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《 POV Jeonghan 》

To put it simply, my name is Yoon Jeonghan, I'm twenty one years old and the only son in the Yoon family. My family is very highly placed in society, so I have manners to maintain when I see my own parents.
I say " parents " but I don't really have the impression that they're my parents, plus two other people who brought me into the world because they had no choice - they had to have a kid to take over the family business, didn't they ?

At the moment I'm in my establishment, sitting on a low wall watching people, yes I pass by, but recreated alone somewhere I tell myself it's better like that because this establishment is full of fake people, they only approach me to get free things at times I feel like the establishment's credit card, ah you think I refuse to pay those they wish ? No, I don't, otherwise my life would be even more disastrous than it already is, and frankly I don't want it to be.

I hear the bell ring, it's time for me to go to class, the day goes by rather quickly and I've finished an hour earlier than usual, at the moment I have to go home to talk business and the future of the company with my dear father, I don't feel like it but unfortunately I have no choice.

Just as I was starting to make my way home, in an unmotivated manner, I receive a blow on the head, I look far ahead, then nothing, absolutely nothing.

When I wake up, I'm tied to a chair, I look around and I can see a stranger, dressed completely in black only his neck tattoo is visible, at least that's all I can focus on, he's fucking gorgeous.

" Shua ?! He's woken up."

" I'll take care of it Kitten."

" Are you sure you won't need help ? "

" No don't worry he looks harmless I'll manage on my own. Kitten."

" As you wish, Shua. "

I don't understand anything, but when I say nothing it's really nothing. I try to free myself, but it's no use, the ties that hold me are far too strong.

I look towards the man in the same room as me, who's having fun with a knife.

" It's amazing, you don't say anything, you don't try to find out where you are, what we're going to do to you or anything. " Says the stranger

" If I ask you the questions, are you going to give me answers to them ? " I ask

" Of course not, just know that I hope it doesn't take long for your bastard father to come looking for you."

" You know he doesn't give a damn about me that-"

" Shut up, I don't want to hear you crying like a baby. "

" I wasn't going to squeal. "

" You were going to complain, that's even worse. "

No but he's hateful ! What's wrong with him ? I was just going to say that if they're really waiting for my dad to step in they'll be waiting a long time because he doesn't give a damn about me.

" Shua-ah ! "

" What, what do you want Cheol ? "

" We have to get Lee Jung Chan back, too, today. "

" Go get him with Vernon I'll stay here and take care of son Yoon."

" As you wish. "

So this is how I'm going to spend my days ? With psychopaths kidnapping kids, what a great life seriously.


Ay-yo everyone how are you ?
So Here I am with a new story, I really hope your going to like it <3

JiHan, ChanCheol, JunHao, MinWon, SoonHoon, VerKwan, Seokmin with a girl ~

And sorry the chapters are going to be a little bit short ..

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