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《 POV Joshua 》 > about two weeks later...

That's it I can finally go out, Jeonghan came to see me every day, in order to chat with me and I could really learn to discover him, he has a sweet and endearing personality.

I'll say it again but I really think I'm attached to him to the point of no return, the problem is I'm not in his head to him, so I don't know what's going on inside. Maybe he's just, you know, empathetic ?

Disappointed that his parents got us into this mess ? Um, I really don't know, it's very complicated sometimes, I think mind-reading would be really nice, but then I'd be invading people's privacy too much, so no, it's better to have only your own thoughts.

It's easy for me to ramble, fortunately my best friend brings me back to reality.

" Joshua ? "

" What's the matter, Cheol ? "

" You're not going to play with Jeonghan in the water."

" I can't swim."

" Ask him to teach you."

" Shame and then my scar hasn't healed properly yet. "

" Sit by the water at worst and talk, you need it. It's obvious that there's embers between you, just light the flame." Says Minghao, passing by

" Then you ! You're in no position to talk, because with Jun-"

" With Jun we've been together for three weeks. Thanks bye and go see Jeonghan ! "

Eh but this young man is really too rebellious fortunately he saved my life and I'm grateful to him because otherwise, no really I'd have been able to do nothing to him, I'm only capable of hurting my dummy.

You know, when shots rang out and I came back wounded, well, that's because I wasn't defending myself, I'm only mean with my words, otherwise I'm a nice, calm person. Well, when I have to be.

After some thought and several glances at my friends, I decided to go and see Jeonghan, who was having fun with Chan in the water. Their bursts of laughter reach my ears, making me smile. It's obvious now that I've got a thing for Jeonghan, because seeing him happy makes me happy.

" Channie-ya ! Come on, let's train ! " says Seungcheol

" I'm coming Cheollie-ya hyung ~ " replied Chan

I really wonder how these two managed to get together, it was such a bad start between them that Seungcheol really had the words to hold the little black-haired boy to his side.

He comes up to us, greets me gently and kisses Seungcheol on the lips. I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me to see my friends in a relationship. Of course, I'm very happy for them.

That's not the point, but I still feel a twinge of sadness because I'm alone, and I'd like to be in a relationship too, to know what it's like to be loved, helped and supported in a way that's different from friendship.

The more I turn this over in my head, the more I tell myself that only one person meets my criteria, and that person is right in front of my eyes right now with a smile that would compete with the sun. Yoon Jeonghan you're the one I'm looking for for sure.

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