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《 POV Jeonghan 》

I wake up slowly and am saddened to find no body heat at my side, is he gone yet ? What time is it exactly ? Just as I was about to get out of bed, the door opened on Shua.

" Sleeping Beauty is finally awake ? " he said to me.

" As you can see " I retort.

" You're being a smartass when you're here with psychopaths. "

To support his sentence he makes quotation marks with his fingers and rolls his eyes, I can't help but smile at this reaction. In the end, even though he plays with knives and says sentences that are sometimes too violent, my brain has got used to it in a short space of time, but it's better than being in constant fear of him.

" As the main door is locked and the windows padlocked, I'll let you make your own life in this house. See you soon. " says Shua

Is that how he's leaving, abandoning me already? Go on, why does it even bother me? I should be happy to have a quiet life in a big house like this.

So I get up, I don't feel like wearing my school uniform, so I look at a sweater lying on the bed and put it on. I put it on and it's too big for me, but it doesn't matter.

After getting dressed, I leave the room and come across Junhui talking to Chan, so I decide to join in the conversation. Yes, I'm like that.

" Hyung ! How are you ? Shua Hyung, made us lunch." he says cheerfully.

" Lunch ? I'm okay, how are you ? "

" It's a quarter past twelve ! I'm fine, thanks. I'll stay with you today my elders don't need me ! "

" Junhui. Maybe you'll finally tell us your age. "

" You can just call me Jun you know and yes I have-"

The next door slams, but it can't be. The three of us turn to the one who slammed the door and it's, I don't have his name anymore but it's the one Jun loves.

" Hao, do you need anything ? " Asks the blond

" I need your help. " replies the colored one.

" Oh. I'm coming. Sorry guys Hao's calling me ! "

Chan and I smile at Jun, who heads off towards Hao. Chan and I start walking, explore the area a bit and then...

" Shua, you let go like that ? " Says Cheol.

" Oh he told me I could explore the surroundings alone, since we're locked in anyway." I reply.

" My ass, he just wants to be alone in the shooting room. Nothing's locked up at all. "

" Does that mean we can get away ? " Chan asks innocently.

" Dare to do it. You'll be found and your life will turn to dust. " Cheol says coldly.

Chan swallows and sticks to me. Personally, I wasn't frightened by his words, being far too used to what Shua tells me.

The blond man invites us to follow him to a room, and once inside there's a full meal on the table, my stomach growling.
Cheol wishes us a good meal and leaves, Chan and I thank him and head for the table.

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