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《 POV Jeonghan 》

Once I'd had breakfast, I was forced to separate from Chan as Shua took me by the wrist and led me into a room. We've been there for at least an hour and we're doing nothing, the atmosphere is so heavy it's becoming embarrassing. Suddenly, I hear a bang, startled out of my wits, and then Shua turns to me.

" Hide in a corner, I'll be right back, I've got things to do. Don't move from here, is that clear ? " says the copperhead.

His voice is much softer than usual, maybe to reassure me because he sees me trembling with fear ?

No, I've got to stop seeing him as nice, I've got to get it into my head that he's an asshole. An coward, a... I've run out of words.

Anyway, I do as he says and hide under the desk in the room, waiting patiently for Shua to come back, I don't know why I'm waiting for him, I could find a way to escape but I don't feel like it.

At last, time is really starting to slow down, in other words, I'm bored, so I get out from under the table and come face to face with Shot ? I think that's it, it's a really funny name though.

" Why are you here all alone ? " he asks.

" Shua told me to wait here."

" He still has problems to deal with. "

At the end of this sentence another blow sounded, it was much more violent than the previous one, I startled again. I see Shot laughing at me, how nice of him ! Can't he just comfort me ? Or I don't know.

" If you stay here long, you'll soon get used to gunshots, hyung " Shot says to me with mockery in his voice.

So those were gunshots ringing out ? In the end, I'm not all that surprised, given that whoever's watching me plays with knives, a gun seems inevitable here.

" Wait, Shot ? Is that right ? How old are you, you call me hyung so..." I ask

" Ah my age, well I don't know if-"

Suddenly, the door opens on Shua, who's breathing heavily and blood is dripping down his arm. Shot is immediately concerned for him, and approaches him to sit down beside him.

" Jeonghan, is it ? Bring the care case, under the desk please. "

I comply without flinching, it's funny even though I was under it five minutes ago I hadn't noticed there was a first-aid kit, but in the end I take no time in finding it, once I have it in hand I bring it to Shot.

Shot has rolled up Shua's sleeve, and the sight is horrifying. The wound is immense, and my heart pinches at the sight. Why do I even feel empathy ?

" Shua, it's really getting too dangerous here."

" It has been for years, kitten. I remind you, we're doing this to get our friend back. "

Whoa, what ? I really don't understand what kind of thing is that to get someone back ?

My questions fuse in my brain as Shua's grunts of pain grow louder. Poor guy, yes, I'm still human, I feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for the man who kidnapped me, I'm going to end up believing I'm completely insane myself.

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