes, your friend saved your life. "

Minghao I love this boy, he's a bit like me only more thoughtful and less cheeky but what an incredible guy isn't he ? He's really the kind of friend everyone wants in their life.

Once he'd done what he had to do, the doctor left the room, pointing out that Jeonghan and I made a very handsome couple. The problem is, with all his nonsense, we've never officially said we were together.

I want Jeonghan to become my boyfriend and share my daily life until I die.

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