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《 POV Joshua 》

It's the next day, and I wake up slowly, my eyes open and my head automatically turns to Jeonghan, he's still sleeping point blank, he's adorable like that, sleeping in one of my T-shirts, with one of my sweaters in his arms. I can't help but smile softly at the sight.

My hand comes to gently stroke his hair, and I shouldn't have done that, because my eldest starts to fidget, then grunt, and his eyes open...

" I'm sorry I woke you up. " I say simply

" That's okay, what time is it ? "

Very good question Jeonghan, I turn my back to him and grab my cell phone which was sitting on the bedside table, I turn it on and see that it's half past six, I'm not surprised, these are my wake-up times.

I turn back to Jeonghan and show him my cell phone, my eldest yawns and settles into a sitting position on the bed, I do the same and instinctively my arms come around his waist and my head joins his shoulder, I place a chaste kiss on his neck, I feel his body tingle. I always like to give him that effect.

" I still want to sleep. " he says in a tiny voice.

" You can if you want, personally I'll go to the fountain behind the house."

" Oh ? I've never seen it."

" Have you ever been behind the house ? "

" No."

" Well, there you go. "

Jeonghan laughs softly and I laugh with him, it's nice to wake up gently like this, if every morning could be like this, it would be amazing. I gently untie myself from Jeonghan and get out of bed.

Out of the corner of my eye I see my eldest doing the same. But there's no way he's going out like that - he'll get sick later, poor guy.

So I decide to take one of my sweaters and give it to him, then take my winter jacket and give it to him too. I'd just go with my summer jacket myself. Sure, it's warm during the day, but at night, before and after the sun goes down, it's still pretty cold.

I see Jeonghan take off his shirt, and I can really tell you that everything about him is perfect, inside and out - this young man is heaven on earth, and I'm glad I've stumbled across such a boy.

Once I've put on what I've given him, he comes to my side, I gently take his hand and that's how we leave the room to go and see the fountain. After a few minutes of walking, talking and laughing, we arrived in front of the fountain.

The sun is slowly rising, and it's magnificent as always. But today it's even more so, as Jeonghan accompanies me to watch the spectacle. Without warning, I calmly let go of his hand and leave him for a few seconds to press a button. I then return to my boyfriend's side and the scene is all the more magnificent.

" It's so beautiful." Jeonghan says, amazed

" It's my morning ritual, usually I do it alone."

" Tell me if I'm disturbing your ritual."

" I hadn't finished my sentence. Usually I do it alone, but it's all the more enjoyable when you're accompanied by the one for whom your heart beats faster. "

" It's all right, you've made up for it. "

I laugh softly and he does the same, slowly I come to stand behind him, my arms come around his waist, my head joins his shoulder like when we were in bed. And we stay in this position until the sun fully rises.

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