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《 No one POV 》~ thanks for the 400 views ~

The atmosphere is heavy in the small room, breaths can be heard, there's only so much we can hear.

Jun seems to be in a panic, Shua is in her deepest thoughts, Cheol is trying to reassure the one he's kidnapped as best he can. Jeonghan doesn't understand the situation at all; he tries to make eye contact with his elder to understand, but his gaze is fixed on the ground.

Then, after several minutes of silence, a noise resounds in the room. It's obviously Shua, who has just slammed his hands against the wooden table in the room.

" There's only one solution left. " says Shua

" Hyung, please don't." Said Jun

" There must be another solution. " Says Hansol

" Do you want us to see our friend alive again or not ? " Says the angry copperhead.

" Of course we want to see Jihoon alive, but doing this won't help us. " Said Cheol, in a soft voice to appease Shua.

" I'll do it all night if I have to ! I'll do anything to make sure we get the missing money. " Says Shua.

Out of anger, the copper throws his knife across the room. Luckily, Jun moves out of the way at the right moment, otherwise the weapon would have pierced him.

" I'm so sorry, it's all my fault." Jun said, his head hanging low.

" It's clearly too late to blame yourself." Hao replies.

" You know what ? I'm the one who's going to do it. "

" I'm agr- how ? "

" Nobody's going to do anything, okay we'll think and find a solution. " Said Cheol, in a soft but sharp voice.

The space boys sigh at the same time, it's not the moment to give up, nevertheless they really don't know what to do to find this astronomical sum of money. Jeonghan sighs as an idea pops into his head.

He doesn't know why, but he's really ready to go against his parents to help the gang. After just one week, he's ready to give his all so that this band of friends can live happily ever after.

" I might have an idea." Says the black-haired boy

" What is it ? " Kwan asks.

" My parents are away on business travel, so they'd informed me I'd be alone all this week. "

" No ! I'd still rather go to a bar dedicated to selling our body." Says Shua

" I might as well steal from my family ! It won't be as bad, they're loaded and won't even notice the money's missing ! "

Jeonghan's loud voice is so full of stress, anger and sadness that the boys in the room end up agreeing with the black-haired man. All except Shua, who refuses to allow them to do so.

" Guys, we're not bad people. We're not going to do this." Says Shua

" If it's the only way to get Jihoon back." Says Cheol

" It's not the only solution. Jun and I are ready to do it."

" Stop bringing this up it's irrational. "

" Stealing is rational for you ? "

" It won't hurt anyone. " Says Vernon

" Besides if Jeonghan said his parents won't notice it's because it's true. He wouldn't dare get us into trouble." Says Kwan.

" Anyway, Jun won't go there and you haven't so tonight we're flying." Says Cheol, arms crossed over his chest.

" It'll be without me, if you're looking for me you know where to find me. " Says the copperhead

Jeonghan looks at him out of the corner of his eye, then decides to follow him, maybe if he just talks to him face-to-face he'll get over it.

In any case, he'll do anything to prevent Shua from going to a bar dedicated to selling his body. It would be too horrible to go that far. So the best solution really does seem to be theft. Even if it's wrong, he'll do some good.

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