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Double updat because the fifteen chapter is really short ~


《 No one POV 》

Once they'd arrived at their villa, the boys decided they deserved a good night's sleep as it hadn't been a restful evening, so that's how Cheol went off to sleep with Chan, Hansol went off with Seungkwan, Hao went off with Jun and of course Jeonghan went off with Joshua.

The two men lie in bed but don't sleep, one thinking too much about tomorrow and the other thinking about several things at once.

" Shua ? Are you asleep or not ? " asks Jeonghan

" No, I can't."

" Can I ask you some questions.? "

" Um."

" So your first name's Joshua, right ? Shua's just an alibi."

" Good point, Sherlock. Then you can call me Jisoo if you like, it's my Korean name. "

" Aren't you from around here ? What are the others called ? "

".I'm a basic American, so what ?
Cheol is Seungcheol. Vernon you might have heard is Hansol after Vernon is his first name too, he's like me American. Kitten is Jun, but you already know that. Hao is simply Minghao and Kwan is Seungkwan, but you've heard that too."

" I see, and how old are you ? "

" I'm twenty one, so is Cheol, Jun is twenty, Hao is nineteen, Hansol is eighteen and so is Kwan."

" Are we the same age ? Are you my hyung or not, it's been confusing me from the start. And if not, what happened ? Where's your friend you want back ? "

" I'm from December 30, and you ? He got caught up in human trafficking and these people are asking us for a substantial sum of money if we want to see Jihoon alive again."

" Ah, I'm older than you, I'm from October 4 ( Angel ~ ). I knew there was a reason for your actions."

" You know, basically we're just young people who want to follow their dreams. Some want to be singers, some rappers and some dancers."

" You're more into what ? "

" Singing. "

Jeonghan's eyes begin to shine, his back was to Joshua at first, but now his face is opposite that of his younger brother. With a simple glance, the youngest understands his elder's desire, so both boys get up from their beds and go outside. Joshua starts playing random music: "Sunday morning" by Maroon five.

The youngest puts himself at a decent distance from his eldest and slowly begins to sing over the soft melody, and Jeongin slowly begins to be entranced by the being before his eyes, his notes are so, so catchy, intoxicating.

After three minutes of singing, the brassy man stops, while Jeonghan keeps looking at his youngest son. Jeonghan smiles softly and approaches his elder, placing his hands on Jeonghan's shoulders once more. There's a deep attraction between the two, but neither moves to remove the millimeters that separate them.

" I'm going crazy." Joshua says

" Joshua, I'm not the only one feeling it I'm sure. "

" It's been a week since we met."

" You're not going to deny the fact that we're attracted to each other anyway ? "

" No, I'm not denying it, right now I want to kiss you especially since it might be the one and only time."

" Why do you say-"

Just like that, the copper-haired boy places his lips on his elder's, who, surprised at first, doesn't react, but finally, having really understood what's going on, returns the kiss to his younger brother. The kiss simply conveys what they feel for each other: desire.

After a few minutes of intense kissing, the youngest steps back and sighs.

" This may be the one and only, so I hope you enjoyed it. "

Then just like that, the copper-haired one walks away from the older one, off to a place Jeonghan doesn't know and doesn't feel like venturing there anyway his mind is too fuzzy to understand what's going on so he gives up and goes to bed, he can't wait to understand why his cadet said that to him when he wants him as much as he wants him...

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